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Everything posted by grendel

  1. capture them all and send them to Chris Packham?
  2. just you wait until they put a roundabout next to the racecourse on salhouse road
  3. I dont think the software likes spaces, or certain punctuation items either, if you put the username you wish to use in the search it should find any other instances, otherwise pm me the username you wish to change to and I will see if I can find why it wont allow it.
  4. i went on the tom tom site and there was an update to prevent failure, but it told me mine was fine.
  5. actually if what we think happened really did, the bin men were fed up of having to take the inset smaller bins out of the top of the wheelie bins, so we think one week they did just that, went round and dumped the recycleables in the lorry, inserts and all.
  6. if you are going to be coming back to the boat after dark - take a torch, the path back to the staithe takes sudden right angles, and one step too many = splash
  7. we have inserts in our bins to segregate the paper and card- well we did until someone came along and stole all of the inserts
  8. I just have 2 words - Milk bottles they used to be glass, the milk company would come and take them from your front door, they would then be washed and returned full of new fresh milk. now we have few proper milkmen, bottles are plastic (I suppose glass breaks and is a health and safety hazard), thousands of milk containers get thrown. a lot of councils wont accept glass in the recycling (that safety hazard yet again) yet it is the one material that is almost infinitely recyclable.
  9. Bella the easy way to attach pictures is just drag and drop into the box below the bit where you type your message. (that is using a standard browser rather than one of our apps.
  10. grendel


    Also think that some people might need that temporary employment at that time in the year, Norfolk probably has a large amount of seasonal work, even within the boating industry there are many, from the cleaners who only work while boats are being hired, to the ba rangers who man the yacht stations, so out of season these people will require employment.
  11. to be fair putting the roof up single handed wasnt easy, but it was doable, but most of the time I travelled everywhere with the roof down, just putting it up at night.
  12. grendel


    probably when the little man who types out by hand all of the toll emails, then manually inputs the paid tolls into the database retires.
  13. I get the choice of 6 berths to sleep in instead of just 2
  14. sit back, relax with a glass of wine and a tube of pringles
  15. eating a tube of Pringles maybe?
  16. well just got the phone call, please amend me to Judith (upgrade courtesy of Martham Boats) , Jayne wont be ready in time (again), at this rate if I book Jayne for the meet each year I may well get to try every boat Martham Boats have.
  17. would this be related to the recent edp article about ludham residents having to go dirty due to water supply problems
  18. grendel

    River Bure

    much the same as Candle / Kendal dyke, changes name through the years
  19. grendel

    River Bure

    a bit like the stour in Kent, depending where upon it you live it can be the stoor - or elsewhere the stower
  20. except the poster says saturday 4th of may and you say saturday 6th of may- according to my Calendar its the 4th, or are we talking Norfolk time again.
  21. just for proof bruise picture taken this morning, to be fair I didnt find this until later yesterday, I do know when I did it, when I missed footing on a beam across the engine bay with my elbow and managed to land on my shoulder (I was lying across an open hole at the time getting close up and intimate with the new heater.
  22. I have the bruises to prove it too (having arms like an orangutan helps too)
  23. probably the file extension, some phones save them with different extensions, when you copy it over the file extension is amended to jpg. then it loads.
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