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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. That was lucky. My best school friend lives in Bury, so it will be tempting to stop off for a cuppa and a chat.
  2. I couldn’t agree more. I moan about it every trip. They’ve been just patching it for far too long. Methinks we might be heading for Norfolk via Bury St Ed’s the next few trips.
  3. I generally find the gas oven on Moonlight Shadow performs pretty well, provided I allow it time to come up to temperature before sticking any food in the oven. We have an electric fan oven at home, so it’s easy to forget that essential ‘warming up’ step.
  4. Good idea. Why not take full advantage of such a glorious weekend.
  5. Slightly envious of those currently enjoying the wonderful Easter weather on the Broads. Still, our Easter Sunday has been pretty good so far, and we are looking forward to being on the Broads against in only three weeks time. I play the organ most Sundays at Willen Church. Originally a small church in a tiny village, now swallowed up by Milton Keynes, and close to the Willen Lakes (for those familiar with MK). Graham and Harry came to church too this morning…which is fairly unusual as Harry normally works from late morning on Sundays, with his Dad as a Dad taxi. It was wonderful to see our tiny church pretty full this morning, with lots of new faces. The service was lovely and welcoming too, with the Rev Dr Sam (the lovely Dr that looked after my Mam so well during her last few weeks) taking our service, as we are without an assigned minister at present. As he’s originally from Sri Lanka, he has a knack of reminding us how lucky we are in this country to be free to worship (whatever religion, denomination, or none, as we choose). Isn’t it a glorious day! We’ve just finished our lunch. I went a bit ‘off-piste’ with the roast lamb this year. As the weather is so lovely I thought I’d experiment with roasting it on the barbecue, as we have one with a domed lid. Turned out slightly less pink in the middle than I normally like, as I was cautious about making sure it was cooked, but it was nice and moist. Served with a generous amount of mint sauce (mint picked freshly off the allotment), barbecued courgette, steamed carrots and Swiss chard (chard also off the allotment). Graham had to make do with a ‘packet’ nut roast from Holland &B, as I felt lazy. Now settling down to an even more lazy afternoon. I also picked some rhubarb, so supper this evening will definitely include a pudding….maybe a crumble? Isn't life good.
  6. We’ve only eaten in the Ferry House nice, for Sunday lunch. The portion was very generous and veggies well cooked, but I was slightly put out at being served sage stuffing with my roast beef. I didn’t rate it as a flavour combo.
  7. I’m a bit late catching up on your last few posts. Absolutely fab photos (as usual). I particularly liked the drone shots over the fields from Beccles and the one of Moonlight Shadow making her way downriver.
  8. Sounds like you all had a great evening. Broads at their best…and Broads friends.
  9. In our house we have a sort of catch phrase ‘don’t go to the beach’ that we use whenever we think one of our sons, especially the eldest, will take too long returning from somewhere, that we use to tease them. Dates back to about 10 years ago when we were staying with my Mam in Holyhead and Harry took our dog Marvin out for his evening walk. They went a lot further than the normal evening walk to the park, compounded by getting lost in the back streets of Holyhead on the way home. It was getting on for midnight by the time they got back. I’ve often wondered if other families adopt their own catch-phrases like we do.
  10. Love North Cove, so peaceful, though we haven’t managed an overnighter there yet.
  11. Wish I was there. Still, it’s been lovely to have such a warm day, on our part partly spent on the allotment planting lovely veggies.
  12. Watched this a few moments ago and thought it worth sharing. Lots of useful tips and, more importantly who to contact in different emergency/problematic circumstances.
  13. Glad to hear that you managed to visit Hardley Mill at last. It’s so great that volunteers keep it running.
  14. Excellent news Carole.
  15. Possibly, we need a new reaction …humorous groan?
  16. I find those part baked rolls very handy on board (I do bake bread, but not something I want to do whilst on holiday). The ones marketed by that guy who’s a judge on bake off are better than the smaller French style crusty types though. (Sorry, it’s been a long day at work…a ‘whatshisname’ moment.)
  17. It's a shame their website doesn't give the boat's air draft. However, it looks pretty similar to Fair Regent and Evening Light, and they are both 6'10".
  18. Once the time for low tide has passed the tide will normally start pushing up the river, so if you were on your way to Beccles or Norwich it would help you along. Similarly, once high tide has passed, the water will flow out to sea, so will help you along if you are travelling down the Yare/Waveney away from Beccles/Norwich. I say normally, as in places down the lower ends of the rivers (like Reedham) the tide still flows out for some time after low water. We generally try to pass through the New Cut about half an hour or so after low water at Reedham/St Olaves. So, if travelling from Beccles, you get the benefit of the outgoing tide down the Waveney and then catch the incoming tide up the Yare. As Grendel has pointed out, lots of people don't bother that much about the tides though. You'll still be able to make way against the tide.
  19. Low tide at Beccles on Thursday is forecast to be just before 11am, so if you are intending to go up to Geldeston is would be a good idea to try to get to Beccles then or early afternoon so that you can be sure of getting under Beccles Old Bridge (average clearance at high tide 6'6"). You don't have to wait for the tide to turn, but it I find it does help to go with the tide. Saves fuel and is a lot quieter in terms of engine noise too! I've copied a tide table for the week below. Tide table and bridge clearance details obtained from this website: https://www.mynorfolkbroadsboating.co.uk/ Welcome to the forum.
  20. Graham and I have been in that position, moored next to an extended family who were having a wonderful time, though they were rather noisy for our taste. We realised that, if we wanted peaceful, we needed to plan for peaceful, but we wouldn’t have dreamed of spoiling their fun.
  21. I was supposed to be meeting a work friend for lunch on campus yesterday, but she emailed to say she couldn’t make it. Not only does she have Covid, but she also broke a leg (both bones, just above the boot - eek) on a skiing holiday last week. Now that’s really bad luck.
  22. Thankfully, Graham and I have managed to avoid it so far, despite Harry working in IKEA. Lots of my colleagues have had it recently though. Some have got off relatively lightly, others have been more badly affected, completely lacking energy, though no hospitalisations thankfully. Age doesn’t seem to matter much. One of the worst affected was one of my younger colleagues.
  23. The item that caught my eye was bicycle tires. What!?
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