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Everything posted by grendel

  1. you are quite right, but unfortunately there are individuals who make a point of attacking anyone who they feel is 'different' , I suppose in this i would exhibit the typical American religious group response that use their religion to attack anyone who they feel departs from their code of morals, and who are particularly active against LGBT individuals. rather than treating them as people with different views, they attack and denigrate them, I guess this is why the LGBT community feel obliged to stand up in their defence of their sexuality. Slowly the world is changing to accept people for what they are, but as long as there are bigots and racists out there, there will be others who feel they have to stand up and shout their differences to all. Companies should not have to make statements saying they are pro this, anti that, It should be a matter of course that these things are taken as read, but the world hasnt quite reached that equilibrium just yet. * I use the American example as these groups seem to exhibit the excessive attitudes I mention above, but really it is any group or individuals who attack others actions and beliefs.
  2. Actually that isnt the direction we are headed, eventually all natural gas appliances will be converted to run on hydrogen, and the gas pipes will contain hydrogen, that is the position we are looking at going forward, but that may still be some time in the future as they have to make the delivery systems idiot proof before we get houses exploding left right and centre.
  3. this is for lead acid batteries, some heavy duty ones can withstand a deeper discharge, and other chemistry batteries can be discharged lower before recharge without damage, (I think Robin delved deeply into this on one of his videos when he was looking at various batteries.)
  4. a 1 kw heater uses about 4.2A at 240V, at 12v that is 83A, on a standard 110AH Battery that will drop the batterry chage below the 50% minimum reccomended in under an hour - in the hour it will take the battery down to about 25% charge (about 11.6V), at this level when charged it wont recover to its full 100% capacity (you may get away with it once if you are very lucky).
  5. I do have the advantage of access to the local electricity network cable records, but that apart, there is a website called linesearchbeforeyoudig, that will give you access to records of underground services if you put a search in for your property, a query on there will return a comprehensive response from all the local utility providers, plus will provide a list of non participating providers with contact details. this is pretty much an essential step if you are doing any digging deeper than a spade length to indicate where to go carefully.
  6. maybe they will reword it as no stag or hen parties.
  7. Oldgregg, I think that most people dont think about the power consumption of various devices, they just plug them in and use them, as an example at home I have a 64A supply, i considered installing a 10kW power shower (about 42A required), then looked at the supply cables and realised that if three houses used a power shower at the same time, the main power cable supplying our 16 houses would be at its maximum add in the normal useage of the remaining houses and you would risk the cable burning out. its amazing being in the industry so to speak, how some of the cable installations from even as recently as the mid 70's and early 80's were underdesigned to the point they can be overloaded so easily with modern usage. I wonder just how many people investigate the supply network when considering new appliances.
  8. well i suppose unlike that other vote, with the vote so close they chose to retain the status quo and not change anything. (and thats as close as i am daring to get on politics).
  9. having read the article, I think you may have interpreted some of the wording differently to me Vaughan, I dont think there was a clear suggestion that rural areas are homophobic or racist, just that he had heard someone express the fear that they might be. to me the statement was that anyone who considered themselves to be homophobic or racist should think about booking elsewhere as the company were promoting inclusivism, ie if you want to complain to the company in a racist or homophobic slant about other peoples activities or race at the holiday venue, then you shouldnt have booked with them in the first place, as they have warned you. its about being inclusive in their advertising. I think that people who live and work in london are so inclusive nowadays, that such a melting pot of all the extremes that society could bring together, that racism and homophobia are diluted down to a small few, it would be natural for those within that mix therefore to see anywhere where this cultural mix isnt predominant with a degree of trepidation - much as someone from a remote rural area might view London as a crowded and scarey place. To me people are people and thats where it stops. everyone has as much right to be treated well as anyone else, as long as that works both ways , we should all get on well enough.
  10. I think a lot of the problems with the blue boxes is down to regular cleaning and maintenance, they can be quite useable if regularly cleaned and respected by the users. others encountered on sites have been decidedly unfriendly.
  11. That said I do see your point, they can ban customers that have exhibited such behaviour on previous visits, but how can they tell beforehand, maybe this just gives them another control measure / reason to be able to evict someone who exhibits these forms of unreasonable behaviour while on hire. Though I do see that if that person then asked to be forgotten under GPDR they would have to erase their details and would no longer be able to hold their details to enforce a ban.
  12. Maybe there is a simpler way to deter that genre of users, simply have rainbow stripes on the company logo and clearly on all of the boats.
  13. is that because he is in the pub?
  14. grendel


    chasing a picnic nicking bear called yogi?
  15. OBB, you inform her, but tell her its perfectly OK as her window is only visible from your house.
  16. oops looks like someone dropped the ball there, planning dredging works at the same time as the racing - unless that is the two things are in different areas of the broad? so while there is a restriction from one thing there might as well be a restriction for both?
  17. what about that dyke he wanted clearing of weeds off Oulton?
  18. its a shortcut across the corner (actually its probably about the same distance as going on the main river) but it does look like a nice backwater to mudweight in.
  19. i have only been through it once, and probably in the other direction (toward Coltishall), but with a Martham boat, you can normally get to those places that you dont normally get to see very often.
  20. is it that little broad off of hoveton viaduct
  21. about as much as the rumor Tims buying a quant.
  22. at the very least they need a lick of paint, it cannot be good for them to sit rusting, if the state of the paintwork is an indication of the general level of repair, then its no wonder they keep breaking down.
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