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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I tend to avoid Aldi, the prices are not as cheap as lidl prices for similar tools, I got a belt sander for just under £30, with a 3 year guarantee
  2. I once got into trouble with mr Plod for doing just this, a kid was sat near my house throwing stones at my daughter, I asked him kindly to stop, whereupon he started throwing them at me. at this I got upset and administered the smack around the lughole. the kid burst into tears and ran away - great he has stopped throwing stones at my daughter and me. next thing I know and there is a sergeant knocking on my door, who gives me a good talking to- apparently kid had run straight home to mum and complained - her words to mr policeman- nobody but me clips my kid round the lughole. anyway after explaining everything I had done wrong and getting me to admit that I had been a bad person. mr policeman says to me "it was about time somebody did that to that little sh1t, he has been asking for it for years" then told me he didnt say that- wink wink. the thing was we never had any more trouble from the kid in question - he steered well clear of myself and my daughter, which just goes to prove that it works as a deterrent.
  3. my daughter was always told of left and right hand haggis, as one side the legs are shorter, so they could run around the hills, but that the sad thing was that left and right hand haggis could never mate. Also that sporrans are made from haggis pelts. (but then she believed me that if you sniff real hard a cactus has a wonderful scent, - I cant smell it dad- well get closer - ow.)
  4. German - No, it is good quality double shear sheffield steel- I Wilson, hand forged.
  5. apparently a very good blade by the name, produced post war (from the ex sycamore st)
  6. Jeff here is the murderous implement, the sharp bit is 21cm long, also a closeup of the makers marks.
  7. My Birthday today, so takeaway for tea, this made me later than normal starting, but rib glued, ribs and roof beam steamed, and another pair of deck supports in place - no pictures today as time was short.
  8. Having experienced a battery explosion from charging gasses I can assure you that you dont want to be anywhere near, I was lucky, I was in the drivers seat and the battery in the engine bay of my van, it went bang as I turned the key. battery casing parts flew 30 feet (as did the acid I guess)
  9. oops saw the title and thought, I dont recognise that brand (smoke and Co.)
  10. I will always think of Iain this night as it is also a celebration for me - another year older today.
  11. my father has all his digital images catalogued and saved to disc
  12. a late start this evening, so far I have a rib and deck supports glued, still waiting for the new bits to finish steaming, about 6 more minutes in the steam box.
  13. Charlie, I had already planned to have all the gear able to fold down as the real thing, you could always build the bridge as a 'floating model' then it could be ballasted to give a higher or lower clearance to suit- you could even get historic clearances that way. now I just need to find a scale piano hinge. Well that wasnt easy, but dolls house suppliers do a 304mm long 9mm wide (open) piano hinge, which I think is about as good as I will get, this will probably fit on a 3mm - 4mm thick window frame.
  14. yes 1/12 scale, I am sure if we need some extra air draft we can add a few extra batteries to ballast the boat down
  15. I totally missed seeing this post as I managed to post one at exactly the same time (I only spotted it when resizing the photos in the word document I regularly save the thread to as a record of the build (currently on page 959), I will try and refer to it in future as the well deck, my memory had a blank spot when it came to remembering what this part of Broad Ambition was called, so I kept referring to this area as the aft cockpit - my bad. I have great plans for the wheelhouse area, the sliding sides being one of them, I might even try for the opening windows in the sides too (or is that a bridge too far?). Hopefully by the time I have helped out at the AMP I will have learned the proper names for more parts of the boat (heads and Galleys I already know)
  16. when my daughter worked for BT - in training they were shown how to find out the internet use of a customer, as a test they each had to look up their own houses useage, we won the record as the highest ever seen by the BT trainer at 2Tb a month, fortunately we are on a truly unlimited package. I think the cause is that upstairs we were using streaming internet to watch tv, plus we have the sky plus where downloading movies is done via the internet, and with a 60Mb per second link that doesnt take too long. I do remember that before they stopped showing your usage for unlimited customers we had been nearly hitting the 1Tb per month mark.
  17. grendel


    rock salt in the shotgun cartridges - also good for burglars
  18. grendel


    what about pushing a sacrificial dinghy or punt along in front (or moor it across the stern and reverse all the way) or how about sitting on the bow with the trusty 12 gauge and blasting a path ahead.(might even bag a few fish).
  19. Entertaining the mother in law, invited her to cottage pie for tea, so while she went to the shops with my daughter I got a bit of work done, the standard gluing a rib, shaping more ribs and roof beams, more deck supports, it all keeps progress going forward
  20. I picked up an old steel knife many years back, it had been broken at the tip, so was reshaped into a sharp viking seax and used for cooking in encampments. when we stopped doing reenactments it was moved to the kitchen, it takes a wonderful edge and is used for carving the roast, I dont like modern knives that rely on serrations to do the cutting, and yes I sharpen it with a diamond 'steel', then hone it on a 1200 grit diamond stone.
  21. This morning was an early start for a day off work, giving my mother in law a lift to her hospital checkup, 5 years now since her cancer op, and still no sign of a recurrence. we were a bit late arriving for her 9.15 appt, as despite leaving at 7am (for what should have been just over an hours drive) the m25 was stuffed in several places, and we arrived nearly an hour late. Still that gives me some time this afternoon to work on the models.
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