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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Tim, if you had been through the hassle we have had here in Canterbury, arguing that a playing field that has been in daily use for many decades is common land (when the local council wanted to sell it for development) . you would realise that it is never cut and dried - we have eventually got 2/3 of the playing field area designated as a common, but it took nearly 3 years of constant fighting.
  2. so after taking Charlies advice and taking a break last night - well ok I was busy doing something else for a change, today hasnt been that productive, but the next plank was steamed and clamped into shape ready to be glued.
  3. It must have been the London Accent, he was pushed through to the department where they deal with Londoners
  4. I once knew an electrician, he had lost both legs and had 2 tin legs, one above and one below the knee. this injury was caused by stepping on a poisonous sea urchin, one leg was amputated below the knee - by the time they had realised it was the wrong leg he had to have the other taken off above the knee. with his two tin legs he was active and able, he used to race motorcycles, his favorite trick to unseat an opponent in close racing was to stick his foot through the front wheel of his opponent, of course the foot came off, and he would finish the race then fall over- legless.
  5. I think a lot of the issue is where petrol stations have a policy of only allowing a limited amount in suitable containers - regardless of what the law actually states. The RYA document above suggests larger amounts can be bought and transported, but that local policy at the petrol station may restrict you further.
  6. http://www.rya.org.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/legal/Web Documents/Legal Leaflets/Clubs/Premises/CARRIAGE AND STORAGE OF PETROL AND DIESEL.pdf this document by the RYA seems to cover the situation
  7. most construction gangs travel around with several 5 gallon plastic drums full of diesel for their compressors / diggers etc, these do have to be stored in a bunded area (a tray that would contain any spillage) so I wonder how / where they obtain their diesel.
  8. this evening was the fixing of yesterdays plank, still too tight at the bow to clamp both sides at once (one gluing one shaping).
  9. I dont think I have the capacitance to absorb that last post
  10. I can find this one from the 1880's - http://maps.nls.uk/view/101582876
  11. similar referred to dated 1840 from Paris, maybe acquired during ww1
  12. well not a lot done this evening, just steamed and clamped the plank I didnt get done last night, but a little bit done nonetheless. I spent the rest of the evening on the laser printer, having replaced a toner and getting some horrible clunks until I got it set in the right place, I then found the print was only happening down one side, so removing all the toners and drum, I spotted that the toner carrier was on the cock, one side was several teeth displaced from the other, a quick attack with the tools, and the two ends were once again aligned, quick test print proved everything was once again all right with the world (and the printer) so when I need to print the dek king, it will be ready.
  13. Oh for the days when a quick squirt of Carbon tetrachloride cured every electrical switching ill - sadly now no longer allowed.
  14. An investigation showed that the police were Ampered in their investigations, but the battery was recovered without charge.
  15. also beware of all of the emails telling you that you have won a voucher at :- Tesco, Morrison, Sainsbury, Asda, Lidl, Aldi, Boots, and many more - I even had one from 'sainsburys' telling me my nectar account had been upgraded - click here for 500 nectar points. when looking at these, I hover the mouse over the link, and the exact link will show up at the bottom left of my email program, it almost certainly will not be the company that it purports to be - the same works with links if you view emails from a web browser.
  16. so back in the flow, unfortunately around the bow we are at the narrow bit, so very little space to clamp the planks, I glued up a plank, trimmed the next to shape, but no point steaming it as there isnt space to clamp at the bow, so we have got as far as we can on that part. I am looking at the cabin sides with thoughts of adding the window boxes before they are fitted, as it will be easier to clamp them in place off the model, then the windows themselves can be slotted in at a later time, I now need to go look at some pictures to check their construction.
  17. when the left bore is closed there isnt a problem, its just when about 20 cars try and cut across from there in the mornings when theres barely a gap in traffic in the left lanes, its no wonder I have seen plenty of cars T boned on the front of lorries as they try and drive at right angles across the traffic.
  18. The ones that drive through the right hand tunnel at the dartford crossing from kent, who then want to cross 3 lanes (including solid white lines) to take the first exit, there is only about 300 yards between the point they can physically start crossing and the exit slip, there are solid white lines until past the junction and notices that tell them to use the left tunnel for that exit, yet every morning, both cars and lorries.... no wonder this is the point accidents happen, then the left tunnel is closed to traffic so they can clear it up.
  19. Car Parts arrived at 10am, 12pm I went out in the car park at work, fitting the new control arm (bottom wishbone), 1pm I was back at the test centre (about 200 yards from the office on the estate where I work) 1.15pm I was back in the office with the pass paperwork in my hand. all he needed to do was have a quick look, seeing a new part was enough to show the problem had been rectified. The car is now sorted for a year, and I can get back to concentrating on the models.
  20. they also know that they are going to come off worse in any incident that happens to them.
  21. in our area the 40mph limit extends about 4 miles from the centre of town, even on A roads - this is due to the houses with drives straight onto the main road - the excuse given that a child could run out of the driveway - in my opinion this is just an excuse as the driveways are nearly 1/4 mile long with the houses well back from the road. the 50mph limit then extends a further 6 or 7 miles. in all on the 15 mile A road between Canterbury and Ashford there is about half a mile that is at national limit - the rest is 50mph or slower. when I was younger I could do the trip between towns in about 20 minutes (and still stick to the speed limits) now I am lucky if I can do the trip in less than 40 minutes sticking to the new speed limits. It also amazes me that some drivers see national speed limit as 70mph, no- on an single carriageway A road it is only 60mph - well that was what I was taught when I learned to drive, if they havent sneakily changed the rules again.
  22. well late home as the dartford crossing was stuffed tonight, so no time to do any model work, car failed its MOT today needing a new ball joint, parts ordered and on delivery for tomorrow, hopefully will replace them at lunch time and get the car retested tomorrow. just hope I wont be too tired to get a little done tomorrow.
  23. ah the pathfinders, I wore those out too quick, we went for the tuf's these had a 12 month guarantee, and I could usually wear out 3 pairs before that expired (we had a very good shoe shop locally, and they used to give us the next size up each time when replacing under guarantee). I remember similar sandals and reins though
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