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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Ha! Another forumite struck with the curse of the Watford! How many of us have been caught out by that one now? Join the club!
  2. I’d like to back up Vaughan’s suggestions. I’d be inclined to avoid Horning as the river there can be incredibly busy with motor cruisers, day boats and the large trip boat ‘Southern Comfort’. Weyford Bridge Inn is located toward the top of the river Ant, and as the Weyford Bridge is quite low, quite a lot of motor cruisers can’t get under it, so it’s lovely and quiet on the river above the bridge. There is also a stretch of disused canal that cruisers are not allowed to use but canoes can, so that would be ideal. The stretch of river up at Coltishall is also quiet. That’s the head of navigation for motor cruisers on the River Bure, but canoes can go further up the river. You just have to carry your canoe a short way to the other side of the lock. If I was planning a canoeing outing I’d certainly opt for Weyford Bridge or Coltishall. The Ranworth and Sutton accommodations that CambridgeCabby has suggested are certainly good alternatives, but I don’t think the canoeing would be as good. You might also consider staying somewhere in Beccles, where there’s probably a bigger choice of accommodation. You can use the slipway near the yacht station to launch your canoe, and there is parking not too far away. The river between Beccles and Geldeston is very popular with canoeists and paddle boarders as it’s fairly quiet.
  3. Where have the wasps gone? They have certainly abandoned Milton Keynes (MK). I spent quite an some time on our allotment today, picking up windfall apples from the trees we inherited with the plot. I’ve not kept up with this recently, so a lot of the apples were very rotten, and there wasn’t a wasp in sight!
  4. I had read that the chef had brought a good reputation with him. Hope it’s the right location for him to shine.
  5. Yes, it’s not in a good location, neither on the river nor on the road. Shame because it does sound good.
  6. I would think it’s probably a good use of your council tax Jean. Anything that puts tourists off the area is not going to help the local economy.
  7. We’ll, I don’t think we’ll be visiting that pub any time soon. Not even because it’s the closest to where Moonlight Shadow is berthed, so we wouldn’t even need to moor. Not a great attitude to paying customers. Over the years there seems to have been a minority of publicans around the Broads who have behaved as though all their trade is just passing trade, forgetting that a lot of boaters are either private owners (semi local) or dedicated return hirers. Funnily enough, such publicans have quite often had a short tenure. I had hoped that the Ferry Inn was looking up.
  8. We have come across friendly helpful fishermen, willing to take your lines and help you in, and others not so friendly, who won’t budge an inch.
  9. We've recently used ones that we bought at least two years ago (probably more). We currently have ones with three different logos, but I can't remember which are the oldest.
  10. Even more of a shame. Hope the situation gets resolved.
  11. That doesn’t sound good. On the other hand there haven’t been any tales of problems on the staithe moorings recently.
  12. Yes it does (thanks). However, though it worked when I put it into a post, it just wouldn’t accept it when I tried to alter my forum name. Very frustrating!
  13. I haven’t had problems at Loddon Staithe either, apart from one isolated incident out of season where a boat that was side-on moored filled our boat with fumes before setting off. Generally, we find it a very pleasant mooring.
  14. Yes, very atmospheric. Wonderful shots of the site, the river and passing boats. I’m a bit concerned about how the cross is leaning more and more each season. I hadn’t realised that people have been ‘inserting’ coins into the cross. That can’t be helping with wood’s integrity.
  15. Gosh that’s impressive! Harry and I tried row up there a few years back. No chance, just too narrow. Oars just got tangled up with growth either side. We were also warned off going up there when we hired a day boat from Whispering Reeds, Hickling, a few years ago.
  16. Hmm, forum doesn't seem to like YnysMôn or even Ynys Môn. I tried changing my user name but it tells me that I'm not allowed to use that username.
  17. When I’m trying to insert a bit of welsh (we have ‘hats’ too) I usually resort to typing up something in Word first, using the symbols option and then copying and pasting. There might be an easier way, but I don't know how without changing you whole language selection. Actually, my forum name is just wrong. The ‘Mon’ bit should have a hat over the O which lengthens the sound of the vowel.
  18. Ah, that's what happened. I was wondering what had happened when the french disappeared. Not being a french speaker I appreciated the translation. I thought it was wonderful that Vaughan initially replied to the query in french though. A warm welcome to the forum to Zoufry.
  19. I suspect my problem was that the canoes just before my bow couldn’t see the ones at my stern. Just left me in a pickle!
  20. Indeed not! What part of the rivers was that? I respect that canoes and paddle boarders and fishermen have as much right to use the river, but it doesn’t help matters when some parties (a minority!) string themselves across the river like that. Going up to Coltishall and Geldeston in recent weeks, some parties were quite good, others completely oblivious. The worst was at Geldeston Locks a couple of weeks ago, when I was trying to turn Tabitha Rose and got completely stymied by canoes approaching both fore and aft just as I was trying to manoeuvre. What did they think I was trying to do? Don’t start me on long poles!
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