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Everything posted by grendel

  1. as a handy hint, the blue bits are the water, and the other colours are roads.
  2. I went on holiday to the static caravan site at Jaywick, it looked a bit dodgy on the road to the campsite with all the boarded up and burnt out holiday cottages, but that aside it was a good holiday.
  3. remaining fenders have been undercoated.
  4. So this afternoon I got to work, and quite quickly had the prop shaft drilled through.
  5. after taking an evening off yesterday, today has been very busy, with taxi service of dad, and running around after my dad after his laptop died (10 years old), this evening I have done a little planing to smooth the planks out, It was while doing this I realised I still have the prop shaft to drill out and install. that will need to be done while I can still see the target, ie before the planks get too far, looks like tomorrows work is set now.
  6. over on facebook, they are saying they will only have a licence at weekends, and the cafe will be open the rest of the time:- The Berney Arms is open this weekend for the first time in years for Beers and BBQ, access by boat train or foot only. Berney Arms Yes...cafe open from now on....alcohol weekends only
  7. what a day - up early to run daughter to work (bank holiday timetable = 1 hour early to work or 5 minutes late.) that was 30 miles. later this morning call from my dad - his laptop has stopped working, back again to Ashford, still there when daughter finished work, so picked her up on the way home. dad has new laptop, (the old one wasnt even getting as far as powering on, just the green light) now I have to go back sunday to recover his stuff off the old drive, plus load the software he uses back on.
  8. well as I wind down the last few minutes of work for 4 days, I will be thinking about those sterling souls who work through the holiday, keeping our police ambulance fire and hospital services manned, this will include my daughter working at the local 111 non emergency service this year.
  9. is that in case Ultravox are playing?
  10. Those Bitterns are going to get a bad reputation at this rate
  11. well tonight the steamed and shaped plank has been glued in place, as well as that I have been playing with a new toy, a 3D doodle pen, I got one that takes the same size filament as the printer, this means that the odd ends left over in the cartridges from my printer can be used up in the pen (there is always some left once the counter gets to 0 )
  12. at work I am the go to man for tools, I even lent some to our storesmen to put up new racking, strange - not really, our jointers tools are now so specialised you cant do up a normal nut and bolt with them.
  13. doing a quiz on facebook, and spotted this - this is how it slowly creeps in to common usage
  14. I keep getting emails from supermarkets telling me I have won in their prize draws. its a shame the email addresses on the links dont match the supermarkets.
  15. Robin, you forget - that is London, we are talking about Norfolk, maybe in thirty years or so folky bars will become popular there.
  16. thats not too bad, this is me, when I was little I had glowing white hair- platinum blonde to die for And yes I had big feet even back then, the wellies were just a little too tall.
  17. we had similar at our local excellent chinese, afterwards the food was never as good, once the chinese chefs had all gone.
  18. well if you want the truth, its that at 6 foot 4" I outgrew my hair line (think tree line on a mountain) this is why I have a luxuriant growth around chin level, that growth was ginger (no Tim not gingerbread), now turning father christmas white.
  19. Hair, Oh those were the days Welcome from me too
  20. another plank shaped and steamed then clamped in place and also a quick test of the new winch to see if it will lift a test weight.
  21. I just remembered I have not accepted your gracious offer Mike, but consider it accepted, I will probably get in touch nearer the time. oops I post this then see an offer of a berth from Charlie too, I will let you know whats happening later once I have got organised.
  22. well if I had a boat, I would have one, all I have on the model is a 1.5mm spanner.
  23. it goes quack. (who says Griffs jokes are predictable) I used an 18mm spanner the other day whilst doing my suspension arm, the bolts are 18mm head, 17mm nut, good old volvo.
  24. the same place that M10 sockets seem to go.
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