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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I believe that was Gracies Intention, while all too often incidents are reported, we forget that for every incident there are hundreds of lack of incidents, so a skewed picture often results on any type of forum. for example a volvo forum I post on has posts asking how to fix this problem or that problem (though since it is a volvo forum, its not often there are more than a post each day so it is quite quiet) then you get someone coming from another type of car forum asking why its so quiet.
  2. ok, I will chip in with the lovely gentleman in may, who helped me walk my boat past his from the moorings in cockshoot dyke when i didnt have the space to turn at the end and was struggling to get steerage way in reverse in the space available.
  3. no, must be before my time - Grandad
  4. back from the days when we had lsd for money (well the 70's soon changed that).
  5. as MM would say he's Bob Shilling, a well known accountant.
  6. surely 12 1/2p rather than 25p, 25p is five bob
  7. our old oven had a timer and a little knob, every time we went near the oven the little knob managed to get pushed so in the end it was removed as it never was used.
  8. more especially since I recieved a text message from my bank saying they will be doing essential maintenance on this coming sunday, which meands they say that while i will still be able to withdraw cash from their machines that online banking, pingit, and their apps wont be working and that some payments may be declined between 11.30pm on saturday to 3.30pm sunday - what if that was the only day i was going to be able to go shopping, and I got to the till and the card was declined - just leave it in the trolly and come back at 3.30 pm? for those that dont do cash this would be a tricky obstacle, I always like to have some cash in hand, but then I am considered old fashioned. a taste of things to come I think.
  9. my day, (well most of my weekend really) was spent doing astronomy, we had to show 850 guides (over 2 days) Mars and the sun, for mars (and as it was daytime and mars is now round behind the sun) we took an image one of our local astronomers had taken and fixed it to a tree some 30 yards from where we set up, we then had a telescope focussed on this so the brownies and guides could look at the planet. we had a telescope projecting an image of the sun onto a sheet of paper (this was very popular as we also showed what would happen to your eye should you look at the sun through a telescope, it was here that we realised all brownies and guides must be pyromaniacs as they instantly went and found leaves to set fire to when they saw this. saturday was very hot and sunday a bit cooler (with cloud, not helping the solar observing) though we were lucky to keep the girls attention on the telescopes as a naked protest bicycle ride went past at one point. an enjoyable couple of days teaching the young ladies about mars as part of a much bigger guide event, but well worth the effort if they have learned just one thing from it all.
  10. I think this is the route he means.
  11. Ah seems to be a forum glitch, I have found your topic - but the forum tells me there is an error - to be fair I have only seen this happen once before while I have been on the tech team, so its a rare forum hiccup, have a try at reposting and everything should work next time ( i hope), it may take a few hours to appear as everyone has their first few posts on moderator approval to avoid spammers, so it has to wait until a mod comes online and approve it.
  12. I'm not sure, I am hunting for your post, but cannot find it, the forum software tells me it doesnt exist, as far as I can tell none of the moderators have removed it, and you havent upset anyone. it is possible that you posted before your account was properly set up so the original post may have vanished. I do see a notification email, but that doesnt take me to the post as it should, best bet is to re post your topic.
  13. MM more than you would imagine...
  14. you could try some of the smaller yards, Marthams still hire out to solo hirers, so may well hire to a single parent and child, give them a ring and talk to them, there are other small yards that might well if you talk to them.
  15. ah, obviously not the ones I have had then
  16. well I was the winner tonight, however as we have team building in the middle of london next week and it doesnt finish until 5pm, I wont be able to guarantee getting back in time, so hopefully Steve will stand in for me (if he can make it) Thanks Steve
  17. grendel

    Heading South

    you can always tell a good chippie by the length of the queue, if its good and long its generally a good chippie, if its short, ask yourself why.
  18. have you ever tried just flicking the engine on -on a Martham boat, or Quietly and thats not to mention the cloud of smoke on startup. great boats but the engines are nearly as old as the boats.
  19. dont worry, there will come a point where you qualify for unlimited likes a day
  20. grendel

    Heading South

    if you look at the image capture date on google, the bottom one is 2012, and the top 2018.
  21. grendel

    Heading South

    isnt that the same one with different names on it.
  22. just for you I have pushed the limit up to 15.
  23. have a try now, I have added a few to the limit.
  24. the rolling limit is set to 10 at the moment. maybe give it a while and you will be able to like some more.
  25. I will have a look, for you, there are limits to how many can be allocated daily, but that daily is a rolling 24 hours, so maybe you used a few yesterday afternoon, and have run out - but I will find out for you.
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