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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I’m not green with envy (well maybe slightly).
  2. Liz…we already have a roof box. Car with 1 dog and roof box is stuffed!
  3. Maybe a buoyancy aid in the winter. The way that he was striding out into the river when he was found, I'd guess he's quite a strong swimmer. Seren doesn't always have her buoyancy aid on anyway. Just when we think she might be at risk, like when we have both the screen and the canopy down and are in areas with a strong tide or crossing Breydon.
  4. Thanks Tim. I don't mind the wait for the next installment. Better late than never! Isn't that 'all your geese in a row'? (LOL) I'd heard somewhere that The Wayfarer Cafe had closed because the site is due to re-development, but you'd think that the shop would also have closed if that was the case. A bit of a mystery. I wonder if anyone has an update?
  5. Yes, we have details of the chip and the company that its registered with, so we'll be able to get the details updated. The receptionist at the Dog Warden's said that the chip was registered with the person who had bred the dog, so presumably the person who bought/took the dog on didn't bother changing the details, or maybe they couldn't if they didn't have a permanent address. Graham has made an appointment with our vet tomorrow to get Pozzick checked over. Presumably he'll need innoculations. This is all turning out quite expensive, but we knew that would be the case. Harry, bless him, has sent away for a new collar for him and intends to buy a buoyancy aid for him before our next Moonlight Shadow week. I think we'll also need to get a trailer and a tow bar fitted to the car. There's no way we'll be able to fit all our normal MS kit in the car with two dogs with us! Aww - what a lovely thing to say!
  6. Andrew asked on my other thread what age Pozzick is. The paperwork for the adoption says 4 years, which is more than I'd thought. He looks quite a young dog.
  7. This thread has nothing to do with Postwick. It's all about the dog we adopted after our recent trip to the Broads on Water Rail. It was suggested that a separate thread to my 'Wanderings on Water Rail' thread might be a good idea. for those who haven't been following the Holidays thread, our doggy adventrue started on the Wednesday of the second week of our holiday, 21st September. I've copied below the tale of how we found Pozzick. We had just left Norwich, having spent the morning there. 'As we were pootling downriver we can across a couple of kayakers just on the bend after Postwick Viaduct. Seeing Seren, they asked if we had a dog lead. They had been watching a dog on the bank for about an hour. Dog would stop and howl plaintively ever now and again. Graham passed over a lead and some dog treats, the kayaker (Matt) secured the dog and tried to get up the bank with him. This proved impossible, and the dog kept trying to pull back towards the river every time a boat went past. Meanwhile I was desperately trying to get hold of Broads Beat (answerphone) then 101. Eventually ending up in a three way conversation between me, Norfolk Constabulary and them on another line with Broads Beat. The outcome was them giving us the number for Broads Animal Rescue. I phoned the Dog Wardens and left message. Whilst waiting for a call back we thought the best thing would be to try to get the dog on board...though this did seem a bit dicey. We passed over Seren's buoyancy aid. Surprisingly, our stray dog consented to sit in one kayak and was towed over to the boat. He was very wanting to get on board, and helped by scrambling up, which was lucky as I don't think Graham would have been able to lift him. Once we were moored up in the Cut and kayakers Matt and his wife had joined us, I phoned the Animal Rescue again and gave them our WhatThreeWords location, as well as details of the roads leading to the Cut. Our stray was collected just before six this evening. For better or worse, we told the chap that collected him that we might be interested in adoption if his owner isn't traced.' I kept in touch with the Dog Warden's and once the dog was released for adoption they phoned us. Graham collected the dog from North Tuddenham yesterday. We've called him Pozzick as that's the local pronounciation of Postwick. After we put the dogs to bed yesterday, he whined for about 10-15 minutes before settling for the night. Seren is still barking at him if he invades her space.
  8. Okay, I'll start off another thread before I add any more news. I don't have time just now. I must to some work!
  9. Put the dogs to bed (err…crates). Thankfully, it’s quietened down now after about 10 minutes of crying. Not so much a howl as a woo, woo, woo. Completely tugs at your heart strings. Glad he’s settled at last.
  10. Generally I find October pretty mild on the whole, not as cold overnight as March and April certainly. Even last November was fairly mild, so I would have been quite comfortable without electric but with a hot water bottle. It’s just too tempting though. As we have the electric heaters and under blankets on board, why not use them.
  11. What he likes best is a tummy rub, and then chill.
  12. No grab rails? I wouldn’t want to hire one of those.
  13. He has such a gentle nature. Hasn’t reacted to Seren barking or growling at him at all. Definitely a few boundaries to teach though. Not to put his paws on kitchen worktops/dining table. He’s a door opener! I’d forgotten about that one. The dog we had when we were first married was one of those. We were both working in those days, so that was a bit tricky. I gave Pozzick a tripe chew treat earlier and he took it into his new crate to eat it, so that’s a good start. He was a bit vocal when we were eating dinner though. Seren has been trained to accept that she’s in a different room when we are having our evening meal in the dining room. That removes the temptation to give titbits. We like to have a sit down dinner together in the evening, even if it’s just one course (I only do puds on special occasions) as it’s an opportunity for everyone to get together. He’s been exploring the house. Lots of sniffing going on, up he seems pretty relaxed considering. We are hoping that your forecast that he’s a laid back dog is correct Kate!
  14. Graham and Alec arrived back home with Pozzick just before 3 today. Harry, Seren and I met them in the local park. Seren has barked and growled at him occasionally, but not too bad. Currently all is peaceful. Seren is in her favourite place under Graham's chair and Pozzick has settled too at his feet.
  15. Thanks for the write up Simon. Not good that the heating packed up! Of course, we experienced similar problems with heating on our Syndicate boat a few years ago, but we had the back up of electric heaters when on shore power. Nowadays, we tend to prefer to look for a mooring with shore power during the colder months as we prefer to use our electric dimplex type heater than the diesel powered boat heater. A lot quieter, and possibly cheaper, given the cost of diesel nowadays.
  16. Thanks Kate. Good luck is needed! It’s all very well getting all emotionally involved and all that, but I’m not under any illusions that it will be all plain sailing.
  17. That was a special weekend, so we are inclined to forgive them.
  18. They were closed the day before the Queen’s funeral too. Are they normally closed Sundays?
  19. YnysMon

    Bird Flu

    How can you exercise an energetic breed if you don’t allow them off a lead anywhere? We are all for keeping our dog on a lead most places, but a collie needs to run!
  20. Good to see Water Rail again and lots of joy!
  21. Well done for taking on the three of them. Ages ago, when Harry and Alec were 7 and 5, or something like that, we adopted a couple of kittens from RSPCA. We were so glad we adopted more than one, as they were great company for each other. Complete opposites in temperament, but when the weather got colder each autumn they would start to share a bed again, and groom each other. So sweet. We had the female cat Susie for 16 years and the male Swnyn until he was almost 21.
  22. The Warden Service have said they'll give us all the details when we pick up the dog and that, once we've signed the adoption paperwork, we'll be able to contact the company ourselves to update the details.
  23. Not sure. I forgot to ask that one. I’ve emailed them.
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