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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I thought it was a mooring that 'did' beer
  2. I nearly had one last night, - not in Norfolk, but pulling on from a slip road onto the A127, and there was a gap in the headlights so i pulled over, narrowly missing the car that was happily driving in the dark with no headlights on, last seen still with no headlights on heading for the M25 northbound (thank goodness I was headed for southbound)
  3. and there was me thinking it was all the fault of the drivers that couldnt be bothered to pay attention to the roads and drove too fast.
  4. https://www.argos.co.uk/product/7967380 looks like you can get something like it at Argos https://www.amazon.co.uk/Warmies-Extra-Bottle-Nordic-Snowflake/dp/B01M984OCW or Amazon
  5. I will let you know when this southern softie requires a hot water bottle, it will probably be after I stop wearing shorts for the year, maybe 32nd December, of course come 1st january it will be once again deemed warm enough for shorts.
  6. oh, taps are no problem, i have taps and dies all the way down to 12BA, as well as a full set of whitworth from 1" down, and a full set of metric, so thats not a problem.
  7. no - looking for an equivalent thread to 9BA for connecting meccano spring drive bands
  8. at the moment too busy trying to find some 9ba threaded rod - or 9BA screws.
  9. Tim, i can recomend the talking pictures channel, old films and series from the 60's and early 70's. added bonus - for most of the programs you would only need a black and white licence.
  10. I believe there were issues with the company that did the clothing which was why we stopped doing it.
  11. stay an extra night and have a long weekend?
  12. oops maybe we should have moved it to the jokes section
  13. if you wish for more in depth answer, here is a thread discussing it this thread does go on for a few pages, so I suggest a cup of cocoa and bedroom slippers might be a good start before sitting down to reading it. (oh and some blood pressure pills if you are easily upset)
  14. well there is a long answer, or just the standard short one that is the Norfolk broads can be referred to as a national park for advertising and publicity purposes. at the end of the day it all comes down to the fact that unlike other national parks the broads Authority have an additional purpose of maintaining the navigation, and the conflicts of interests where this purpose comes into conflict with the purposes of a national park.
  15. it needs a none of the above voting option on the voting slip.
  16. it must be something in the water - turns everything brown
  17. i think the word they may have been looking for was chaos, when there is an emergency the emergency services dont hang around to do perfect parking as their priority is getting to the casualty
  18. the big problem is where power lines go through woods, when the wind gets up the trees can either swing over to the wires causing them to touch one another, or branches can fall and break the lines, keeping the lines through woodland clear is a full time occupation with teams of guys with chainsaws removing branches etc that might fall and keeping the lanes through the trees clear. in clearer countryside large birds such as swans and geese are more a problem, flying into the lines near lakes as they land or take off.
  19. It's all part of the hand made character of the piece.
  20. i find myself in agreement with Maurice Mynah, steer towards the bank (i too would run a bow line to a post, or wedge the nose into a corner (Horsey mill dyke)), forward to kick the stern out, then reverse out into the river and forward again to straighten up, even if it means getting the stern at right angles to the bank before reversing straight into the wind. it can be difficult without the bow rope to stop the boat skittering along the quay heading, I am fortunate that the boats I tend to choose are easier to control a bow rope single handed. but half the art is in preparation before you unmoor and knowing what you plan to do to achieve the result you want.
  21. Nowadays its all about customer minutes lost, once the figure exceeds a certain number (dont ask me what that is) then the electricity supply company are charged by the regulator, so for example a single sainsburys store is a single customer and the electricity company would have longer to get them back on supply than the same equivalent load lost on 1000 individual houses (that are racking up the minutes lost by the thousand) this is one reason that my company dont allow the use of larger transformers than 1MVA (1000 KW) as if a transformer faults it keeps the minutes lost numbers down and 1MVA transformers are plentiful, whereas larger ones might have to be built to order. the other reason is that generators are available with sufficient output, so when a transformer fails a generator is put in place to get the customers back on supply, while the emergency team replace the faulty equipment. in congested areas such as london, there is a facility to link areas via the LV network to get customers back on supply, but this relies on spare capacity at the transformer (and is why we would rarely load a transformer much above 90% of its nominal capacity, the transformer can be run at 110% capacity for a short time, thus allowing 20% to be used to feed a neighbouring area)
  22. when we went there on lads week we filled the end 4 moorings up by the mill before the corner, easy enough to reverse out from there.
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