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Everything posted by grendel

  1. reading that by october he had changed staff and achieved a 4 star rating, doesnt sound so bad to me, it seemed fine when we were there in february.
  2. As a minimum, liveaboard moorings would require access by road, or else how would the liveaboards go about their daily lives- ie going to work, shopping school etc. It would be no use whatever tucking them away in some long forgotten part of the system miles from any services. yes it is a lifestyle choice for some, for others economics comes into it as the only affordable way to have a home, and they will be the ones with jobs and a need to get to them.
  3. I will have to crack on with the work, if only to stop comments like those above.
  4. so I have had a couple of days off, I have been a bit busy getting gear together to get to the meet, digging out all the necessities.
  5. I will be setting one up on the shore, I managed to get a frontier portable stove last weekend at the boot fair- it looks like this, it all packs inside the fire box for transport. it does cooking as well as heat.
  6. to make her taller so she can look down on minions maybe?
  7. A sad occasion, my condolences to the Family.
  8. considering I will be cooking on a wood stove at the meet Basics is good.
  9. I was going to watch this last night, but didnt get the chance, I will try again tonight.
  10. now the next question is, I wonder if I can do bread on my little wood stove I have done bread on a gas camping stove in the past.
  11. I for one intend to try and do some proper cooking on it (disappears off to look at the cooking on the corsican pages) as well as sausage bacon and eggs for breakfast.
  12. I picked up one of these at the boot fair this weekend.
  13. Mustard is only hot enough when it makes your nose run and your eyes water. I once had a hotdog from a hotdog van, squeezed the mustard on liberally as usual, but unusually the hotdog van had made proper mustard, I took one bite and my eyes watered and my nose ran, I then went on to polish the whole thing off with relish, and went back and congratulated the proprietor for his unusually good mustard.
  14. I have also glued the plank in place that I shaped the other day.
  15. I was planning to paint inside the brass gauges with white paint, a hint of dials then resin fill to the top. Paul, at the moment I am either using ordinary gorilla glue, or their pva based glue. I try and avoid model and hobby shops and either make my own fittings or come up with my own way to make things. saves the cards and cash too.
  16. possibly, or a simple chrome paint might do the job.
  17. just so there is no mistake, here are the recent parts with a metric ruler included, they really are tiny, about as small as I can make even on my tiny lathe.
  18. another 7 small gauges turned, this time the flange thicknesses are more consistent, any really thick ones from the other set can be swapped into this set and the thinnest ones here will be swapped into the first set.
  19. you may notice that the thicknesses of the gauges varies, the second set will be more carefully controlled, I may be able to make 2 more or less even sets.
  20. after a whole days work off and on (bearing in mind my lathe, that the motor is only rated to work for 20 minutes out of each hour (then 40 minutes cool down) I have finally finished the gauges for one dashboard.
  21. 4 of the small gauges now completed
  22. second large gauge done, now onto the small ones.
  23. Well in the end I went for a custom made part, this will be painted white in the middle to represent the dial, the 7 smaller dials will be made the same way (but smaller) (ok I know, its not a chromed finish, but the aluminium I had wasnt machining well at this size, so an 8mm hole was drilled in the panel, and the gauge set into the wood.
  24. I am still trying to figure what to use for the gauges.
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