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Everything posted by grendel

  1. tonight was the night to trim the windows, so rather than struggle the hinge pins were knocked out and the windows cut down and sanded.
  2. I always thought the gps got its time and date from the satellites.
  3. I do remember helming one of the jewel of lights with a little trepidation as we crossed Breydon Last year heading south, but that may have been because we were 4 abreast in the channel and I was on the end near the marker posts with not a lot of leeway to edge away from them, and the JoL at the other end had cut the corner somewhat with 3 boats between him and the posts.
  4. would that be a narwhale as as far as I remember unicorns dont react well to salt water.
  5. I guess it all started with facebook and people posting pictures of boats aground and stuck under the bridges at Breydon. mind you - that said I dont think its a new thing, in Arthur Ransomes coot club, young tom was worried about getting there too early, and once he had turned to beat upstream while waiting, was then worried if he had enough wind to beat against the tide, so obviously an issue then too with unassisted sailing craft.
  6. Ah but on the M25 the speed limit shown is a mere aspiration, rarely can you do more than half the stated speed.
  7. Ah I see - the green electricity would cost the earth. with 3 phase you could charge different rates for Black,Brown and grey phase colours, a standard rate for blue neutral energy and charge the earth for the green yellow electricity
  8. I currently pay £3.75 for 5 litres of non fossil fuel for my car - yes asda had sunflower oil on special reduction at £3.75 for 5 litres, I treated my car to a double dose (10 litres) this tank full as it is warming up, I also had another 2 5 litre bottles at £4.29 from lidls (I went there first) and noticed that sainsburys have a deal on sunflower oil at £4 for 5 litres. as you are allowed to use up to 2500 litres a year without upsetting the tax man, I intend to make sure i get my cheap non fossil fuel allowance in. Interestingly although the targets are set to replace fossil fuels, and natural gas is one of those, as my company works in this field as well as electricity, we had some news shared recently, although natural gas will be phased out, the majority of gas heating (I believe this was mentioned when we went off thread elsewhere) will remain, the majority of gas pipework in this country is safe for the transmission of hydrogen, and hydrogen is being investigated to replace natural gas, it would require (in much the same way as the conversion to natural gas did) the replacement of the burners in appliances. but the majority of gas appliances can run on hydrogen. Trials are currently under way to ensure the safety in the transmission and use of hydrogen gas, but it certainly looks like the majority of gas users wont be forced to change to a more expensive electric heating option.
  9. last year was a good year for Potter Heigham, a long dry summer led to unusually low levels, and even then I think the best recorded was 6 foot 8 inches, we were lucky as we had to get Royal Tudor under to get her back to the right side of the bridge from the work that had been done at Martham boatyard, we went through with 6 foot 7" showing on the bridge and had a full half inch to spare. 7 foot, - well depending upon the shape of the boat, and the accuracy that the quoted headroom is in actuality, the yard may have quoted a few inches higher than needed, the bridge board gauges may well be slightly out too, the best bet is to contact the bridge pilots and ask, they know all of the boats and whether they can get through and exactly what height they need, in reality at potter heigham it is the width of the boat that determines whether it will pass easily, Martham boats are all narrower so can more regularly pass through the bridge (I was taken through on Janet 3 at 5 foot 11 inches on the gauge boards) but was told she needed 6 foot 3 inches at other bridges (I was told if the gauges showed 6 foot 3 I could take her through any other bridge. Marthams is one of the few yards that dont require the pilot to take you through Wroxham.
  10. I use Martham, two reasons mainly - it gets me above 'that' bridge, and I love being on a woody with only basic luxuries (like a fridge)
  11. it is at this point I admit to messing up - yes I forgot that the sides slope in, so made the frame edges vertical on the outside, after realising my error I had to figure how to resolve this, I need to cut some wood from the outside of the frame, at an angle, so to keep the frame width constant, a sliver has to be added inside, tonight those slivers have been measured up, cut and sanded to shape, and then fitted. its not a great deal, but its got to be right, next to cut the slope off(once the glue is dry
  12. The WRC have posted the following announcement, now while we cannot allow advertising we can allow the announcement so above are the announcement parts of the post, with the advertising parts taken out, I am sure all of you can figure out how to contact them yourselves
  13. you can drag and drop into the area where it says choose file normally.
  14. well, the second time period coincides with low tide, and I dont think Martham boatyard hires out with a Monday start.
  15. I like my volvo, although its tight and you cant see what you are doing, its just a few minutes driver side, passenger side a bit longer as the battery restricts access.
  16. yes thats the sort of thing. we have been brainwashed into thinking wd 40 is a cure all, WD stands for water dispersant, and yes it does a good job in the short term, but a long term lubricant it is not. it does penetrate and ease rusted bolts, but a proper penetrating oil will do it a lot quicker and with a lot less swearing, I once soaked a bolt in wd 40 overnight - in the morning still no joy, I went out and bought a proper penetrating oil, quick spray, went away, had a coffee and when I came back the nut came off sweet as anything. if you want a can of stuff that does a general reasonable job for a lot of applications then wd 40 is your tool, but if you want a specific lubricating function, the dedicated sprays for that purpose do the job a lot better. https://lifehacker.com/when-should-i-not-use-wd-40-5891936 https://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/how-to/a6064/wd-40-vs-the-world-of-lubricants/
  17. or pay the small charge that halfords charge to fit the bulbs and let them have the hassle.
  18. I would spray it with a 3 in 1 oil, rather than wd 40, wd 40 evaporates and dries out way too quickly to give a lasting lubrication.
  19. nothing wrong with being proud of your boat, but it takes all sorts to make this world spin, we like seeing pictures of boats.
  20. the volvo is not too bad as it is behind the glove compartment, simply undo the 4 screws holding that on and you can sit in comfort and undo the connector and 3 bolts holding the fan in place.
  21. to be fair, most cars air blowers will wear out at around 15 years, I have had to replace several on my volvos, when I disassembled one to see if it could be repaired the groove in the copper commutator was nearly 1/4" (6mm) deep, with no brushes left to wear. as generally you have the blowers on all the time.
  22. yes it was Janet 3 I solo'ed this year it should be Jayne, both for the may meet and the wooden boat show.
  23. you just try doing roadworks in london, no such thing as extensions and on some red routes the charges are £2500 per lane per day, with only one lane at a time allowed to be closed, we had one proposal where we would have had to cross 6 lanes, go straight along a lane in front of marble arch, then cross 6 more lanes, we ended up going around 3 sides of an adjacent building to get that one completed. there are huge fines for any defects / and or issues, the wind blows your cones over - instant fine if its spotted, before you are even given time to fix it. most work is done on a 7 day notice, and has to be finished by day 7
  24. all you would really need is something like a foot square of metal (biscuit tin lid?) inside the coach roof to improve the signal, just pinched between the new nut and the coach roof like a giant penny washer, you might even get away with a foil backing inside the roof.
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