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Everything posted by grendel

  1. They were great as they were without any additional additives, fresh bread still warm from the other needs nothing else.
  2. Plus Vaughan and Wussername
  3. The perfect thing for breakfast, hot rolls, fresh out of the oven
  4. I'm in Judith 5 somewhere in the middle.
  5. I was talking with a ranger yesterday and he said it was due to be dredged later this year, but the dredging priorities go to places with the higher traffic, I suppose when you have a limited budget, dredging somewhere that gets 30 boats a day gets priority over somewhere that gets 2 or 3 a day, so for example meadow dyke would get priority over catfield.
  6. Morning Jeff,is that you just leaving?
  7. Ah well, that's how life goes sometimes, we wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you next year, or whenever we next meet up. Take care.
  8. The salhouse gathering
  9. Currently up and moored at Ranworth island, along with some great company, small boat sized gatherings and chin wagging were the order of the evening, good company with drinks, many thanks go to Malanka who came equipped with cider and ice, that went down smoothly. The only thing I will say about Judith is if you pop into the back cabin as you meander along the rivers, and if you are a six foot plus like me, don't forget to duck coming back out, I forgot Wednesday, luckily I was wearing a hat, but even that didn't save my head. Judith is good at maintaining a heading if you leave the wheel. Of course after this I had to then pop into the front cabin for some kitchen roll to pad up to stop the bleeding, but hey, the joys of being tall.
  10. I saw her there when I went by yesterday.
  11. Strangely enough I noticed that above the bridge at potter nearly every third boat had numbers placed within the regulations, but not the guidelines, one boat that just about complied with the guidelines had the numbers within 2m of the bow, about 1m from the stern of the 3m boat.
  12. I have the autocorrect on this tablet Ranworth
  13. Polly and I are currently mudweighted in South walsham, taking a break while the rain passed over, we will probably head to Tamworth once we all wake up.
  14. I was in a Judith, at 6'7" on the guage I went through with easily 6" or more to spare - that was just after 8am this morning. 7'6" at wroxham was a breeze, I could have been a couple of foot off centre and still made it.
  15. Finally somewhere near horning where I can get internet, so today I went all the way to wroxham, took myself through the bridge (martham don't require a pilot for any other than potter) at 7'6" there was tons of room for Judith. After a quick shopping trip into Roy's to get some long legged trousers and save my poor pink legs from getting even more burnt, Then it was up to the end of the navigation at coltishall. Turn around and back again as we had booked moorings and food at the new Inn. Once back in horning I was a bit early, so went on to cockshoot dyke where I moored up for a cup of coffee and a trip to the rest room
  16. Just passed under wroxham bridge and moored up- no pilot needed, tons of room, popping into town for a look around.
  17. A picture, you can see it's low by the line on the bridge
  18. 6'6" on the market boards.
  19. Now awaiting passage through potter Brigham bridge.
  20. Well yesterday's choice of moorings was by horsey mill, they have completed the heading work here and very nice the new bits are. After mooring up about 1.30pm it was out for a sail on Lydia with Polly, a couple of hours jinking around horsey mere. I did get slightly wet when I was standing in the wrong place as the mudweight was deployed for raising sail. The evening was passed in a convivial atmosphere as we dined at the Nelson's head, they do a nice bangers and mash. An early start this morning as I want to get through potter as soon as the yard opens. As for turning in horsey dyke, go to the corner, (stick your nose in by the white post,) and a Judith can just get round . Be aware if you are even a few inches longer you won't make it.
  21. Even the chap who takes the mooring fees was dubious, but get the nose into the v at the corner, and there is about 6" clear at the stern, someone holding the bow rope is handy.
  22. Ah ok me getting muddled , yes 34 foot, I was thinking 2 foot longer than Janet. There was about 6" to spare, stick the nose into the corner and kick the stern round.
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