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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Wow, only 8' an hour after low water. And there was me thinking the river levels were high week before last!
  2. Well, we hope it's going to be a forever home. Hope it all works out!
  3. I also need to acknowledge the debt we owe to Paul @petersjoy for giving us the idea of using a place name for Pozzick. He and his wife have the cutest little dog called Beccles.
  4. Coo! Yes. Why would anyone pay that? A clear signal, they just want to discourage private boats.
  5. We thought that Pozzick looks like a fairly young dog. It will be interesting to find out what our vet's view on that is. I've just recalled that Graham gave Pozzick a bowl of Seren's food when he first got aboard Water Rail and he wolfed it down. Mind you, he was probably very hungry! Someone (maybe on my 'Live Carried Away' thread) said they'd seen a simlar dog on a day boat possibly a couple of days earlier. If that's the case, Pozzick might have been there a while. What a horrible thought!
  6. As mentioned, we also found Richardson's helpful. Barnes Brinkcraft will also allow a private boat to moor in their 'new bit'. It does cost an arm and a leg though. We paid £7 just to moor up for a couple of hours so that Graham could visit Roy's DIY. As you can imagine, they charge a lot more for overnight. There is electric to plug into though. I've read on another thread that Herbert Woods also allow private boats to moor, again for a fee.
  7. Hepe it's not too rough in Sweden! We passed Rambling Rosie on her mooring week before last. She does look like a lovely boat.
  8. Thanks Chris. That's something to ask our vet about. Graham is about to make an appointment with our vet to get Pozzick checked out as soon as possible next week.
  9. Thanks Kate. I'm not sure the field idea is feasible, not least because we only have one car at present. But we have lots of parkland nearby, so that's probably the best we can do.
  10. Pozzick will be getting the same high protien dried food as Seren, though a version for large breeds. It's called Yora and is made from insect grubs. She loves it.
  11. Shame I won't be able to collect him. I'll be working! We'll ask Alec to accompany his Dad, if we can wake him up despite the jet lag.
  12. Yes, that's my understanding. I'm sure that's what the guy who answered my call to Norfolk Constabulary called it - if course, I had said 'Post-wick'. Someone tell me quick if Pozzick isn't correct!
  13. I'm not sure how Seren will react, as they've only been in close proximity outside (we kept her in the saloon when he was on Water Rail). Anyone got any tips on the best place to introduce the dogs. Should it be outside?
  14. Yes, we've read that. They like to chase rabbits and such like. Dog training classes are probably on the cards!!
  15. Unless the whole adoption goes pear-shaped, he certainly will be taken on a boat! We are next due to be on Moonlight Shadow at the end of December.
  16. Thanks guys. Feel a bit like crying myself, but also quite nervous. The dog warden service normally don't do direct homing and they stressed on me that it's at our risk, as normally a dog is transferred to a rehoming centre and properly assessed before being offered up for adoption. We've had a trip to Pets at Home and Aldi this morning to buy an extra large crate, harness and dog bed, as we we won't have much time for shopping this weekend. Moonlight Shadow AGM is tomorrow and on Sunday youngest son Alec is arriving back from the US. We are thinking maybe Tamaskan or Northern Inuit Dog, or he might just be a mut - a German Shepherd/Husky cross. The Dog Warden service listed him first as a 'Wolf Dog' (both Tamaskans and Northern Inuit's are descibed as that) but they later changed it to Husky X.
  17. Update - got a call this morning from the Norfolk Dog Warden service. Graham is going to collect the dog on Monday. We've decided to call him Pozzick, given he was found near the Postwick Viaduct.
  18. Swancraft have one visitor mooring. I believe they charge £10 for an overnight stay.
  19. I really like the carvery at the Kings Arms, so I was really pleased to see this piece of news... https://www.edp24.co.uk/things-to-do/food-reviews/ludham-kings-arms-launches-dog-roast-dinners-9283600?fbclid=IwAR0ycPttbrjvPoN00yizP7Ddiilnf5XkHlkuk_4_tVoztfariNrip4VAw3E
  20. Gosh, I’m sure you were so stressed out at Acle by Betsy’s swim. She sounds like a character! Hope the rest of the week goes more smoothly.
  21. It’s good to have recommendations. I pay far more attention to praise for an eating establishment than criticism. Generally, it’s a lot easier to criticise.
  22. To be honest, we’ve not yet visited. We did drive past it on our way from Horning to Oulton Broad via Gt Yarmouth a fortnight ago. Now on my list!
  23. I think she said that she was trained as what they used to term a ‘home economist’.
  24. Boathouse Restaurant, Ormesby St Michael?
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