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Everything posted by grendel

  1. a friend of mine did something similar in a biker bar- he took his drink out to the toilets with him and came back in with a Richard in the drink, then proceeded to drink the drink and eat the richard. it was of course a mars bar he had mangled to give it the appearance of a richard. it gained him tons of brownie point in the local biker group though.
  2. todays offering, we have shaped and steamed a plank, clamped in place to dry out.
  3. Having watched properly this evening, I have added a couple of comments to the vlog on youtube. Great video, great coverage of the meet, and I am glad your foccactia turned out well and was tasty, like you said, its one of those recipes that you will never be able to repeat, though looking at the piece where you cut it it was showing some texture, so you obviously had a little yeast action.
  4. just quickly skipped through the video at work (I only get 30 minutes of non work related internet time) looks good, I will watch properly later. my bread of course was topsy turvy bread, crusty on the bottom and soft on top (the temperature differential in that old oven - which I have found out is a Kubex oven from WW2) Maybe I could devise a heat shield to retain the heat and give me a better cooking temperature.
  5. I was going to answer the title of the thread, with take your head out of the water then, the manual mentions a non return valve, so I would look there, it also mentions a anti siphon vent that should stop all of the water in the bowl siphoning away, so it seems like there should be some, maybe with the anti siphon valve, the water left in that half of the pipe returns to the bowl.
  6. Today I have been busy in the garden, tidying clearing weeds etc, so the model has taken a bit of a back seat this weekend, but today I have taken the clamps off, planed the joints, and sanded down the join between the planks.
  7. they are obviously pirates shoes, only 1 foot.- no pairs.
  8. yesterday i set about and shaped a plank on the other side, today so far I have prepared the next half dozen planks, by running them across the sander to clean off the colouring from their use as blinds. gluing of that plank will happen shortly.
  9. grendel

    The Hot One

    there used to be a decent bush to take a turn of rope around while you get your rhond anchors sorted.
  10. how could one possibly ever forget the Timbos.
  11. grendel


    we just had a thunderstorm here in Kent, cleared now and back to sunshine.
  12. Hitler tried just that, and the whole world was up in arms about it - lets no go there. Your reaction is as extremist as the terrorists, this is how they want people to react, so they can then use your reaction to recruit more terrorists. your reaction shows them that they are winning. we cant be having that, so please can we let this thread fade away, and get back to a normal life of boats and broads.
  13. Early morning cruises are the best (especially that coffee )
  14. I also took the opportunity for a bit of a tidy up of the work bench.
  15. tonight after a bit more trimming to get the fit perfect, the plank I shaped last night is now glued in place.
  16. if it squeaks you could always use teak oil
  17. At one point it did look like Timbo was going to head off and have a brew while I was stood there holding the flagpole, I could envisage myself stood there all weekend, but a gentle prompt that I had spotted an end in the tangle of cordage got things under way again. This reminds me of a time doing viking re-enactment, when we were at Rochester castle, a good friend in the society had recently passed away, and his last request was to be scattered at a re-enactment. there being a sizeable castle keep at this site it was decided that the scattering would take place from the top of the keep, thus enabling everyone a share in the process. Unfortunately it was a little damp on the day, and instead of the ashes flying to the wind they fell in a lump, landing upon the steps up to the door of the keep. Upon returning to ground level it was spotted that one of the castle custodians was toiling on the steps with a brush, while muttering under his breath about people throwing stuff from the top of the keep, at this point it became difficult to withhold the giggles. The best bit was that the one person who would have been most amused, was the one whose ashes landed in a plop on the stairs.
  18. we can keep it as an option if we don't sort it out this weekend, I am hoping to get the second model to a point where I can bring both to the wooden boat show, plus get some more detail work done on the first model.
  19. Thanks Griff, if not I can always pick it up at the wooden boat show.
  20. you may have noticed its been a bit quiet on the model making front for a few days. I was really pleased with the models performance over the meet weekend, but was so worn out that I have had a few evenings off. Tonight however that changed, I got down to work, planed and shaped a plank, then steamed it and clamped it into position. after the mad rush at the end of last week I need to take time out to tidy up my work bench.
  21. that explains why Griff is headed up that way this coming weekend.
  22. Speedtriple, I will refer you to Hockham Admirals last post in the rant thread, and ask that you re-consider parts your post above with respect to the guidelines posted. bearing in mind that this is not in the members area.
  23. I first was alerted to this by this very thread this morning, I refrained from answering in anger. My thoughts go out to all those who suffered injury and loss, I am heartened to see the response from those who opened their doors to the victims and others attending the event. I really hope that this tragedy is not used as a springboard to launch hatred of others, as some would like (not least the terrorists). I feel that how politicians respond to this may well influence my decisions come voting time, and by that I mean not responding with generalised violence and hatred to people of the same race or religion as the terrorists, as that is the reaction the terrorists are trying to elicit, then they have an excuse to recruit more of their fellows.
  24. You are quite right, I forgot to ask Robin about it.
  25. 3 portaloos, a fire pit - no vehicles and tons of peace and quiet, plus 2 cold water taps down at the moorings. no showers. there is a camping pod for a little more, but that has nothing but a proper roof. there are proper toilets - at the car park.
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