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Everything posted by grendel

  1. on our company network, emails all have attachments converted to pdf (you have to request the original files then they are subjected to additional anti virus scans) usb's are disabled, and everything is stored off of your personal machine, and all of the servers are backed up daily. many people have complained at the restrictions, but this shows how careful companies need to be. we do have one machine at each site that can accept usb, this machine is off of our network, the files are saved to our company cloud site, then scanned for viruses before being released, you can then access your 'company cloud site from your company machine to get your scanned and virus free files.
  2. hopefully he will find a nice safe place to moor and get on with his life, at least it looks like he has achieved one of my dreams - a home on the water. I envy anyone who gets a place to live on the water, or a boat to get out on the water when they wish.
  3. I glued that plank in place last night, today I am looking at getting at least one roof section made on model #1
  4. apparently this was a worldwide attack affecting 99 countries - so not just the NHS
  5. I think maybe after this we should alter the title to say "Help! An Idiot" (or even 3)
  6. at least its not a blanket.
  7. I believe the flag represents the military services of several of the owners.
  8. http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/handy-information/webcams/ They are now linked from the Handy Information Tab at the top of the page.
  9. This is my little oven, a little rusty on the inside, but thats down to the heat - sitting on a flame.
  10. sounds good fun, I will bring an infra red thermometer so I can see what temperatures my stove reaches. now I would normally use fresh yeast so i will have to see what i have in the way of dried, all my fresh is in the freezer and wont last once defrosted (it gets portioned up in ice cube trays and frozen- then used straight from frozen)
  11. Geoffery, do you reckon I should attempt bread on my stove at the upcoming meet?
  12. I used to do flatbreads on a skillet over a camp fire, just a round circle of steel on a handle.
  13. I am considering just how much I have to carry to the campsite for the meet, and wondering if my tin box oven and bread making kit is feasible. the oven I have is donkeys years old, but worked well in my camper van over a gas ring.
  14. I think that the problem is still that most of the land based parks have the only 11 months of the year residency rule in place (though I have known people take a foreign holiday for those few weeks of the year)
  15. in Holland they have homes that if a flood occurs just float up off their foundations, so dont get flooded, we could look at homes like this for the marshier, more flood prone areas, at the very least.
  16. the Rating is (like an MOT) only an indication of the state of the kitchens on a certain day at a certain time that the inspector called. As I have indicated above, the council admit that its current standard would meet a 4 star rating, OK not the top 5 star rating, but equally not the 2 star rating they were given last april - over a year ago now. while some may not like the current licensee, the fact is that the Broads needs these businesses to cater for the holidaymakers.
  17. the problem is that the pub is still labouring under a rating of 2 from april 2016, whereas the council officer herself admitted (in the words of the newspaper) "She said when inspectors revisited in October last year it was greatly improved and another unannounced visit this week showed it would now achieve a “four star rating”." This is what we experienced when we visited in February (not having a lot of alternative options due to the hours we were putting in). I would happily return. Unlike the title of the article, its the old problems being raised once more, it does seem silly to punish someone who has - the council has admitted, made improvements, for an offence committed, so long after the problem no longer exists. I can fully understand why he has appealed. I am not condoning the original actions that led to the problem, but the time taken to react by the authorities, and the validity of their continued action, considering the problem has now been resolved. surely the raising of standards is the desired result.
  18. I do reboot it occasionally, I had a race once between the windows machine and the linux one, the linux one won, downloading the updates, loading them and restarting before the windows machine had even shut down
  19. my solution to windows 10 updates - leave the machine running, dont shut down and reboot, then it doesnt seem to check for updates.
  20. we had the joy at our astronomy club of watching the lecturers machine do a windows update - just as he was about to start his presentation, and despite having updates turned off. it then went on to change the hard drive the machine booted from, from the fast SSD hard drive to the old conventional large one, the presentation started 45 minutes late. (but was a very good one on fred hoyle and stonehenge)
  21. Tonights work was shaping and steaming a plank, and clamping it in place. I also took the opportunity to do some sanding on the planks that are already in place
  22. Its already too late fo fight that, I know people that live in vans (actually I now quite a large group of them) some by choice, others because the system has failed them and its all they can do.
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