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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Robin already has a fender key ring we presented it to him last year. I was thinking about the suggestion of the blue fender award mentioned a few days back, or maybe hunt the blue fender at the meet? I still have to find the time to paint it yet. maybe I can get a spool of Blue printer filament, then I will be able to produce Blue NBN fender keyrings (they should float too).
  2. It would be at this point that I would make a point of riffling through the box and ticking an imaginary box while muttering as if to myself - Interfering old biddy, tick, yay
  3. last night aside from the general sanding, I was busy on another project, now we just need a little painting to complete this.
  4. my daughter (27 years old) still believes in left and right handed haggis, of course the two breeds cannot intermingle, left hand haggis have shorter left legs and only go anti clockwise round hills, whereas right hand haggis go clockwise having shorter right legs. they cannot interbreed, because left and right hand haggis only ever meet nose to nose or tail to tail, as if they turn round the short legs are downhill and they fall over and roll to the bottom of the hill.
  5. this is why the only electric vehicle I am looking at- at the moment is the Zero motorcycle, it just has the range for the round trip to work and back, plus can be charged from a standard socket. about 20 years ago I was saying to my bosses at the local electricity supply company, that if electric cars were ever to come into fruition, the charging network would have to be in place first, and that we should be installing charging posts in car parks wherever we could get them. was I listened to?- No. Even now while we are putting charging points into just about every development we do in london, it is still only about 6 for every 100 houses, the network cannot stand a lot higher than this anyway.
  6. Peter, I think all of the time that your raising your hand to ask a question gets that reaction from JP, the broads (not) national park will be safe.
  7. well some fine fettling has been done and the roof trimmed to size, its fitting in place quite well though for some reason one corner lifts slightly - a bit of skew maybe it needs some internal corner bracing, roof top fittings still required so some additional strips across the top, and handrails etc all of which should help stiffen it up a bit.
  8. you would need 2 - 1 to be charging while you used the second, then swap.
  9. there may be children in the campsite adjacent.
  10. So, whilst I have been working on the model, I have also been getting my stuff together for next weekend too, I had a brilliant idea for firelighting, thus I have collected up shavings and offcuts from the model, these will be used to start the fire in my wood stove I will be cooking on this weekend. I also had a thought to ask the rangers if I could pitch my tent nearer the mooring area for the meet- well I can but ask.
  11. So a couple of stiffening supports in the corners, the edges of the roof have been trimmed back.
  12. they wont usually accept car parts though
  13. its ok, all fixed now, just glued the new ones in place, I would clamp them, but they are all angles and would get out of position.
  14. so, I started working on the cabin front this afternoon, I was just about finished, when I noticed I had cut the two windows out back to front, the curved ends should be outside.
  15. I am wondering if the wifi connection is maybe dropping for a few seconds, thus logging you out, have you clicked the remember me button when logging in, so when it comes back up you are still logged in?
  16. I think that this may be the issue here, the length of time required to check for software compatibility of the updates, the NHS probably has far more in the ways of odd little bits of software to run / interface with various machines that the testing takes so long that they had not yet completed it or that it is so onerous that they dont even try. even after all the testing we still have issues with machines after update rollouts, some just stop working, others just wont do certain things. I still run 2 XP machines, one as a print server, one as a file server, both are on my home network, neither connects to the internet, I have never had a virus problem with either.
  17. is it the third tree from the left - or maybe the fourth.
  18. I was one of two people who on a fairground ride experienced diesel poisoning - The exhaust stack exited from the engine to the centre of one of those rides that spins you around, flat to the wall, then spins up to vertical, the exhaust fumes were now being sucked into the vortex, and as you were fighting the force throwing you to the wall, you were breathing much deeper to get breath. 2 of us reported the ride as we were sick all night following this (my other companion in sickness had to go to the doctors two days later as she was still affected). Diesel poisoning is not nice, in mild cases you get a headache and queasy for a few hours, but it can be a lot worse. You say he agreed with you. were you both referring to the same 'both' might he not have been referring to 'stationary / moored boats' - ie that there were too many of them.
  19. that must have been what was causing all the queues at the pharmacy in Asda this morning, people who had run out of medications, when they put the repeat in thursday, andhad expected it to be ready today were being told monday
  20. so the additional supports have been added, and glue fillets added between the roof supports and the roof, more will be added once the clamps are out of the way.
  21. the cabin roof is 1/32" plywood, I have made frames inside to support it, these will be fixed to the roof, but not the sides / bulkheads. now I had to glue these up in place to get them at the right angles etc, so I am hoping that they will not stick too badly in the corners.and I have not permanently fixed it to the model. there is a fine line, between the glue set enough to hold it in place but soft enough to get the roof back off.
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