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Everything posted by grendel

  1. perhaps a suitably sized stainless steel dog bowl would do the trick.
  2. Griff might know, as I seem to recall Broad Ambition has one of those.
  3. Tim, just post your normal waffle and accept the public flagellation in the stocks from time to time when your prose and rhetoric stray a bit wide of the mark, your censored posts are no joy whatsoever, they come across like my diaries were written wnen I was 13 - got up, had breakfast - went to school- came home - had tea - went to bed. I am sure even shakespeare wrote some risque material. ps just use long words and people will not flocinaucinihiliphicate.
  4. another couple of pictures as I adjust the settings
  5. well not happy with that windscreen I went out and cut some timber into strips ready to try again, this time in a red wood, I also progressed model #2 with a new plank shaped steamed and clamped. then it was down to work a second time on the windscreen, the middle section #2, every length cut in pairs with a square across to ensure all of the shoulders are the same length, and checked for square.
  6. hmm must do better, its all together, but I can do better,
  7. hinges being applied, they are being glued (carefully) and pinned (literally, using 0.7mm dia stainless steel pins) this involves drilling a 1mm hole through the hinge, and a 0.6mm hole through the wood, the pin is then tapped in place and the hinge is glued, then once the glue has set, the pins are cut down to 1mm through the wood and the end turned over.
  8. I have also taken the 1/2" stainless steel box section to make the angles on the back corners between the sides and transom. this entailed splitting the box straight along the middle of each side, great care taken using a hacksaw, then the edges were filed smooth.
  9. shaping done on 3 sides now, the fourth side will be trimmed to the folding side piece, but first hinges to fit
  10. So tonight the second side frame has been carefully cut, the joints cut, and adjusted, and then glued, careful attention was taken to get the parts a true mirror image, including the direction of the joints. I think I have got it right, tomorrow will be trimming these down to fit.
  11. Just watch out for the drivers of indeterminate age driving sedately in the Chad valley Tim.
  12. we will know where to come if we spot any bald silver tipped badgers
  13. Tonight its starting one of those side windows, cardboard template produced, then marked for the inside of the frame, then using 1/2" x 1/4" oak the frame is marked on the wood and cut carefully for the lap joints, this gives some meat for the angles to be cut to, and to get the final fit right. glue added and clamping done, and final shaping will happen tomorrow, then we can do it all again reversed for the other side.
  14. you could always fish by the dynamite method - they all come up to the surface that way, then you will know where they are, plus you would just need a net to scoop them up
  15. thats why supermarkets keep moving stuff around on the aisles, its to catch us men out on a spurious purchase, once we cant find what we wanted we have to search the shop for it.
  16. I too thought it was just a jocular comment, particularly if you ever saw my mother in law who at just over 4'8" tall looks just like that when driving erratically down the road (particularly when you are in the car with her and she is commenting that such and such a house has changed its curtains _house 50 yards back off the road- and takes 10 minutes to pull out of a junction. From Tims description I could just imagine myself following her along the road. I dont think it was meant as a derogatory term, more as a piece of descriptive prose, that painted a picture in my mind.
  17. one small piece at a time I am now trying to work out the angles for the side windows, I dont think there is one square corner on those - cardboard template time I think.
  18. now I need to position it on model #1 to get the angle for the outside edge of the side frames. I wonder if that paint is hard enough yet?
  19. Well I have cut the angles into the windscreen frame and clamped it in place Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  20. so I found some 1/4" x1/2" oak for the windscreen frame, I wasnt going to try fancy joints, so I used lap joints at the corners, its been glued up using the foaming gorilla glue for strong joints, and clamped tight the rails have been cut oversize as the top is to be radiused for the roof line, the bottom chamfered for the angle, and the sides will be chamfered for the angles of the side panes.
  21. I have used one of my curved sections to make the flat section for the windscreen to sit on. this has the correct curve for the roof on the bottom, once the glue has set the curve at the top will be flattened for the front frame, as will the swept back side pieces. then it will be down to making the frames.
  22. the smallest piani hinges I could find have now arrived, I can now decide how thick the windscreen frame can be, these are 120mm long, with the leaves barely 6mm wide
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