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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Ah, that's the one I think of as Barton Turf rather than Paddy's Lane. That one was turned off too. They had put down a load of newish chippings at the Staithe, so a good mooring.
  2. Thanks. We passed Gaye's Staithe assuming the water there would also be turned off. I didn't know there was water available at Paddy's Lane.
  3. Oh flip. I see there's a storm warning been issued for Friday.
  4. Only a couple fishing on one side. We had no problems mooring, if it wasn't for the water we'd have stayed there. You were off early this morning. We had been expecting to see Humber Bridge at Acle, as we set off not long after seven ourselves, but you were long gone.
  5. Now moored up at Irstead. Initially we went to Neatishead, but when we got there the water was off (should have got water at Acle or Ludham Bridge), so we went to Sutton Staithe where we filled up. Sutton was really muddy though, what with that and the traffic noise we though we'd find another mooring. It was before midday anyway, so plenty of time. If Irstead had been full we'd have tried Ranworth. I won't add a photo as the signal here is really slow.
  6. Thanks. Very much Vaughan. I will pass this information on to our management agency and will ask them to query it with Brooms.
  7. I will! The guy who was on board last week had some difficulty initially too but did get his key to work, and he's emailed some tips, so we'll have another try tomorrow.
  8. I should have gone to check if the shop was open. The weather is so horrible I've just hunkered down though. Bow slap here is something chronic.
  9. Yes, I noticed all the blinds were down as we were passing. I hope it's just a temporary closure? They had lovely chocolates in their shop.
  10. The wind blowing strongly onto the mooring didn't help either.
  11. Thanks Mr Nog. We grabbed ourselves a mooring there on the electric. I almost messed up though. I turned around upriver thinking the tide had turned. It hadn't!
  12. I was figuring it would turn choppy once the tide starts flowing in.
  13. It's a good thing there's a spare key for the engine on board. The key that we received through the post doesn't work. It won't turn.
  14. Currently moored up at Berney Arms preparing a brunch. We are thinking of setting off about 1.30 as the Aweigh app says it should be low water in Gt Yarmouth about then. It's really windy here though. Promising gusts of 40mph. Are we mad?
  15. Those who were following our trip in November might remember that I was adamant that I didn’t need an electric under blanket. November is a lot more balmy than February though, and I commented a few minutes ago that perhaps I’d made a mistake. Graham said he’d noticed under blankets in Lidl and has dashed off to get one for me. I definitely don’t deserve him. Thankfully, as the tide is rising, it was a lot easier to get off the boat. Still a big step up though. The partially cooked evening meal has been put on hold.
  16. Sounds good! The first couple of years we visited the Broads we loved the Staithe and Willow. That was before it changed hands though.
  17. Hi Mr Nog, Have the completed the works to install a new electric post at Rockland? If they have I assume there are now two posts there? Hope you have a good time in the New Inn this evening. Assuming you can get off your boat!
  18. Getting Seen on board wasn't easy either. Graham had to dangle her from the handle of her buoyancy aid whilst I tried to grab her as she descended. Anyway, we have lots of supplies on board as we visited both the Thorpe St Andrew Lidl and Sainsbury's. The Lidl is newish, having opened sometime in the autumn. I hope we won't get grounded! Does anyone have any suggestions of places that are particularly shallow to avoid?
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