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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I think they opened up the garden bit when pubs were allowed to reopen after Covid. Our thanks! And you can't really overdo it with photos.
  2. I've done something similar on that upper Ant stretch, only in my case I thought I had turned toward Paddy's Lane and Barton Turf when in fact I was heading toward Weyford. Doh! It's not that wide up there near to turn around either.
  3. That's partly what I'm worried about with Pozzick - he can reach loads of things that Seren can't, and she's never shown the least inclination to open doors.
  4. Yes, seconded. Thanks very much for posting.
  5. Thanks guys. I'll try to remember to take some form of camera with me for tomorrow's morning walk...unless it's p..ing down.
  6. We haven't (so far) put our dogs in a crate during the day. We try to ensure that someone is with them during the day. Seren if okay by herself, but even she doesn't get left alone for long. I guess the time will come when we'll have to leave our two together at home for a short time, but hopefully they'll be well settled together by then. At least during the winter we can take one or both of them in the car if we go out. That's not so easy during the summer unless there's a multistorey near where you are going.
  7. We aren't keen on the idea of just leaving him out of a crate at night as he has a tendency to rear up on his hind legs to scratch at the door and the door handle whenever Graham goes out of the room. He can easily open a door anyway. He's quickly catching on to the idea that we don't want him to do that, but I'm not sure what he would do at night. He has quite a long body, so if he rears up on his hind legs he's almost as tall as me!
  8. It might be. Seren took to the cage really well, but as Pozzick doesn't seem used to it, maybe it will take him some time to adjust. If he's been in a crate in the Dog Pound it might have negative connotations I guess.
  9. Yes, our Minister, who also happens to be our Dr, told me on Sunday that the medical professions had been expecting a spike after the Queen's funeral due to all the mass gatherings. I should probably try to find out when Graham and I are due to get our boosters.
  10. Good news. This morning we both took the dogs out again before I started work. This time we put them both in the car for the first time, as we wanted to go somewhere that we thought it would be relatively safe to let Pozzick off his lead for the first time. We went to the parkland near the Pagoda at North Willen Lake. a. We were worried that sharing the car space would go horribly wrong. b. Naturally, we weren't sure how Pozzick would react off the lead. I'm delighted to say it all went better than expected. Seren was happy to get into the car with Pozzick (we put him in first). She is always manic (completely hyped-up) when we turn off toward the lake but Pozzick didn't get phased by it. He was really good off the lead and returned to Graham when called (lots of treats reinforcement). He chased after a ball with Seren, but wasn't that interested in the ball, it was more like he just wanted to play. Cross fingers it continues to be positive. He did cry last night more than previous nights, but hopefully he'll get used to his cage before too long. I'm kicking myself that I left my mobile at home, so no photos.
  11. Yes, I've found the Reedham guys very helpful though they do let you get on with it if you are on a private boat. When we were there the other week they moved us along a bit when a hire boat was trying to get into a small gap behind us, having called out that thy needed to meet an engineer.
  12. What a lovely memory. Thanks Old Wusser.
  13. I’ve only had pie mash and eels once, with liquor. It was on the specials menu at The Wherry Inn in Geldeston. Very tasty it was too.
  14. Egg custard isn’t that difficult. If you add some cornflour it helps to stop it splitting. I do my custard in the microwave, and if it does look split I just gave it a whisk and it comes together again. Half a pint of milk, one egg, a teaspoon of cornflour and dessertspoon of sugar. I put it on medium in the microwave for a couple of minutes, then whisk well, then repeat that until it’s done. If left to cool it’s thick enough for a trifle with being too thick and completely set.
  15. Seren was ‘done’ as soon as she reached the advised minimum age, so we don’t need to worry about that. Pozzick is currently lying on my feet, Graham having gone out to take Harry to band practise and has taken Seren with him. Pozzick was not a happy dog when Graham went out and cried for a while. I distracted him with some snacks and general fuss, including brushing him a bit, which he loves, and he has now settled. Seren wasn’t happy this afternoon either when Graham put Pozzick in the car for the visit to the vets. They’ll each have to learn that we can’t always take both of them with us.
  16. A few more photos. His new collar arrived today. Vet confirms he hasn't been 'done'. Vet also confirmed the microchip so Graham has been able to contact the company to get the details updated at a cost of £12. Cheaper than a new chip. So, one of Seren.
  17. The tide can run fast at Reedham. Easy for someone inexperienced to be caught out I would think. Doesn't excuse not apologising though. Well done for not naming and shaming. It does help to be able to post about it though I imagine. A bit like letting off steam!
  18. Yes but...Harry thought there was a scar, Graham wasn't so sure.
  19. Err...don't know. The first appointment we were able to get was this afternoon - so the 'has he been done' question is something for Graham to ask the vet this afternoon.
  20. Well, if you eat a large portion Christmas eve you'll be sorted. No one will even notice on Christmas day. Mind you, the combination of microwave curry and remaining effects of the sprouts might not be good. A few air fresheners around the house before the wife comes home from work might not come amiss!
  21. Pozzick is doing really well on most fronts. He's not reacting at all to Seren barking at him. Yesterday Graham took them separately on walks. This morning we both went out with them. We haven't him off the lead yet, but he seemed okay this morning when I let Seren off whilst Graham still had him on the lead. He was responding fairly well to Graham's training him to stay at heel. The only snag is that he's wee'd in the kitchen a few times. I wonder if he's been house trained?
  22. That’s good, a smile and grin now and again never did any harm. Helps us through the tough times.
  23. True! I much prefer the Broads to the sea.
  24. I already pack my clothes in a very squishy bag, so I’m not sure that would help. Indeed! Malcolm, you are mad! I think we might lose a dog or two if we tried that.
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