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Everything posted by grendel

  1. ah but pencils tend to perform better in harsh environments, eg when they get wet or in space, there is a tale about the pressurised pen cartridge that was invented by the americans to be able to write upside down, and even in space - while the Russian cosmonauts just carried on using pencils, I find that when a pencil stops writing a quick application by a patent swiss army device (penknife) is sufficient, whereas when a pen stops writing at the very least a replacement part (cartridge) is required, and the problem cannot be assuaged by the application of the aforesaid swiss army device- despite its name suggesting its efficacy with the pen.
  2. What you have to remember is that places that do the pencil and paper trick are expecting you to keep the free pencil (stub) so have a huge supply - this keeps people working in the pencil factories, so by using (and keeping) the pencils you are ensuring the employment of someone in the pencil factory, plus you then have a pencil (well a bit of a pencil) in case of an emergency (eg you want to leave a note on the windscreen of a car, after all you wouldnt type a note on your phone and leave it tucked under a cars wipers to leave them a message - eg I just spotted you have a flat tyre - or something).
  3. Ian, I did that, and got the patterns I am using for the angles for the wooden frames i am making, I cut them oversize then use a disc sander with an adjustable platform to sand to the required angles, with this depending on choice of sanding disc grit I can do really fine work, a 'coarse cut' for me on this is with 240 grit paper, I can go as fine as 800 grit for the final finish, but when getting the angles cut that takes too long, this way I can sand the angles along the edges to an accuracy of about 0.5 degrees, which gives a far better result. As for the hinges, I have the smallest piano hinges made here, I can go slightly smaller in individual hinges, but they too are the smallest made - basically for dolls houses which are made in the same scale as the model (and still have the appearance the same size as normal door hinges). As for not making them working and having a more scale appearance, that down to choice, for strength I cant go much thinner anyway and still have the model robust enough to withstand daily wear and tear, having the screen foldable gives it additional protection that a rigid screen would not have. I will try and post more step by step pictures when I do the third section to show you what I do to make a window.
  4. well the bottom hinge of the middle section has to be fitted to the edges or it wont work correctly, I cant fit them on the faces.
  5. Mike it has to be thick enough to attach a piano hinge to, and I still have to thin down the hinge flaps.
  6. after 3 consecutive days crossing the channel to france (we live so close to dover it was cheaper than a hotel.) we found we were fine on the crossing, but both felt seasick once we stopped the car and got out. the third days return trip was so bad they had shut the bars and stored all the plates cups and glasses, the crew were even resorting to seasickness wrist bands, took a couple of days after that to get our land legs back.
  7. well that has remade that side frame. the third will have to wait for another day
  8. Today was spent working on one of the side sections of the screen, this went perfectly until I chamfered the top rail, time to start again
  9. we have green for garden waste, blue for recycleables - red for paper, and grey for landfill, we also have no space left in our front garden, plus need a degree in mathematics to work out which bins to put out this week.
  10. Amazon also use the packagev size to control how many packages the drivers can load into their vans, this stops them loading more parcels than they can deliver in their shift, this ensures they actually deliver them, rather than just stuffing every address with a sorry you werent in card.
  11. grendel

    Loddon Staithe

    yes but riverside electric posts dont fall under the electric vehicle category, they fall under the section dealing with camp sites and marinas
  12. grendel

    Loddon Staithe

    I believe in this instance as you are not paying for electricity used, you are paying to use the post, not buying the electric as you can use as much as you want.
  13. grendel

    Loddon Staithe

    yes they tried to aadd a standing charge until it was pointed out that this was illegal under the electricity supply regulations (it is specifically cited under the campsites and marinas section) it wasnt just a case of backing down, what they wanted to do was illegal and they could have been heavily fined for it.
  14. another grotty day outside so a little time made for more work, fitting the screen hinges, so 0.8mm holes drilled through hinge, 0.7mm through wood, and 0.8mm stainless pins used as fixings, one side of the hinge needed filing down so it didnt overhang the wood.
  15. not only did I make some great new friends, have a great time, and some good laughs (sailing with a broken rudder) but I made a good contact for some of the work I do at the same time.
  16. considering we manage to cope with 24 people - a lot of whom have not previously met on lads week, if you get the right people things can go well. its all down to making new friends and getting along with people.
  17. grendel

    Loddon Staithe

    that is correct, there are electricity regulator guidelines on the reselling of electricity that govern the resell costs, it falls under the guidelines for campsites and marinas reselling of electricity, same as landlords are not allowed to hike their electricity prices.
  18. well a hard fought quiz tonight won by Mike. closely followed up by Bern
  19. dont forget the quiz in just under an hour, all are welcome. http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/ just put in a user name and hit login - no password needed
  20. grendel


    it would be nice if someone could post a screenshot of the view, the streaming part of the site is blocked by the company firewall
  21. grendel

    Loddon Staithe

    many years back we pulled up there because the ice cream boat was there, by the time we had moored, been accosted for £2 and got there the ice cream boat had left.
  22. some may be temporarily offline- so its sometimes worth leaving it until we are sure, i might task someone with checking them out and coming back with a definitive list.
  23. try the link now, I think I have amended it.
  24. I'll have a dig around when I get a moment, thanks for letting me know the link isnt functioning
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