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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Early start this morning, these last two top planks wont get any shaping, plus since we have got away from the sharp curves at the bow, they dont need steaming either, so on with the glue and onto the model, clamped in place. At present I am finishing this one side, then it will be the last 4 or 5 planks on the other side too. in between planks I will be concentrating on that windscreen, so far this part has been a bit of a nemesis for me, with several attempts, but I am determined to get a good finished result, preferably with a jointed frame, but I might go with a plywood frame if I have to.
  2. And the diddly diddly diddly as you run through some points Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  3. well not a lot of work tonight, just gluing up the plank shaped yesterday, I was held up over an hour getting across the bridge at dartford due to a bad accident in the approach to the tunnel, it must have been a bad one as they had the green screens up to stop rubbernecking, yet it still held me up.
  4. in victorian times they did not have continuously welded rail, and trains went clickety clack across the joints in the rails, which were big enough to take up the expansion when hot and the contraction when cold, I would imagine when the bridges were built the rails were in several sections across the bridge, so the expansion of the rails was less than now where the rail across the bridge is probably one continuous length, so any expansion has to occur at the ends.
  5. Tonight was another plank being shaped steamed and clamped, plus I tried my stainless steel angle against the corner - lookin good.
  6. well just finished the second half of my research (any excuse), excellent review, I cant even remember if I saw it the first time round.
  7. Ouch, I could not even get any insurer to insure my volvo for a learner driver, and even with all my no claims I am only just under £1000 pa- mind you the value of the car is low, but I do a high mileage and have it insured for 30,000 miles personal use and 10,000 miles business use, both of which shove the premiums up by a fair whack.
  8. Tim the straw is part of the cap, it allows air into the closed end of the bottle preventing a vacuum. the plastic bottle you provide yourself.
  9. I think its a tap tap tap with a hammer, if it goes tap splodge, you have found some rot.
  10. I managed to watch about 45 minutes last night - lets call it research time for the model
  11. Ah Griff if only I lived closer I would take you up on that one Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  12. I have decided on an evening off tonight, so I can take a break and review my thoughts on the windscreen.
  13. I have some similar to the smaller ones of those on order already 10mm x 8mm fully open- pack of 20
  14. most of the 1/24 scale ones are non functional, and those that are functional are the same size as the ones I have.
  15. not quite, they are the smallest piano hinges I can get (120mm long), each leaf of the hinge is about 6mm wide (about the equivalent of using a large door hinge with 2 1/2" screws to fit a cupboard door) these are specialist ones made for 1/12 scale doll houses but still a little large for scale.
  16. and there was me admiring your work in making the windscreen frames. I was a bit dubious about making them from one piece as you then get short grain on the uprights, I may follow your example with the plywood, or I may try a better way of making the joints accurately.
  17. from the look of it Tim, each from a single tree, that should ensure good grain matching and consistent quality.
  18. well still not 100% this one is the right size but has a slight twist, heavy weights have been added while it glues to see if it will glue up straight, I have to admit to rushing this one a bit
  19. well I dont believe it, after oh so carefully measuring everything and making sure it was all square, I managed to make the window short, I will just need to start it again. best to find out now rather than later I guess. anyway that plank I shaped yesterday has been glued up and clamped.
  20. teak was collected on the way home from work this evening.
  21. if you do stop then find yourself drifting sideways - that is black ice, same with trying to go up hills and drifting into the kerb (though that can give you some grip using the sidewall of the tyres). Then there is the crossing of high bridges where the wind will suddenly hit you and you find yourself struggling to stay in lane.
  22. I have sky and only watch the quest channel. unfortunately its not available on live streaming any more, and out local freeview is only a repeater, so does not have most of the channels (I think we get about 12 freeview channels). Generally the TV is only on in the background. I did consider ditching sky a while back.
  23. you can get low side puppy ones at 8" diameter.
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