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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Oh well, no drama, just pop it down to Lowestoft boys, through the Mutford lock.
  2. Sitting here watching the AIS for any hint of movement away from the quay has me in mind of "The Battle of the River Plate" ..... is she moving ....... yes, shes moving,
  3. Can anyone on board confirm that the sun is over the yard arm? I feel a small libation may be in order.
  4. I din't think the Gorleston one is working, it's been down for years ..... Not sure of any others I can imagine Robin will have us updated pretty promptly. I can imagine him now hanging off the Gorleston Light waiting for a first view
  5. There was a 4m swell in the Thames approaches this morning, hitting them abeam of course which always makes things uncomfortable. Certainly no pleasure cruise!
  6. She's currently making about 8 knots off Orford Ness. I can imagine crossing the Thames Estuary was quite exciting with a stiff easterly blowing over the outgoing tide.
  7. As Robin poster himself on facebook I'm sure he will not object to it being reported here. He had an anxiety attack whilst onboard yesterday and became quite disorientated. He felt it was best to leave the boat and make way to Gt Yarmouth by train. I'm sure he'll be on the quayside to welcome the crew in later today. The boat is in safe hands with Griff and Howard on board.
  8. Registering again now, just passed Felixstowe heading towards Aldeburgh
  9. Must say I am enjoying the prog, but I think it has had quite an effect on Le Boat, their website seems to have crashed
  10. I'm not sure you could call a donkey a horse but I've backed a few horses down the years I would like to call donkeys
  11. I'm sure that's the wrong way round Ricardo. Schools, emergency services etc are paid for (largely) from Income tax which is considered "direct", being made on income (or profit for the self employed). As a country we pay too little income tax as a result of government after government lowering rates in an attempt to buy votes and gain re-election. This is why our schools, health service, police force etc. are in such a dire state. Indirect taxation is the use of revenue raised from things such as VAT, Alcohol duty, Road fund license etc to fund services.
  12. I think Peter's post above is very much on the nail. We disagree sometimes, Peter and I about the fine detail, but on the basics we are very much "singing from the same hymn sheet". OK, behind the sofa I go, but the Broads is to all intents and purposes a National Park. I say that with a degree of trepidation, as I was hounded out of a "different place" for making that same statement. It is a "Member of the National Parks family and enjoys the name "National Park" and many of the privileges and protections that it affords. It can be marketed as a National Park and visitors will find much of the infrastructure that they expect from a NP. But there are a few very important differences which are enshrined in the Broads Bill, which Peter and a number of other intrepid campaigners fought to ensure continued before it was enacted into law. Why does it matter? Well, if full NP status was afforded it would be easier for the Executive to restrict navigation in favour of conservation, in fact full NP status might almost oblige them to do so. Of course, there are two sides to the argument. Naturalist organisations such as the RSPB (and others) would very much like to see that happen. Those who enjoy boating would not. There has to be a balance and IMHO it's about right as it is. Whether it is the intention of the Executive to seek to further limit navigation I do not know, but I would not like them to have the authority to do so, further than that which they already have. Is it the intention of the Authority, and especially it's CEO to continue to push for full NP status? You would have to ask him. I have my opinions but I think I will keep them to myself.
  13. You wouldn't get much of an ocean goer under Ludham Bridge. Seriously if anyone wishes to buy gold please get in touch, I have an excellent source in Nigeria, you just need to send me your bank account details.
  14. I might just place an advert in the local press "Multi millionaire seeks young lady with boat for fun on the water. Please send picture ............ of boat"
  15. dead right, I'd just waste the rest
  16. Amen to that. We lose friends as we go through life, but there are always many more who are there for you.
  17. Very sad news, a genuinely nice man and good friend of many years. RIP Pete
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