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Everything posted by grendel

  1. second round of work today, another 2 transom planks on model #1 and another rib steamed and one fitted on model #2
  2. we had a cat named Wellington ewhen we got him, this was shortened to Boots, later to Boo.
  3. square meals all year in that year then.
  4. This afternoons work, after de-stapling some of the reclaimed timber from my daughters old bed, I added a couple of more transom planks to model #1, then steamed up a new rib for model #2, gluing the last one into position in the process.
  5. final bit for today, then I will drink my third baileys of the evening and start celebrating (the fireworks have started already) third rib glued up and next steamed to shape.
  6. some work progressing on the first model, I have started planking up the stern, just as the real thing, first vertical planking, then a thin skim of a decorative plank, horizontally.
  7. My wifes Grandad passed quite a few years back around this time of year, He - like Uncle Albert was a strong willed man, and knew his time was near. From the day he went into the local 'old folks' hospital, he swore that he would not die there. (as in his words all the old folks who went there never came out again) There were many close calls, but each time he pulled through. eventually there was nothing more that could be done and they discharged him to terminal care in a nursing home in the village where he was born. En route his ambulance skidded off the road on ice, and he had to wait in the cold nearly an hour before they could continue his journey (it was only 2 miles in total), yet he still carried on. Safely ensconced in the nursing home he received visitors, all of his close family visited, and all his friends from the village. having done this he took a deep breath, sighed and was gone. He had left the hospital, said goodbye to all his friends and finally with everything done he allowed himself to slip peacefully away. he was in the nursing home just 2 days I would like to think that Uncle Albert too made a decision to stop fighting the inevitable and stopped fighting in the knowledge of a life well spent helping others, not wishing to be a burden on others any more. The sadness will fade with time, he will live on in your memories of the good times, in all the stories you have posted here, and all of those not yet told. things will happen that will remind you of him - always, just remember the good times and remember him with a smile.
  8. happy new year to one and all
  9. The next rib glued in place, and a further one steamed, in the meantime the timber from the bed frame is slowly having the staples removed.
  10. looks like 'we dive at dawn' is on before that too, that's my afternoon viewing sorted.
  11. Todays morning offering, the first rib glued in place, the next one steamed to shape, the third picture shows my first practice with the airbrush my daughter has brought me for Christmas, it gets good coverage and does a reasonable job.
  12. I am sorry to hear that Tim, my Condolences to you and your family, another blow to the forum family, I used to laugh at the tales of Uncle Alberts misdeeds.
  13. I also found some other software for designing 3D figures and had a little play there too.
  14. I have also had a rethink and reworked the 3D model for the light, its a lot better now I think.
  15. high level shelving added for timber storage. work area re-arranged for round 2 of rib steaming and fitting, steaming commenced and the first rib bent around the formers.
  16. I am thinking of some shelving on the wall to support the timber at the back of the workbench.
  17. clamps removed and some tidying up done. ready to start on the ribs next. steaming box to set up and formers to prepare for the next stage.
  18. I see a smiley in a kilt with a wagging finger.
  19. my wife would not let me drive across the bridge in dartford in either the fast or slow lane, we had to be in the middle lanes
  20. and now the other is fitted and glued. just a small amount done today as I am shattered after the hard day I have had. tomorrow will be a trip to the tip with the old mattress, the bed frame will be recycled as timber, and may even find its way into one or both of the models.
  21. busy day today, helping my daughter tidy her room (it took 2 hours to find the floor) and install a new bed for her, this was an all day marathon effort resulting in 10 bin bags of rubbish (I may not be the tidyest person, but my daughter has untidyness in the extreme) anyway after a 7 hour marathon the bed was in, the room tidy and we celebrated with a chinese takeaway. this resulted with my not getting anything done on the model through the day, but I now have one of the inner stringers at the junction of the deck and cabin sides fitted and glued, and I am about to sally forth on the other one shortly.
  22. my wife knew someone who wouldnt do a right turn, she used to plan out routes that were all left turns
  23. plus its a good way to use up that old oil
  24. my wifes grandad always painted his sheds with old engine oil thinned down with parrafin. when I was building my garden decking I found a couple of beams in his garage, these had been preserved with this concoction, the wood was as good when I used it as it was when it had been painted and stored (though my hands did still get black handling it. the decking was taken up about 5 years later and it was still good as new, and is now sitting in the garden waiting to be recycled (again)
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