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Everything posted by grendel

  1. its not as if anyone could miss the fact that it is Broad Ambition, if they cant read the number, surely the name in huge letters is a give away clue, plus how much more distinctive do they want - ooh what boat is that over there, sorry I cant read Broad Ambitions number, so I dont know. I would think there must be an argument for historic vessels displaying their number as they have all their previous existence maintaining them, in the same way that historic number plates are allowed on vintage cars. This might be an angle worth discussing with the Authority over the preservation of appearance of historic vessels.(I can just see Albion with a vinyl sticker with its number stuck on the hull, very in keeping with a traditional wherry) plus are the rangers saying they cannot input a boat name into their database search? how about the exempt vessels that have transoms that cant display the number, but have the name clearly identified, - they can check those, so why not boats as distinctive as BA.
  2. I believe in the document linked earlier it stated that if there was a cover then that too should display the numbers.
  3. I dont really know, I use a tablet and a O2 hub, and so far in nearly a year have only used 8gb data, but then when I get home it goes onto the home wifi. it may depend on the settings on the device whether it uses the external sim or internal.
  4. I dont think there are many Sailies in Richardsons wet shed though.
  5. I am guessing- considering the inclement weather, a nice job indoors and under cover.
  6. grendel


    there was a facebook post about how she had missed 2 bank holidays due to not being available.
  7. just wonder how they get from 3-0 down to 4-0 win, were all the opponents goals somehow disallowed at half time - not that I pretend to understand this football stuff (or particularly care).
  8. at the moment everything is possible, I could do an egg and crossed spoons for locations for Full English Breakfasts
  9. well we could give them star ratings for the beers, but knowing you all I will get is 5 stars for every pub that stocks Stella
  10. you dare, I am preparing a sheet by sheet map of the broads, which hopefully will by the time it is finished, show everything that you might want to know, as you sail off one sheet you will progress to the next, moorings pubs etc will all be marked. at some point I will need input from the forum for all the additional data required to populate the map, I have created the background map from free open source ordinance survey data (that is available to all for free- with just an accreditation for the source required) and continue to work on it in my spare time, the hope is that we can sometime in the future publish it to the forum website, and have it available as a download, this will be able to be printed out as either an A4 Booklet or an A3 one for those who suffer from poorer eyesight. it currently has 144 pages- but thats just the maps without the key to be able to interpret them, moorings are indicated by the magenta coloured boat shapes that are approximately the correct scale , lettering inside will denote 24 hour moorings, pub moorings etc, I am hoping to add things like major landmarks, staithe names (even the names of the various reaches as I identify them). once I get to a certain point it will entail taking a paper copy around with me and marking up as I go along. it should also be possible to split the whole thing down by river too, so you can have separate booklets for the different rivers. an ambitious project, but these things keep me busy in my spare time.
  11. I am sorry Vanessan, it was just a project that I am working on that was handy at the time.
  12. here is a handy map showing Gays Staithe, Neatishead Staithe and the White Horse Pub, also included is the overall view of Barton Broad, its down the leg on the right (Lime Kiln Dyke on the map)
  13. most are just a straight swap- for example see here for a few different 'standard bulb types - https://www.classiccarleds.co.uk/collections
  14. I would think replacement stop, side and indicator bulbs would be fine as they are all just consumables, headlights- it would probably be a different matter as you would need reflectors and lenses designed to give the correct pattern with LED bulbs, in a LED bulb the light emitting elements are more spread out than your existing halogen bulbs would be, so as the current lighting relies on a more or less point source from the bulb being focussed and shaped, the more spread out source of an LED bulb would not correctly illuminate the shaped beam as an effective point source would.
  15. I must be a hobbit too, hairy toes and second breakfasts- yep the only 6 foot 4 inch hobbit out there.
  16. the external strips added to the roof.
  17. seemingly next door to the post office, right opposite the staithe
  18. Tavern Tasty Meats Ltd 37 Lower Street Horning Norfolk NR12 8AA
  19. www.taverntasty.co.uk/about-us/horning-shop/
  20. its such a good fit, that so far I havent bothered with the vertical bolts to hold it to the roof. previous mast to compare.
  21. some more work on the mast mount, as Griff has made a new one for Broad ambition, so too the model now needed a new one, out with the stainless steel, micro drill bits are the only things that drill this well, if I manage 2 holes before I break one, I consider I am doing well. so holes and slots are drilled, and then I dig through my bolts, some m1.6 x 12 bolts hold the stainless plates to the brass carrier, this will be fixed under the roof. the rest of the bolts are m2 x 16, so now I too have a sturdy mast support for the new style mast.
  22. I suppose its here i should apologise for the ambiguity in my original post, yes I rushed my post to get the safety message in, I didnt reread it and check it said what I wanted it to - this just shows the ambiguity that can arise from different ways of phrasing things, we all know what I meant, but thats not what I actually said. To be fair, rereading it probably wouldnt have done me any good, it was only about 10 years ago when my daughter was diagnosed as dyslexic - when she did her law degree at university, to that point it had gone unnoticed, but when they described the symptoms she exhibited, I realised that i too must suffer, little things like essays at school that skipped whole paragraphs, these were always there when I re read what i had written, but had mysteriously vanished once they had been marked, Strangely, when I was at school, I would read maybe 2 books a day, so the problem was never spotted in me. but it does mean I can reread something I have written very carefully and still not spot things that should be there because I thought of them, but arent. so apology offered, excuses made, and be careful people not to get any bits squished, we dont want to be reading about any of you suffering even a squished finger or toe, let alone suffering as this family has.
  23. I apologise for not being a scientific type that takes care that what they write is unambiguous I was just trying to pass a safety message about taking care. now back to the poor lady, a poor choice maybe, but in moments of stress what might seem the right thing to do can be a poor choice indeed. so let just take care out there folks.
  24. all I really meant was to be careful not to put body parts between the boat and whatever you are fending off from, such that they could become trapped between the boat and anything else, we dont want people as fenders.
  25. I drove along a road that had been freshly gravelled like that, the car in front got to the first bend and drifted straight off the road, fortunately warning me in time to slow down, 6 weeks later there were big piles of gravel on the verges and bald spots on the road.
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