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Everything posted by grendel

  1. just downloaded my other camera, so here are some more pictures.
  2. after a few days working on the real thing, we have had a quick test float, even an engine check, and are happy with the performance. I havent managed to get anything done to the model yet, but, I do now have the graphics from Griffs graphics supplier for the name badges that Griff got done at the same time as he got the replacements for the boat after the paint job
  3. I remember at the summer meet last year we had connected up to the post with a 3 way splitter, when we left early next morning we plugged the other forum boat back in, but left the private boat that had hooked up to the third leg of the splitter without power as he hadnt asked to share the point.
  4. I would find it so, but maybe a line of Cannon behind the square windows would liven things up
  5. I have a few pictures from my 3 days there, not many, but we were generally quite busy.
  6. have you thought of trying the one the advertise that is cured with an uv light - lazerbond
  7. just arrived home after 3 days hard graft - it took 2 days for the primer to dry, but we flatted back and got the gloss on today, got the wood plugs in the bottom sanded back today after having to put a heater on them to get the epoxy to cure, blow the snow, the temperatures have been the time killer. Griff if a lap dancer arrived, you would attach 2 sanding pads to her bottom and have her dance on the cabin roof to sand it.
  8. or find some thick walled gas pipe the right diameter, then give it a nice coat of paint.
  9. grendel


    its as bad as my mother in law, when she is driving, commenting how someone has changed their curtains (on a house set 30 yards back from the road)
  10. I wasnt wrong, I have been rushing round this evening like a blue bottomed fly, packing bits and checking things off the list, so no work done on the models this evening. there is a big empty space in the kitchen where model #1 has moved to the back seat of the car. It will be shown off at work lunchtime, then at 5pm I will be headed North East (no point in going home from work, it is the right side of the Dartford tunnel and an hour closer than home.
  11. grendel


    I bet it does not perform anywhere near as good at 4mph
  12. I regularly used to tow a ton in a trailer, that did have trailer brakes as it was an old caravan chassis, the trouble was my old v4 transit with drum brakes all round, the problem was not stopping the trailer, but that heading downhill, you couldnt slow the transit down enough to trigger the trailer brakes, if you did manage to trigger them, the stopping distance was halved from the transits normal stopping distance, I do remember one instance where I crested a hill and headed down the steep slope the other side, there was a roundabout about 400 yards away at the bottom, as soon as I saw the slope I stamped on the brakes, but too late, I sailed straight across the roundabout still doing nearly 30mph having crested the hill at about 40, then heading up the hill the other side the brakes let the trailer brakes kick in.
  13. I know the caravan club recommend that towed weight is only 80% of the towing vehicle weight, now with my older v70, I believe I can go up to about 1700kg (at 100% and still keep below a 3500 gross train weight) but the modern Volvo v70s, are restricted to just over 1300kg as the gross weight of the car has been reduced. Towing limits are also further restricted if you took your test after 1997 I believe. as for the tail wagging effect, I have only ever had that once, and would say that accelerating hard is probably not the cure, it does work if you have a lot of spare power, but if the load is heavy you would struggle to get it straight, my cure was to slow down gently by coasting, and gently steer the waggle out, but as stated above, you have to recognise that first waggle, and have room to correct
  14. there is also the possibility that the whole combo was exceeding the allowable towing weight for the towing vehicle, I drive an old heavy volvo, and the maximum weight I can tow isnt that huge, I would imagine most boats will top out over 2000kg, so even with a braked trailer I would have thought a bigger vehicle would be needed, yes I know its a 4x4, but with the modern trend of lightening everything to increase the fuel economy the maximum allowed drops, the overall maximum is about 3.5 tons towed weight at 7m long and looking at that, they would appear to be pushing both those limits.
  15. I'd love to see the Fathers Union one!
  16. well I suppose the lettuce leaf is no more absorbent than the izal.
  17. todays work so far has been a bit of the same again, ribs fixed, new ribs and roof beams shaped, and deck side beams fitted, tomorrow night I may not get much done as I will be packing and loading the car in preparation for joining Charlie and Robin with Broad Ambition, I will be heading up straight after work on Tuesday.
  18. I still remember the toilet at my Grans, it was approached with a big torch down the garden, and you had a choice that shiney stuff, or the newspaper squares on a string. newspaper always won, though you could leave an imprint of last weeks news in your underwear.
  19. Today was a bit of a departure from the usual routine, I wont say too much as the reveal will be later in the week, but the skeg has been bolted in place - the bolts pass through the keel in 4mm o/d brass tubes, and the prop shaft supports have been installed, Apart from that it was the normal rib fixed, and more steamed, and another set of deck supports.
  20. tonight we have a rib glued, another rib and a roof beam steamed, plus side deck supports
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