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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Yes, that’s what occurred to me too. It does say emergency works, so presumably not something they could plan far in advance. If it’s going to prevent another incident for the railway I’m all for it. And at least doing it in March is better than later in the year.
  2. I'm still wearing a mask when I go out and am trying to be almost as cautious than ever, though I must admit I have met up with some work colleagues for meetings/lunch on a few occasions recently. Since the New Year several of my work colleagues or family or friends of family have caught it. It seems that I can't go more than a few days or so without hearing about someone else who has it. Granted, none of them have become seriously ill, but most of them are a lot younger than I am and some of them have really struggled with tiredness for an extended period, despite having had their three jabs. Previously, over the past two years, I hadn't come across that many people that have caught Covid, not since that first lockdown in March 2020 when our neighbours caught it and my neighbour Ann died as a result. That was a huge shock, and probably shaped our attitude to Covid. My takeaway from this is that people who were taking the advice seriously and who were taking precautions were at a low risk of catching it when there were 'rules' in place, but are catching it now that the population in general is lowering its guard.
  3. I guessed what you meant Malcolm. Predictive text keeps catching me out too.
  4. There is indeed, though it helps a lot to have decent weather. Great tale as always, thanks.
  5. I love that pic of Desmond all tucked up in bed with his own pillow. We’d never get Seren to stay put like that with blankets over her…too wriggly! She is very good at staying in her own bed overnight though, even if we leave the door to our cabin open.
  6. I’ve not found it difficult to get to sleep when moored in Norwich, but the traffic starts up again about 5 and always wakes me.
  7. ...and cow pats? Or do they keep the place free of cows in the weeks running up to the Bish's visit?
  8. YnysMon

    Pedro's Acle

    It's quite a common name for a Mexican restaurant, so there might not be a connection. In any case, I don't think Acle Pedro's ever claimed to be a purely Mexican restaurant - it was more about 'tapas with a twist). As far as I can recall from the publicity that attended the opening of the Broads Boating Company and a thread on this forum (OP was Griff I think), the Pedro's in Kendal was mentioned but not any other restaurants in Norfolk. It must have done well to start with, as they also opened a second Pedro's in Horning, near Ferry Marina.
  9. That's a very sad statement. We are relatively recent visitors to the Broads. I'm not sure what aspect of Oulton Broad they are referring to, but during the time we have been visited the standard of shops, pubs, cafes, restaurants and takeaways seems to have varied. Personally, I think there has been an improvement recently the last few years.
  10. Lovely photos again. Each time we pass St Benet's the cross seems to be leaning even further over. I wonder how long before it falls over completely?
  11. YnysMon

    Pedro's Acle

    Probably more footfall in Grimsby all year round, and as Simon says, even in summer they had competition from the Bridge Inn. Even the latter can be very quiet mid-week during winter. The opening of Pedro's in Acle coincided with the opening of the bbc yard, and general investment in the Acle site, so I guess once that closed its days were numbered.
  12. You need to avoid Worlingham Staithe too...another awful mooring.
  13. You don't need to go into Norwich for a really good curry house. Merchants of Spice are just a short walk from the Commissioners Cut. They've been rated amongst the top Norwich restaurants for the last few years. Currently rated 24 out of 507, which can't be bad. They also do takeaway.
  14. Me too. Looks like you had some lovely weather for the time of year. Your photos show how beautiful the Broads can be in February.
  15. I’m glad to hear that Desmond has decided he’s a boat dog. That brownie looked too good. I think my feet might take me in the direction of Bridgestones next time.
  16. Even worse, it’s like lots of the different Hoveton Roy’s stores rolled into one: groceries, gardening, DIY and clothes under one roof. The good news is that it’s the far side of the main shopping centre from the yacht station, so it’s only taken me 8 years of Broads holidays to find it. Not that I was looking hard. I just stumbled across it when I was looking for a pet shop. Came out of the pet shop and realised that the car park opposite was Roy’s. Just don’t let your wife go wandering around Beccles in search of pet treats or swan food, and you’ll be safe.
  17. I found it by doing a general google for Tuttles interchange (not on maps).
  18. I found this via Google. It's obviously referring to previous short-term works on that section (goodness knows how many times they've patched that section up). but it does show the affected section quite clearly on a map. https://attleboroughtc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/A11-northbound-between-Spooner-Row-Interchange-and-Tuttles-Lane-Interchange.pdf
  19. Yes, I prefer to be moving than stuck in traffic too. Graham accidentally took us to Bury and the A140 once on our way to Norfolk. I was dozing and he just blindly followed our Satnav. Our Satnav was so outdated it thought the A11 was still single carriageway and did everything she could to try to get us to avoid it, including telling us to turn off at Thetford. Luckily, son Harry managed to source a reasonably priced upgrade (chip from scrapped cars apparently) a few months back, so she behaved herself on our latest trip. The Bury route did take us quite a lot longer, but I can see it would be preferable than the A11 with tailbacks.
  20. I agree, it's a horrible road surface. I hate those concrete surfaces, they are so noisy, and they've been patching it inadequately for years. I've been fearing for our suspension every time we use it. Do your alternative route options include the roads mentioned in the article - A1066 and A140?
  21. Oh wow. Good on the Wroxham Hotel!
  22. Oh, I also meant to ask Jean where on earth you can get a Christmas dinner in March?
  23. Actually, I have previously made (savoury) pancakes rolled up around a filling of leeks, ham and cheese sauce. Yum!
  24. I liked like 'white ponies'. I'm sure that expression will come back to me each time we cross a choppy Barton Broad.
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