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Everything posted by Paul

  1. The White Horse in Chedgrave will be showing the football but if the prices in the Swan are subject for ridicule then the Horse will leave you breathless. I'm not sure that the Swan will be showing the football anyway (though would doubt any pub could afford not to) Agree the Kings Head is the place to go, you will be most welcome just to enjoy the game with a beverage or two.
  2. As this will probably not be allowed apres le new constitution I thought I'd just get this plug in for my new 8 bit computer game. I'm struggling with the last few bits of code but coming soon ......
  3. My Dentist books emergency appointments for August 24th. It would be funny if I wasn't being serious.
  4. I was going to stress that proper beer requires no CO2, only girlie paints rely on added gas. Sadly, I too like Griff am off the alcohol due to a dental problem which has been going on for three weeks now. For most of that time I have been reduced to rolling up in a ball on the sofa rocking backwards and forwards like a demented bear. It's been a pretty miserable time. Another trip to the dentist today and the guilty wisdom tooth still cannot be removed as the swelling around it refuses to go away. So another week like this, and they will try again next Tuesday.
  5. I'm not sure it was "Uncle Tony". Suggestion was it was my namesake, an ex Everton footballer, though I did once see it, on a Bentley Continental Mulliner driving around Leicester, which is quite local to the Wilkinson family of course
  6. I always dreamed of owning the plate W1 LKO which became available with other W prefix plates in 2000. I made an inquiry with DVLA and registered my interest in advance and was notified that the number would go to auction, something I was expecting, with a guide price of £3000 - £5000. It was a tremendous extravagance but as the auction was being held in Birmingham. about 45 minutes from where I lived I thought why the hell not. It must be an omen. I toddled off to the auction, registered, got my number and waited with baited breath for my lot to come up. I was not new to auctions, but had never been to a DVLA auction before. I was quite encouraged to see that other numbers W4 LLY was one I remember, going for close to or sometimes less than their estimate. The lot prior to mine closed with no bidders and so it began. Lot 108, the registration number W1 LKO, suitable for any vehicle registered on or after 1st March this year (2000) or may be held on retention. I can open the bidding on commission at seventy thousand pounds. I left
  7. My Brother in Law is on his third GC, he swears by them. Second generation, third generation now 4th, he's had one of each with no major issues on any of them.
  8. nice result but not let's kid ourselves that it was anything more than an average performance. The goal we conceded was really poor and could be crucial as to who wins the group. Still, we are through the group stages, after recent tournaments that's not to be sniffed at. Well done to Gareth Southgate. I don't think he has a particularly strong squad to choose from. I said before the tournament started that the last sixteen was probably the best we could expect. Anything beyond that is a bonus.
  9. If you give Alliance Electronics in Clowne a call I'm sure they would be able to tell you.
  10. Not to forget the day's main event, BTCC from Croft today.
  11. Hate to say this, but you have a month to go .......
  12. It appears the England camp has suffered an injury ........
  13. https://www.butchers-sundries.com/25kg-of-pinhead-bread-rusk-167-p.asp this stuff makes an excellent groundbait base for bream. add molasses to sweeten and/or a little hemp.
  14. if you want to use pellets go for oily fish meal like halibuts
  15. Good bream spots on the Waveney The mill/pump inlets on the east bank immediately downstream of Oulton Dyke Oulton Dyke itself around Horseshoe Bend Almost anywhere between Beccles and Geldeston but especially around the fork in the river at the Geldeston end. Lay a carpet of ground bait, stiff mix of plain brown crumb and molasses mixed with bronze maggot taking note of the direction of the tide, if possible two to three hours before starting to fish. Twenty to thirty golf size balls evenly distributed. Use a method feeder with the same bait and sweetcorn soaked in molasses syrup to the hook, or 3-4 dead red maggots. Hook no bigger than size 12
  16. Let's get the Big Six on the case
  17. Then it will be a penalty shoot out, though I think a better way to resolve draws in football matches would be to line all the players up in a row and make them run from one end of the pitch to another. Meanwhile the opposing team throw wet sponges at them. The team with the most players that reach the end of the pitch without falling over and acting like they've been shot with an elephant gun wins.
  18. There's certainly only one team that's going to win, the $64m question is which one ......
  19. No, but it does make it your round! On the football we won, let's take the three points and move on. Beat Panama on Sunday and that puts us into the knock out stages before we face Belgium, who are my dark horses for this tournament. VAR was very concerning, let's be honest since the Salisbury incident England is about as popular in Russia as a dose of the clap. There seemed to be a degree of political intervention in the VAR decisions. We might have to do this the hard way.
  20. looking at them again, if they are to choose one of the three designs shown on the article, i hope to high heaven it's the first one (the Viking Long Hall I shall call it). I still think it's inappropriate, though not unattractive in the right setting. The second two, "Wherry Sails" and "Mayan Pyramid" are awful. They make Cantley Sugar Factory look aesthetically pleasing. I get the idea that many of the designs submitted were drafted far, far away and then the architect said, "right, now where is it going?"
  21. You can fry a sausage in a pan at 40 degrees c. According to Network Rail the highest recorded temperature for a railway track is 51c, or 123.8f so in working to a temperature of 140f I was factoring in a decent amount of leeway. My post was not without some factual research. Smart as I am, I don't keep all these figures in my head for immediate recall!
  22. Not at all, I'm all in favour of the BA, or anyone else for that matter, improving the riverside, especially if that means better facilities for people using the river or, equally important visiting the river by road. The design featured in the aerial photo looks quite nice, but it would look even nicer if it was half the height, which it easily could be. You are correct in as much that I am not an architect, but I know an eyesore when I see one. When they extended the cottage at Hunsett Mill I disapproved, it's a bloody carbuncle I said. Nah, give it time and it'll blend in was the reply. Well I've given it time and you know what? It's still a bloody carbuncle, just as these designs are.
  23. I have to ask, why do these places need to be so tall? All of them seem to provide huge cathedral style ceilings full of ...... empty space. And as the most likely outcome of this project is that the building will 1) not be economically viable 2) be considered beyond the means of the authority to maintain 3) be sold to the private sector shouldn't they just opt for something more functional in the first place.
  24. Whilst we are considering silly options, can I add one of my own? Our local railway bridge was too low for the modern lorries and double decker busses so they dug the road out, removed three feet of sub then rebuilt the road, Hey presto, three feet extra clearance in the matter of a week or so. Perhaps they could do the same at Somerleyton?
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