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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Charlie, some of these drones are smaller than the clays you shoot, and a lot more nippy and prone to changing direction too, it probably would be a good sport at that, - train up the reflexes.
  2. Admitting to Knowing Maurice Mynah
  3. next I am planning to make some beams with a groove down one face, these will make the vertical parts that support the window sashes, I wont be going to the extent of the sash chains though.
  4. So a little more work on model #1, the cockpit floor is being constructed, supports across the width at the bulkheads, then some longitudinal supports fitted, once they have dried, the pieces bridging the doors will be cut out, to allow the steps down to the lower level to be constructed. on other thoughts, having seen the picture Charlie posted over on the Broad Ambition thread, showing the dashboard, while I dont think I can illuminate the dashboard, I have thought of away of switching the lights from the dash switch panels, basically you can get 6 way DIP switches that normally mount on a printed circuit, these look very similar to the switch panels on Broad Ambition
  5. so this afternoon, another plank is shaped steamed and clamped. As well as that I have glued the cabin sides in place on model #1.
  6. 999 emergency can trace the call, if you phone 111 for a medical emergency - they cannot trace your call (my daughter works on the 111 phones) if they transfer a call to 999 the first words are 'dont trace this call' or the 999 service will send a callout to their office not the person in trouble.
  7. I was a bit busy last night, so instead, this morning I glued the plank in place.
  8. I think that depends upon whether its the location or a group of young ladies?
  9. Canterbury went one better, one church for every pub (or is that the other way around) sadly no longer- there are far more churches nowadays- even some of those have closed
  10. tonight we have a new plank shaped steamed and clamped, I have found that I can now hold planks on with the deep clamps I bought to do the transom. before I fitted it in place I did notice a slight bow inwards on the previous plank, so I spent a little time trimming that back to a straight edge.
  11. my only saving must be that I was only ever subjected to the goons via second hand, by listening to the tapes carefully recorded off the speaking radio onto cassette, each carefully screening out ambient noise by pain of death threats before the program started, to leave the room if we wanted to take a deep breath, while making no sound and not treading on the squeaky floorboard that the microphone had inevitably been set up on.
  12. darn it- I have been working too hard and my brain is over warm, leading to bad recollection, slackness of thought and imprecision.- though it can be difficult telling the two apart from voice alone. I will submit to the humiliation of public unravelling of the string vest.
  13. I also trust that at the appropriate time and in your best Bluebottle voice you piped up 'he's fallen in the water'.
  14. Tim, I will just say this, if you are storing your ammunition where MM seems to be inferring, watch out for tin tacks and caltrops when you sit down, or the experience will really be a blast. I am surprised that you have not been out in the workshop with the spoon bit augers and constructed a mahogany contrivance for your ammunition, it could be cunningly disguised as a hall stand to fool the pachyderms..
  15. I had to scrape the Ice off the cars windscreen this morning.
  16. glued that plank in position tonight, not a lot else today.
  17. Jayfire, dont worry, you will get used to it, eventually it must come back round and be on topic again.
  18. I have seen similar messages to this one on two other forums within a couple of days now, so its not just here that is affected.
  19. space- you can put the engine out of the way as it doesnt need to be on the end of the prop shaft.
  20. just make sure that whatever they do, they cannot just chop the word 'not' off
  21. JM, surely the badges will be round, we dont want to chop off any important parts of your badge - now do we?
  22. tonight I have been playing with lights, seeing what voltages work, and how they look mounted on a bulkhead, plus steaming and clamping the plank I shaved down to size yesterday. this is what the lights look like running on 6volts
  23. we had this with chrome, basically they are trying to get all websites to pay out for the latest type of security certificates, the one at work was telling me our internal intranet wasnt secure, when I phoned IT they told me it was the browser companies that had changed their security certificate checking to a new system, meaning every website came up as unsecure, its the browser companies trying to rip off the websites owners.
  24. as long as there is coverage on any network an emergency call should get through, all mobiles should default to the strongest signal network when calling emergency numbers, and on a 999 call they will triangulate your position from 3 towers if they can. My daughter works with the 111 call centres, and they dont have the ability to trace the phone calls, so please remember in an emergency if you think you will need an ambulance call 999 rather than 111, as they will then be able to trace you. (you would not believe the number of proper emergency calls that do go through to 111 rather than 999 (and of course vice versa for non emergency calls)). in fact the other difference is that 999 send an ambulance out at the start of the call, and recall it it is not needed, whereas 111 only send the ambulance out once they have ascertained the status of the casualty and location(it may only be a minute longer, but sometimes time counts).
  25. Lodden and Ranworth might be more achievable
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