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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I must say that we were very glad of the Torqeedo last time we were came back through Meadow Dyke after a trip to Horsey. Sailing back through that Dyke is no joke when the wind is against you, and trying to quant against a strong wind nigh on impossible.
  2. Have you been on their boats recently, one that’s had a Torqueedo installed? They have batteries!
  3. Unfortunately, the claims that we were bringing civilisation, religion and education were often a veneer for the greedy to just land grab and a general subjugation of the population. Although we have fake news etc. at present, the 'story' that was presented in the past was usually the point of view of those in power.
  4. We had our first experience on the Broads with a sailing hire (from Hunters Yard). It was magical, especially above ‘the bridge’.
  5. Wonderful pics, very atmospheric. As an aside, I look forward to trying out the chippy, having avoided it for several years.
  6. She looks lovely. Hope she's going to be a happy boat dog!
  7. Where are the height markers? I've spotted one just before the BA moorings. Is that the first one with another closer to the bridge?
  8. Well, most of the fleet anyway. I counted 10 masts and Hunters have 14 cabin yachts in total (5 two berth Hustler class, 5 three berth Wood class and 4 four berth Lullaby class. Lovely to see that youth organisations are still supporting them and that they are supporting youth organisations.
  9. I had a sickness bug just over a week ago. I was wondering if it was something I'd eaten, but my son had the same symptoms about three or four days later (stomach cramps followed by sickness). There are some strange bugs around at the moment.
  10. I wonder when in 1964 that photo of the interior of Granary Stores was taken. I bet it was August…they were just forerunner of Latham’s in the art of the early Christmas display.
  11. Shame you are having to go home early Warren. Hopefully you’ll have more luck with the weather next time.
  12. Thanks Jean. I will look forward to viewing your videos tomorrow.
  13. Looks like you’ve had the most wonderful day. Love to hear how others are enjoying their time on MS. Hope the rest of the week is as enjoyable. I know the weather is likely to get colder, but we don’t mind that normally. Isn’t it great being on the rivers this time of year.
  14. Another thumbs up from me for The White Horse at Upton. It would be our go-to place except for not being sure if we can moor up at Upton Staithe. (A bit tight to turn around if there’s no room at the Staithe). I love the fact that it’s a community owned pub, up more importantly the food is great. Is a fairly easy walk from Acle though.
  15. I agree with Malcolm. Breydon is definitely less confusing than Barton Broad. At least on Breydon you don’t have that second lot of posts around the island and the ones going off toward Neatishead.
  16. Thanks Jean. Lovely to have an out of season tale. Looks like you had good weather.
  17. Looks like a good start to your week. Enjoy!
  18. Happy birthday Ian. I’m sure both Lions will come up good.
  19. Yep, IKEA bypass routes are well trodden! We don’t go around the ‘show ground’ area (you don’t have to!), we just cut to the marketplace. Then, we just go to the department we want by the nearest shortcut. I admit this does require a certain degree of familiarity of the store’s layout. If you are looking for large items you still don’t need to go around the whole store to find out where to collect your chosen item. Once you get out to the warehouse bit there are screens where you can check out which isle the items are stored in.
  20. When they were allowed to, but before the store was allowed to open, IKEA did click and collect. So Harry, who normally works in the restaurant was doing 'picking', which he enjoyed. They were super cautious about re-opening the restaurant too, first just opening the take-away Bistro, then taking bookings for a limited number of restaurant tables until things got more 'normal'. So, all in all, a pretty robust response to all the madness. Harry was the only member of our family working in a public-facing workplace, and his 89 year Grandad was living with us last year, so we were very grateful to IKEA for taking things seriously.
  21. It would have been, but at the time Harry told me that IKEA were funding the cost themselves.
  22. Minimal List - canal boaters vlogging on YouTube - have recently completed their four-year long exploration of all the linked waterways in England and Wales. The final bit of their tour was exploring the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire waterways, following a crossing of the Wash (guided by a pilot).
  23. We are big fans of IKEA, and were even before Harry started working for them about 12 years ago. Their furniture seems quite sturdy, if put together properly. It helps that Harry gets a discount too! Although he's had one or two not so good managers, he's found that, in general, IKEA is a really good employer. Their response to Covid was really good, with employees continuing to be paid a good percentage of their salary. More recently, although IKEA have apparently closed their stores in Russia, Harry has heard that they are still paying employees, at least for in the short term. They have also made a large donation to a children's charity helping out in Ukraine.
  24. Yes. That stopped last year. When we were on Moonlight Shadow in November we refuelled etc. in Swancraft instead of Brooms (this was on a Friday). We would have done the same in February except that I didn’t fancy manoeuvring in and out of Swancraft in a stiff wind.
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