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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I was out at an astronomy event this evening, so this afternoon before I went I got some work done, if you want to know what was achieved today, it was the normal amount of steaming and twice the normal work fixing.
  2. Friday, so a short work period again, what can I say, I have just enough roof beams now, but will make a couple spare, ribs - I am starting to get to the point where I am changing formers every few ribs, soon I will be at that awkward front end where every rib is different. as for the deck supports, still a few of those to go.
  3. closest I could find:- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nigella-Lawson-Living-Kitchen-Parmesan/dp/B000BOK56E or
  4. as a pedestrian who has had to leap out of the way at pedestrian crossings where cyclists dont see the red light as applying to them, I call it 50/50 between cars/ lorries and cyclists, if both the cyclists and the vehicle drivers were more careful accidents wouldnt happen. that said many years back as a cyclist i was knocked off by a car that overtook me then immediately turned left, leaving me sliding along the inside edge roof to stop. he had not even got a car length in front before he turned, but then I was going at a fair lick, so he may just have assumed he was well past me. so vehicles keep an eye out for the cyclist (assume they will do something stupid), and cyclists, for your own safety follow the rules of the road. I once came within inches of flattening 3 police cyclists, they cycled along the cycle path and appeared at the road crossing from behind the hedge hiding the cycle path at a fair lick, fortunately I had slowed for the crossing, boy did they look embarrassed. I had the width of the pavements warning when I saw them - lots of ABS braking.The hedge has since been considerably lowered so motorists stand a chance of seeing the cyclists
  5. I admit its a bit boring at the moment, as all the jobs are pretty much the same every night, but the good news is that I nearly have enough roof beams, but some more steaming some more fixing tonight, the stash of roof beams at some point will be sandwiched together and all sanded to the same profile.
  6. I have always wondered why car manufacturers have not replaced wing mirrors with cameras, it would reduce the drag considerably
  7. Tonight, we have rib fixing, rib and roof beam steaming, and side deck fitting.
  8. you missed out the magic word - Horned helmets, always a bugbear to viking re-enactors and historians - we have the victorians to blame for that one.
  9. And a double helping today, a second rib fixed, another steamed and side deck supports, as well as that I have made some additional tool holders for the tool board on the wall, simply by fixing some round head screws into the back of a strip of wood, it can become another tool holder, as the screws slot into the backboard. my gravers now have a home as do my small pliers
  10. I was driving the other day when an ambulance came blue lighting up the bus lane, I naturally stayed in the main road, edging toward the centre and slowing down to allow the taxi in the bus lane to move over into my lane giving the ambulance a clear route, but no, the taxi slowed in the bus lane causeing the ambulance to have to blast him on the horns, surely its obvious to anyone that the bus lane will be clearer for the ambulance with less vehicles to have to move out of the way. surely as a normal car, I am not allowed in the bus lane by that note above, so surely the taxi driver was in the wrong.
  11. Thanks for that Robin, an important occasion recorded for posterity, today I had an appointment so a day off work, this all done I have done some extra work on the models, still steaming ribs and roof beams, still fixing ribs, and some more side deck supports added. As the video shows we have a water tight hull, we have propulsion. some test showed that the power consumption is about 1/4 amp this combined with the 10 AH battery means our little boat will be able to cruise all day (at least) on one battery charge. At present we are running a pair of 6v 10Ah batteries in series, these are sealed lead acid, and I have chosen these to not only provide the propulsion power, but all importantly they provide a degree of ballast. more ballast will be needed on top of this to bring the model to the right waterline, how much I wont know until the rest of the model is complete
  12. Having a beard,I can cut down my bathroom necessities by two items, no razor or shaving cream here.
  13. today was a bit of fixing, a bit of steaming and some more fixing, yep, exactly the same as yesterday. oh and I found a picture I was certain I had taken, but somehow mislaid - the bottom wetting. Robin took a video of this too.
  14. my browser may get minimised, but the 10 tabs that are open are left open
  15. It would have taken a lot more days to get Griff into a shape - what shape were you considering? (other than knackered Yorkshireman that is). (mind you he is in better shape than I am- My shape is tall and round)
  16. you power down your computer?, mine are usually logged on - sometimes several at the same time, the only time I get logged off the forum is generally during a power cut.
  17. Blimey, you have really cracked on, well done Griff, Howard and Robin. I know we were all working hard while I was there, but seeing the progress since I am amazed at the amount you have got done. Have a great trip tomorrow.
  18. hows he getting on, one presumes all the important bits like propshaft and rudder are back on.
  19. some more work today - still recovering from three days hard work on Broad Ambition, but the model will still edge forward, another day another rib, more steaming done, nearly have enough roof beams now. side decks, going along
  20. I am a member of many forums, several of those appear to have been almost abandoned by the administrators, on one it took nearly 6 months to get an admin response to a question, on the other the admin has had several house moves and life changes over 5 years, and both are still good strong forums, as when they were set up they were set up well, and function well even without admin presence- ie with just a few moderators looking after the actual postings and removing spam.. I see this forum as set up with similar strong protocols, and have absolutely no worries that it will close, as long as one moderator remains I forsee no real problems, purely because all the work Jonzo has put in to make that so. the rest of the team here are perfectly capable of keeping things going, and Jonzo has already stated he will be around. I think he deserves a good rest after all the recent hard work he has put in to keep things running and make this a great place. As for all the non technical functions he performs, they can and will be done by others with the right knowledge, we may not all be technically minded, but there is always some skill we have that can be put to good use to promote and help the forum.
  21. todays work, a rib glued in place, another rib steamed and a roof beam, plus a couple of deck supports added, it was pointed out tp me that BA only has about half as many as I have been putting in, so model #2 will have less, but it seems silly to change half way through on this one. I also took the opportunity of lidls offering tool storage wall racks, to purchase one and tidy up some of the tools, I just need to design and construct some more hooks for the rest of my tools
  22. oops managed to post too many, I swear I only clicked one picture to add. still tired from all the work I guess.
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