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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Oh dear! Well at last we should be able to get under bridges. There may be other days of high winds too.
  2. Yep, once you've managed to get on its even more difficult to get off! I know because I was silly enough to get off to take some photos.
  3. No, it's not usually this low. That photo was taken about an hour before low water too. I can remember it being this low February two years ago, and that was just after a spell of flood warnings caused by high winds.
  4. So sorry to hear about Rollie. I thought he looked such a lovely little dog. They do bring so much joy into our lives. Helen
  5. We've arrived and are on board Moonlight Shadow once more. We had a bit of a job to get on board as the river level is really low. We decided not to rush to get away from Brooms this afternoon as it's fairly gusty. Shame as it's lovely and sunny. Oh, and we have a lovely shiny new engine. 😊😁😁
  6. YnysMon


    What does Mrs Nog warm her feet on though?
  7. YnysMon


    I remember! Early May last year was very nippy. Very strong winds at times too.
  8. YnysMon


    Looks like it's going to be a frosty night. Hope you keep toasty!
  9. YnysMon


    That’s good to hear. We’ve never been to The Ship either, but are hearing good things about it now it’s reopened. Any electric available at Reedham?
  10. That’s good news. Guess the sofa lot are also drying out (in another sense). Loved this thread though…once the sofa lot took over.
  11. YnysMon


    Give us a wave if you spot us!
  12. YnysMon


    Glad to hear the river levels are going down a bit. We are on Moonlight Shadow next week and hoping to make the Breydon crossing to come up north. Might there be Nogs about?
  13. tbh I dithered over whether to choose a 'like', 'sad' or 'laugh' emoji in response. I'm not that many years off pension years myself.
  14. I’m the same. Cold and rain I can cope with. High wind just gets me worried.
  15. We’ll he or she had a good dinner!
  16. Whilst I was having a browse at Reedham establishments on the Food Standards Agency website I happened to notice that the Berney Arms Pub Bistro is apparently awaiting inspection. I hadn't thought that this venture had got off the ground yet. Anyone heard anything?
  17. It’s something that appeals to me too. What puts me off is the thought of trying to cope as we get older or hit a patch of I’ll health. One of the couples that continuously cruise and do YouTube vlogs (Well Deck Diaries) had a difficult time of it late 2020/early 2021 when the wife was diagnosed with breast cancer just before the second lockdown. They just about managed to get a place in a Marina before the lockdown was imposed and had to hire a car so that she could get to hospital for chemo sessions. They also seem to have given up cruising and vlogging recently to help out family.
  18. They had some out in early May last year. Unfortunately I didn’t have any cash. Another thing that Covid is responsible for…I have hardly handled any cash since February 2020. Mostly I don’t mind, but then you get to a stall like the Irstead one and think Doh!
  19. I think the Wroxham pilots have changed their policy. We've had confirmation that they will take our syndicate boat through.
  20. Ian, you and Marina have obviously turned into a Bridgestones regulars.
  21. I’ve been watching the YouTube videos from ‘Minimal List’. Over the past 4 years or so they have managed to get around all the connected canals and rivers in England and Wales and are currently posting the last few vlogs of their journeys from the Great Ouse, which they absolutely love. They are on record in saying it’s one of their favourite waterways. They obviously haven’t done the Broads, though they do mention that part of the attraction of the Gt Ouse is the lack of river traffic.
  22. We love the Broads in winter too, especially if you can catch a sunny day.
  23. It’s easy to see that you have put in a lot of hard work into that garden. I’m sure you’ll be richly rewarded come the summer.
  24. Starting to get excited at the prospect of being on Moonlight Shadow again soon (from 12th Feb). The ignition key for her new engine arrived in the post yesterday! Whoopee!
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