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Everything posted by grendel

  1. ok so window glazing, after looking around for clear plastics, my eyes settled on a stack of cd cases, so for an experiment the first two windows have been cut out of a clear cd case front
  2. I am working with a decent hardwood, this is all made from burmese teak from the couple of pieces Charlie gave me for the model, its amazing how far a 2 foot length 6" x 1 1/2" goes when converted down into pieces only a few mm thick.
  3. work has been progressing and the toe rails are all complete now, the boat was turned around for the second side, on to the next task, for this one it is woodwork on a miniscule scale, window hoppers, one done bar the glazing. opposite side hopper just needs fitting.
  4. I would think that originally the purchase might have seemed a bit of a bargain, and the assurance that the engine would be fine at slower speeds may have sold the deal, but at the end of the day, changing to the new engine does seem to be the sensible option. when you have budgetry constraints you might make decisions that turn out not as good as they originally seem.
  5. how about the greyhound at hickling, i seem to remember sport on there when i visited
  6. in two days 11 hours and 18 minutes it wont be an issue
  7. I have to admit my preference is Lidl as it is easier to get to and park at lidls from my house.
  8. Thanks for that we will edit the listing, its always difficult to keep these things up to date.
  9. I thought that new bow thruster looked a bit strange
  10. if you have ever had to work in a unix / linux computer environment where every letter has to be the correct case too or it wont recognise it, you will understand why you have to be very careful when checking these things, plus I am an ex drawing office manager where pattern recognition goes a long way toward making sure things are correct when checking users drawings, I used to be able to spot there was an error in a drawing at a glance, but then sometimes took me an hour or more to find what it actually was. (like spotting a misplaced decimal point on a whole schematic drawing).
  11. I have just done a test, and using the http version does get you to the right (secure) page, but if your computer remembers cached information from the non secure version, maybe that is where the conflict occurs. I dont have a cached version I can test (I used a different browser on my work machine to test this which doesnt have a cached version of the site) so it may well be the non secure address that is causing the issue when it redirects to the secure site pages.
  12. your bookmark is missing the s in https which indicates the site is a secure site. this may be why replacing the bookmark has worked for others. -https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com
  13. A firemans hose (and other innuendo) by J.Fire
  14. you can view it in tablet mode on a pc f12 then ctrl+shift+m
  15. The saxon and roman archaology of the great broads flood plain by Prof Timbo The art of Zen Diesel Engine Maintenance By Prof Timbo the memoirs and exploits of Uncle Albert by Prof Timbo Lost (again) By Dylan the ships beagle Broads etiquette By Gracie
  16. work pc's are generally set to clear the cache daily on shutdown, as this ensures it dont get too many calls.
  17. unfortunately its the way browsers work that is the problem, we have applied a software upgrade, so the forum software is looking for certain files and routines as it loads a page. Internet browsers try and be clever by remembering parts of a page that generally remain the same from visit to visit, unfortunately they remember bits even when they have been changed by an upgrade, thus they try and load the old version (that no longer works). not keeping the software up to date is not an option, as it is upgraded to close off security loopholes that enable hackers to access the site and break things behind the scenes, once a vulnerability has been found, the forum software needs to have an upgrade to block up the loophole, so we cant just not update it. the way around this is to clear the cache your machine holds for that webpage (this doesnt mean just clearing your history). on chrome you would need to go to the 3 dots to get to the menu (other browsers have something looking like a gear wheel), select settings and then advanced settings to get to the clear browsing data page, then you could just select clear cached images and files (this should enable you to not have to lose all of the important login information from other sites. Generally your browser will do a fresh download of the files every so often to ensure it is using the correct data, so we anticipate that this problem will resolve itself with time. Unfortunately as its not a problem with the forum directly there is not a lot that we can do at this end to resolve this other than as we have already done, ie - encourage you to try clearing your cach. If in doubt google for your specific browser- clear cache
  18. thats to encourage you to take your own bag, and if you forget your bag, take off your string vest and knot the end and use the arm holes for handles
  19. Jay, why would you want to clean a caravan while you are out on a boat?
  20. It probably all comes out of the same fields in the long run
  21. Hylander, as far as i can see your access rights are all working properly, so you should be able to see all of the forum, when you say you can get this far, can you see the technical help section but none of the rest of the forum? or are you still getting the error message coming up?
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