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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Now someone wanted pictures, so I went ahead and took some, then the doh moment, camera tablet, so I took a few more to keep you going. Oops last one is a bit dark, but shows how airy it is when you take the screens out and open up the hatch.model #2makesvan appearance on the shelf above the engine, just made to fit.
  2. Yes and yes, good job I swim like a fish (under the water), the important thing is not to panic and form a plan of action, once it was apparent I wasn't going to manage on my own with towing the dinghy ashore, it became a matter of getting me safe, which I managed, those ashore then spotted a slipway that would make it easier to get out. Probably the reason I didn't inflate the lifejacket was more to do with the fact that I didn't feel in difficulty, and that it would have hampered my efforts to get to the bank. All I lost was a bit of pride, and a nice set of wheels. (For moving the boat on land) . Marthams didn't turn a hair when I returned looking like a wet dishcloth, I guess with the sailing and paddle boards they must be used to it by now.
  3. Well talking of that bridge I asked the yard what Jayne 2's air draft was, answer not sure, she's been out of the water 4 years and they had rebuilt the sides and upper work, got to the bridge, 5 foot 10 (being generous, you could only just see the quarter mark,) anyway the guys weren't worried, they even let the young lad take her through, with about 2" to spare, so she must be about the lowest in their fleet.
  4. It may just be a very quiet pump, you can't hear the bilge pumps running, just the slosh of water outside.
  5. It's emptied itself somehow, either it's a totally silent pump or gravity was involved.
  6. Well that was nice, a nice warm shower, hmm when I switch the shower pump on - nothing, and I can't call the yard as I don't have a working phone, will sort it once I get to beccles.
  7. Give us a chance, I am thinking a shower is called for, there is a distinct odour of eau de thurne.
  8. I think they are still using up a big roll of curtain material.
  9. This Jayne has been out of the water for 4 years and has just been rebuilt and craned in this morning, work finally finished about 2.30, and was still occuring as I was loading aboard, Brendon crossing was out, due to the late start, but as soon as the toilet roll holder had been fitted it was time to go. Currently moored up at Stracey arms, ready to head through on the morning low. Bilge pump is kicking in occasionally.
  10. Ok so Jayne (the original one) is out of the water, and I have been given Jayne 2 for her maiden voyage, she was craned back in this morning, when I arrived they were still installing fittings and they were still snagging as I loaded the boat. While I was waiting I took the dinghy up the river, what a cantankerous craft, then the outboard stalled right opposite candle dyke. I went to the back to start it, this was a mistake as I now only have a couple of inches freeboard, the motor started perfectly, unfortunately pointing sideways, a quick 180 and the transom went under, she went down outboard first all the way to the bottom, I was now swimming.at first I tried to tow the boat to the bank, no dice so I left it and got me to the bank using 2 oars as flotation, eventually getting out with some assistance at a slipway bto one of the cottages, with some help from a couple of gents at the cottages, one then got his dinghy and went looking for the wheels I had used for moving the dinghy. No luck, we also spotted that somewhere in all this the bottom seam had come open and was leaking, so it's sitting on the roof of the car waiting to hear home, my phone is dead, and the contents of my wallet are spread out to dry.
  11. car loaded, boats loaded 1 inside, 1 on the roof, just checking traffic then will be on the move,
  12. I wondered why she wasnt on hire this last week, sprucing the old girl up ready for the wooden boat show i guess.
  13. as long as there is 6 foot there tomorrow to get jayne through.
  14. there is a contact email address to be found on this page of his site, http://norfolk.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Generic_Craft_Designs i would recommend sending him an email with any amendments or updates / pictures you wish to add.
  15. sounds like it should be renamed the slownet race.
  16. for really tight areas consider using a stanley knife blade as a scraper, the trouble is you would really want a square end not a point, maybe a broken blade?
  17. I would consider a scraper of some sort., not the classic paint scraper, but a shipwrights one, these are heavier duty, that and the heat gun
  18. who will buy it for him with his own money...
  19. I was thinking of the biblical quote.
  20. he's probably worn out reverse going under bridges.
  21. Tuesday, she will be tripping along on my heels while I am aboard Jayne.
  22. the problem is bank records only go back 6 years readily available, so anything before that is buried in their archives, and i guess would take a bit of hunting out, i dont think they can just punch a query into a database and get the answer, besides i think people are just fed up of everyone saying to check your ppi by now. besides i did all mine about 5 years back just by writing to the banks in question.
  23. have they seen any camels?
  24. I think at this stage if you put a claim in they just take a guess at how much and give you some money to make you go away.
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