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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well as it happens, fitting light switches is actually easier than I originally thought, once I started thinking how I would represent the console switches on the dashboard, it came to me that the small DIP switches seen on many motherboards would be a good representation of the dashboard console switches, with the actual switch levers a scale size. so a quick (and cheap) ebay purchase later and the switches arrived, up earlyish this morning and I satdown with my coffee to think about the dashboard. I made this one out of a lime wood (linden or boxwood) venetian blind slat. the technique for cutting the holes out to take the switches is similar to that used in full size, holes were drilled in the corners (1mm) to stop the wood splitting out, I have a box of drill bits ranging from 0.4mm to 3.2mm in 0.1mm steps. a small finger drill was used, then a scalpel was used to cut the lines, and the holes were filed out to size with a diamond grit file. I may redo this part using 1/16" or 1/32" plywood, as these slats are quite thick, the switches are barely coming flush at the front. the good part is that the switches can be wired up for the cabin and other lights the pictures here show as a background my reference book of photographs, which are very useful when working on the details.
  2. Tonights work was preparing another plank, then steaming and clamping it in place
  3. I will watch that tonight when I get home.
  4. is the Beagle the one that knows what he is doing?
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heater_shield
  6. heater was the name for a knights shield of the same shape as a flat iron, so this may be where it originates.
  7. left hand down a bit, right hand up a bit - cruunncchh
  8. I like the spitfire memorial when they are at Folkestone, as its on the top of the cliffs, they generally fly along pretty much level with where you look from, and without fail if any spitfires attend the show they always start and finish with a very low overfly of the memorial.
  9. so bearing in mind this is my first attempt at this fine work, I think I might need to have another go, but here is my attempt 1
  10. grendel


    must have been quoting our Gracie
  11. Piano wire, nice and springy
  12. The stainless steel plate has now been temporarily attached to a light fitting with double sided tape ready for detail filing to take place, because the fittings are thermal plastic, power tools cannot be used as these would get too hot, though once one is completed a stack of repeats can be done using a diamond disc in my dremel drill.
  13. This evening just a little bit of fine work, this is the metal mounting for a light fitting, the wooden backing will then be shaped, I just felt that the chrome mount should be represented, this one will need some more careful filing before its ready
  14. grendel


    I always wondered why bird watchers had big binoculars.
  15. what ! the workmen are on fire?
  16. grendel


    I can understand that in these early months the wearing of nothing but skin could be a little uncomfortable, but would think the nettles might discourage them. Oh sorry you said Naturalists.
  17. you could get him a new orange one
  18. I also spent some time today working out the backing plate details for the lights, one stainless steel plate and a wood plate will do the trick.
  19. all I did this evening was to remove the clamps and check that the movement of the parts in the sash pillars works, which it does. now the sashes can be made.
  20. well the sash pillars have been cut just a shade long, I have cut some pieces to the correct length and wedged them into the pillars to make sure they are equally spaced all the way down, next to glue them in place.
  21. ooh a 2 second movie clip, love the smoke.
  22. the sash window support pillars have been constructed, one plank has been glued in pace. Earlier today I picked up a bandsaw from the boot fair, it needed a little work, a bracket to hold the motor capacitor and a new cover fixing screw, these were immediately designed and printed, it was missing the blade, and I correctly guessed that this was why it had been abandoned, the motor tests out well.
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