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Everything posted by grendel

  1. learning from the previous build the front section is being built up prior to putting it into the build board.
  2. slowly lofting the bulkheads, starting with one at the front and one at the back - this will give me the mounting height for all the rest of the bulkheads, progress today is slow as I am struggling with this cold, but I have filled the other side of the hull, that is sitting in the conservatory until it is set and the smell dies down a bit.
  3. dosed up to the eyeballs, tickly cough and nose entering for the marathon, but the second side has been sparingly filled (now drying) and started getting the bulkheads ready for starting model #2
  4. to be honest, now that there are alternatives, strike action will just push customers to use other means, and if they find them cheaper / mire reliable, they wont come back.
  5. no progress this evening as I have come down with a hacking cough and runny nose that has come on during the day, so I fugured to give it a rest and have an early night - I will be back on the case tomorrow though.
  6. we need to see pictures, or we will never believe you.
  7. no, I had to sort out some issues with one of my computers before I could start.
  8. tonights update - after some computer delays I carried on sanding, I have removed about 90% of the filler I put on last night, still a couple of spots on this side that might do with a skim of filler, then onto the other side, I will wait to apply the filler until I can do it in the conservatory - it dont harf pong a bit as its curing.and while sanding I had to dig out the hoover and a facemask as the dust is really fine.
  9. Tim, does that mean I will have to put on a silly paper hat and jumper and do a video on Christmas day? all the scrapers I have are flat (even the small scraper plane - 3" long) and the curves are a bit too convex or concave (or both at the same time for scrapers really, I have also learned the lesson that really all the planks should be exactly the same thickness as a couple were fractionally different so the rest need to be sanded down to that level. I am doing it by hand slowly as I could do it by machine - but what if I slip? I was right I did use a bit much filler so its slowly coming back to plank level, but with the gaps filled in. I will have a look at tightbond later.
  10. we have lost 3 of our elderly cats this year, one collapsed and was taken to the vets and mercifully put to sleep, one died in his sleep overnight (at age 24) and the other died in my arms early one morning as we waited for the vets to open, the wound is still open every time I think of one of them, but we still have the 4 younger cats keeping us company. You will never forget Cleo, but with time passing the memories will hopefully focus on the happy times with her, rather than the sadness of her passing.
  11. trying some different methods of smoothing the gaps between planks, worse case I put too much filler into the gap and have extra sanding to do, I can always sand right back to the wood.
  12. Oh I am so sorry, these little ones leave such a big hole in our lives when they leave us, my condolences.
  13. cleaning up was what they said they had been doing - in actual fact that probably took 10 minutes, then the rest of the time was spent with a glass of port and their feet up nattering while the gents were out of the way.
  14. there are not a lot of visible updates tonight as mostly I have been filling the joints between planks and sanding, still its slowly coming together, I have decided to leave starting the next hull until the weekend when I can get a good crack at the setting up. meanwhile there is plenty of sanding to be done to get the planks smooth and level. As a point of interest I weighed the hull at the weekend and it came in at 2.2kg so far. for this hull I am already planning ahead for deck bearers forrard of the cabin, and down the sides, the forrard ones will need steaming to a slight curve to match the forrard bulkhead.
  15. I have been looking to see if I can get a couple of days break in February while Broad Ambition is out of the water on annual maintenance, so I can get up and see some of the underside, If I do I will certainly bring this hull up (not sure if the second one will be complete enough by then) and may try to scrounge a lick of the aluminium paint for the model.& give a hand with the annual maintenance, remember this was the trial run, a deal more care will be going into the next hull, as I put into practice all I have learned with doing this one.
  16. I would say our setup at work is nothing like that - we have proper server racks and all in a lovely cupboard under the stairs, all fitted out with inlet and exhaust fans in the wall - oh and almost since the day it was installed, the door has to be left open or the whole lot overheats. not too much of a problem today though as since 10.30 this morning the internet has been down, this means email is down, the servers are unaccessible and the phones cant connect to the server that manages the extensions, so only incoming calls are working. how am I getting online to browse this forum I hear you ask, well perversely although our main internet is down, our guest wifi is on a separate connection to the BT box, and that is working fine.
  17. I have done some sanding, filled the gaps at the front in readiness for attaching the prow, we dont need a leak here, other than that I have been resting on my laurels and getting some other jobs around the house done.
  18. having had a neighbour who caused noise nuisance regularly having music at levels that drowned out our tv, at silly o clock in the morning when they got back from the clubs and it took nearly 2 years of reports, keeping records to get the council to install recording equipment. you then get the recorder installed in a sealed locked box, with a key fob, a press on the key set it recording for 5 minutes. bearing in mind this was from next door, when they reviewed the tapes they first asked us if we had been playing music - as we obviously didnt have the equipment to do this they came back saying the noise levels exceeded what they thought was comfortable - in our house, how loud it was next door they had no idea, but within a week the had gone in and confiscated the sound equipment and the neighbours were warned they were in breach of their lease from the council (ex council house here). so only after 2 years and getting the local mp involved did we finally get the situation sorted. so things can get done, but dont expect it to be quick.
  19. This morning I have been doing some tidying up, the front has been sanded nice and flat, and the stubs of the ribs that were sticking up have been trimmed back and sanded flush, this has improved the looks and lines no end.
  20. one last bit of work, preparing the bow for that all important lump at the front, I do see that my prow is not quite symmetrical, but that was the area I had problems with, so not unexpected, for the second hull I now know the method, this will need sanding flat in preparation to fitting the prow.
  21. Some more photos, done with my other camera, hopefully a bit better with less shake etc. all taken as I want to remember just how good this stage made me feel.
  22. I must apologise for 3 things, the out of focus pictures (can you tell I was happy to get to this stage) and the mess in the background, (I was going to tidy today and got sidetracked.
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