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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. Aint it gone quiet on here now 'The Pesky Mod' is afloat?
  2. Wussername's post above really puts the true costs into perspective. Is it possible for those on here with a more technical mind to come up with something 12v that includes a camera, pressure pads, an alarm and the ability to magic up a phone signal and ring my owner to say help I'm being broken into? Ideally if it could operate a catapult full of duck doings at the same time I'm sure my owner would be happy to clear up any that missed And if it could cost less than the boat it would be good... Seriously now, anyone have any experience of decent alarms and systems that are worth fitting? Preferably without compromising your own set up!
  3. Only because they couldnt catch him....
  4. Sorry Peter, you mis-understand me. I meant the cost of the toll as a percentage of the restoration cost is insigniicant. Out of the £15,000 in materials BA's £220 doesnt affect the bottom line that much and, to be honest, that food you humans always seem in need of money for is somewhat overrated really The actual cost of the toll in hard cash is another matter and not what this thread was initially discussing.
  5. I originally posted this elsewhere but as a similar discussion is happening here I have copied it over. Hope this is ok.... If the powers that be decree that I am to have a different toll because I am old, historic, worthy, interesting, original enough etc etc then you would be setting me up as a different user group. Once I become a different user I could be subjected to different rules and regulations. So, NO THANK YOU! I want to pay the same toll as the rest of you and have not only equal rights to navigate the waters I subscribe to but to navigate those waters without someone having the opportunity to say I don't contribute as much and therefore shouldn't be taking up moorings I dont pay for! And, just like the gin palaces, the cost of the toll compared to the costs of restoration and upkeep are somewhat insignificant. You want to do something to help us old woodies then start a campaign to stop the oak furniture epidemic and then. maybe, the costs of new chines would not exceed the cost of a new car... Janet Anne (One of Herby Woods finest )
  6. erm... Lets just say the majority of me above the water line is still in nappies
  7. I was taken by Fred and Peggy (FPS 07951 027067). I know Fred has retired now but the business is still going strong and they have just moved a friend of mine 100 miles at a very reasonable rate. Just a thought, have you asked John at Wayford. They are always shipping boats and if you are not time dependant you might be able to go as a 'return load' and save some money as well?
  8. What about me? I'm young (ish) though most of the words I suspect you are refering to have been used around me in the last few months so, yes, sadly I have heard them already!
  9. Not Watford - Milton Keynes! Knew they had moved but it was a bit late last night...
  10. Nope, no need to start the engine. That could be pumping red hot steam into the wiring and belching toxic fumes into the living space but as long as your non conductive plastic petrol filler deck fitting has an earth bonding to it, even though its screwed to a wooden deck (also non conductive) and connected to the tank with (once again non conductive) rubber hose, you are compliant. I like the BSS. The staff at Watford are very knowledgable and extremely helpful and for us old wooden boats its important to be able to be within the spirit of the BSS whilst maintaining a proper nod towards originality. Continuity between the examiners.... now there's a whole new ball game, although the BSS office are very very eager to hear of problems in this area as they are keen to make the BSS a worthy and worthwhile part of boating.
  11. You need to think around 1976. I'm sure the caraboat or whatever name you'd like to give it was under construction 1976 to 1978 (when we were building Miss Dawn on Jimmys site Peter, and when SLP were in Leo Robinsons blasting and causing all the problems with rust contaminated blast material landing on the boats and staining them). Jimmy was putting it together as a spare time fill in project when the fleet allowed so my guess is either 1978 or 1979 launch. It looked like a pick up truck though!
  12. Camping Boats! Knew I'd remember it... only took what? two days! You can see why my quiz performances are so legendary
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