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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Forward planning does seem to have been lacking.
  2. If nothing Else, Timbo will be grateful for all these pictures of Royal Tudor from back in the day. I can say i had great fun trimming the window openings at the front on the replacement cabin fronts to stop the rain puddling against the glass, last year.
  3. I believe I pointed out at the time of the competition that the BA / council didnt own all of the land they had shown as available for the project, plus if the parking is on site it doesnt surprise me that they would need a lot of visitors as there is barely room to park a couple of coaches on site.
  4. I think there is a general policy of a bit of leeway given over the winter months on the 24 hour thing. but the emergency ladder should be left clear at the very least.
  5. that is a thing of elegance, and probably a lot lighter than the one it is replacing.
  6. Its just struck me - when I try something and it works, I get re-enthused to do more, when I have a failure, I tend to take a break and think about things which slows progress considerably. its only when I get something right that I proceed to the next point, hmm- also with the weather warming up, the workshop is more comfortable temperature wise.
  7. with a disc sander with an adjustable surface, its easy to get the angles right - if you know them, which as I have a 3d template I do.
  8. now I have tidied up a bit and added the chamfers, I am happy with the fit.
  9. well finally I am getting there, as before this part has had me stuck, I must have made it 4 times now and finally I am thinking its nearly right, angles have been carefully measured from the model and then transferred to the sander to sand the angles, then it was laying the part in situ and scribing the curve, then cutting the curve, next will come the chamfer to the side pieces.
  10. take a photo of the burgee with your ipad, save the file as burgee and spellcheck will do the rest
  11. the burgees are available from the forum shop at the top of the page.
  12. us moderators are a pretty tolerant bunch when it comes to going off topic (we can be the biggest culprits sometimes) we can also sometimes subtly direct a thread back onto topic, so welcome again Perry
  13. I think all them and us type discussions are fed by the actions of a few selfish individuals, who taint the perception of all with their selfish attitudes. as a general rule the large proportion of any group are reasonable considerate people. the few who cause ructions are the ones that are remembered, and the brush is used to tar the whole group. by group here I mean whichever group of people that are discussed by another group of people, whether they be anglers, boaters, bird watchers, cyclists or hikers- (or any other group you care to name).
  14. and insurance, usually if a cyclist is involved in an accident they come off worse, but some occasions it is their fault, and they damage property (whether it is a car the hit or maybe an individual) the car is then usually blamed for the accident (eg it was the cars fault I pulled out in front of it and it couldnt stop) I have seen some very inconsiderate cyclists on the road (once again its a small minority who give the majority a bad name), so in my mind every vehicle that uses the public highway should have insurance. (and dont get me started over mobility scooter users, we have one round our way who drives at 15mph along the pavements waving her white stick in front of her forcing pedestrians to have to jump into the road or be run over).
  15. maybe they are providing an excuse to not allow a waveney to beccles swim this year due to the narrowing of the river due to dredging works.
  16. by that time BA will have tried and tested the unit and know whether to recommend it.
  17. certainly the moving of the electoral boundaries was not done with forethought and consideration. we were on the edge of one council ward where i live - (we sort of bulged into the adjacent ward), and were moved into another, the consideration and forethought they didnt apply was that there are two care homes in the area moved from one to the other, and that we are now in a ward that we are not connected to directly by road. our old polling station was just a few hundred yards down the road, the new one is at the further edge of the ward we have joined (about a 2 mile walk), plus to get there we have to travel round to the other side of that ward to get to a road to get into it, furthermore as it is nearer the centre of town, there is no free parking there. as we are isolated from the neighbouring roads in the ward we are in, we do have the benefit that none of the candidates come canvassing as while they can be at an adjacent house, maybe 50 yards from us, there are no easy connecting roads or footpaths (the backs of some of the gardens in our road back onto their gardens, but thats as close as we get).
  18. I will post them in the correct thread when i get to that bit Charlie
  19. how about sea boots (remembering a norfolk accent)
  20. I believe its called the principle of enlightened self interest - where you do what is right because it not only benefits the area involved but benefits yourself as a by product.
  21. its a bit like the old ducking stool, if you survived - you were a witch and were burnt, if you drowned - you were innocent. that really helped nobody as you ended up dead either way. the current system would work fine - if (and only if) the person in charge has a genuine interest in the well being of the area
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