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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I thought that was the queens country
  2. actually boycee its me or oldgregg you need to contact, I'll have a look when I get 5 minutes not too sure about linking to their website as its full of adverts to their products, but will see what I can do.
  3. grendel

    Loddon Staithe

    it all depends on what is perceived as a modest charge, and whether the councils charge will indeed be modest.
  4. and out of the clamps with final shaping and trimming
  5. more windscreen work, time to joint up the centre section, joints cut and fitted, then glued and clamped
  6. well they could only have done better if they had said national parks and the broads rather than national parks including the broads.
  7. tell the truth, its just more to fill the back of your car with isn't it.
  8. not until after I had posted it
  9. the boy stood on the burning deck, feeling kind of silly a rat ran up his trouser leg and bit him in the .............................................bottom
  10. goes off to edit a question.......
  11. well if you sit on the fence - watch out for splinters
  12. I am sure the BA would never give planning permission for such a structure - after all it cant possibly be pretty enough and I doubt you would get it through even under the auspices of a traditional eelmans hut, even though that is probably more what they looked like than anything else.
  13. well its very close to touching on politics, but having met Boris, I can safely say he isnt the buffoon he acts, he gets away with a lot more with the buffoon act though.
  14. there are some very easy questions in the nursery rhymes round
  15. the word inept springs to mine, getting the scale right is a fundamental in CAD.
  16. come off it Jay, nobody could be as daft as you look.
  17. that made me outright laugh, the number of architects plans that I work with that somehow when at the correct scale dont fit into the ordnance survey map (also at the correct scale) when the two are overlaid, and you think to yourself someone is going to have fun building that, I mean its not rocket science, you buy the digital map from the OS and its at the correct scale, so how can you get it wrong? perhaps he is preparing his retirement career- curator of the acle wonder.
  18. thats what you had kids for.
  19. so after getting far too many points in the star trek round and gaining a bonus point for loyalty by answering Timbo to all of the questions in the Tim's round it falls to me to be question master for this Fridays quiz. after racking my grey cells for some topics I have settled on the following Round 1 Nursery ryhmes round 2 - Out of this world Round 3 - Royalty mid quiz break Round 4 - watching the detectives Round 5 - science fiction authors and round 6 - leftovers (or all those questions I couldnt fit into the rounds above) as usual the quiz will be in the chat room at 8.30pm Friday http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/ enter a name and log in (no need for a password)
  20. No, that was earlier - 1960
  21. Norfolk Calendar, at least it was the right week.
  22. Forward planning does seem to have been lacking.
  23. If nothing Else, Timbo will be grateful for all these pictures of Royal Tudor from back in the day. I can say i had great fun trimming the window openings at the front on the replacement cabin fronts to stop the rain puddling against the glass, last year.
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