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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I have to say I see so many people walking along looking just at their phone and stepping straight out that it does not surprise me. also those people too lazy to walk 30 foot to a crossing, and cross on the apex of the bend at a roundabout (they usually step out while I am looking to the right to see if there is a gap to pull out into, why do they assume its a safe place to cross when the crossing was placed such that you could get out onto the roundabout before stopping at the crossing
  2. So now the cabin sides are out of the way, that missed plank has been steamed up, and clamped in place to dry, the rest of the weeks planks have been sanded (the only problem with wooden blinds is the finish that has to be removed), so I sand them on the belt sander, clamped to the bench, one quick pass each side does the trick.
  3. so in the words of the immortal Rolf Harris (and avoiding his fall from grace), can you see what it is yet? shaping has been done to cut it in to the shape it has to fit, and all the cutouts have been cut out, the parts were matched together and clamped together, then the cutouts done through both parts so they match perfectly, the final picture shows them stood in place.
  4. well after all that hard work, gluing two pieces together I found some blind slats that had a longer distance between slots, they were also wider - so just 2 will be needed, so the first pair are now gluing, a little time lost, but a learning step.
  5. well we are up to 2 clamps now, I have fixed one plank, but due to holding the front end in place, cannot steam and fit a second, so some shaping has been done, and 2 long planks have been glued together. another will be needed at least. I will keep you in the dark for now as to its final location, as I hope that will become apparent as it gets shaped.
  6. not able to visit my mum tomorrow - so I went today instead
  7. now just need about a dozen printed
  8. this morning and my first working plank clamp has printed fine, and works well too.
  9. today is another day of plank fixing and steaming, so no pictures today.
  10. what length is it, looks about 1m, I wonder what the toll is on that?
  11. So as promised, another plank fixed in place, another steamed and shaped, hopefully at the weekend I will manage to get some work done on model #1 as well.
  12. Exactly, one of the reasons I refuse to partake of organised religion, another being the hypocrisy I see enacted by some of the people who do purport to be 'religious'. (like the lady pastor who paid her cleaner a pittance and well below the minimum wage - all while preaching her gifts to 'charity'). Religious differences have been used as the excuse for many bad acts, whereas most religions preach tolerance and acceptance, if they would practice what they preach, they would get more of my attention.
  13. I watched this unfold on the news and forums yesterday with sadness, both that it had happened in the first place and for the victims. I work in a multi racial, multi religious office, we have representatives from just about every religious and racial background, and without fail everyone here deplored the actions of the terrorists. The only people who try to attribute this to religion are either those who are perpetrating the terrorism, or those who want to use it as an excuse to promote hatred against others, neither is to my mind worthy of being paid any attention, both are different forms of extremist action. Its my opinion that we should treat everyone else with respect and dignity, no matter their race, colour or religion.
  14. I suppose that all that would be needed to retain the mooring rights would be to tow a new hull over to the site, crane her up and drop her on the new hull, then slowly remove the old hull, then start on refurbishing the topsides old broom - new head - new handle job
  15. At this rate its going to be a month of posts saying I have glued a plank and steamed a plank, because tonight that is exactly what I have done. on the 3d printing front I have designed a little clamp that can be used to hold planks in place, it needs deeper grooves to lock the clamp, but otherwise works very well, the sleeve part holds the two grooved parts locked together to stop it slipping.
  16. we took our lives in our hands when we visited my gran and she decided to cook a meal, off she would trot into the garden with a shovel, after several attempts (she often forgot where she had buried things) she would come back with a nice tin of - well something as it never had a label - some of these tins were still wartime issue containing what I think may have been corned beef - we never really got ill from the food. One day we were helping out and she moved the cooker, behind it we found a marrow that had been placed there for safe keeping - it was properly mummified, - on questioning she finally remembered putting it there nearly 20 years previously - then had the nerve to ask if we wanted marrow for lunch.
  17. At least it has at least 5000 litres of water storage tanks
  18. not forgetting that the Death and Glories in Arthur Ransomes Big Six had a proper clay Chimbly pot.
  19. All this talk of bulbs and lamps, we call them luminaires.
  20. ok another plank fitted on #2, and another steamed, also some pictures of model #1 with the decks and top rubbing strake, she is looking good.
  21. if it was my cooking it would be called Burnt Offerings section
  22. I dont care where it goes, I will still watch the videos with interest, one day I may stray away from my normal cooking (roast dinner and a great slow cooker beef stew) and try some of them. on one forum I am a member they have a section for anything you are not sure which section it should be and the moderators sort out where it should go from there.
  23. yes, it barely slowed me down, but did flash an engine management light and throw a p0300 code when I tried to apply power, you could feel the shudder of the missing cylinder on tickover.
  24. new plugs not available until tomorrow, but the new coil has arrived and is fitted, the car is now running on all 5 cylinders again. on the model front, while I was waiting I designed a new planking clamp to print on my 3d printer, plus fitted a plank and steamed a plank on model #2
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