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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Those parish Staithes are gems. I’m not sure how long they will continue though. The churches are having enough difficulty keeping the churches going never mind quay headings, and the one at Horning is a skid pan when wet. I attend a church that’s relatively modern (built 1660) compared to the ones on the Broads and we’ve recently been advised our tower and some of the stonework needs urgent attention. Surveyor’s costing is staggering. Not sure how we will manage that. We are located in Milton Keynes, but the church is tiny. It is the only church to be designed by Robert Hooke. (Just Google him…really ground breaking scientist who developed all sorts of things like the coil spring for watches, developed microscopes, observed ‘cells’ and coined the term cell. And that’s just a tiny example of the things he discovered/developed.)
  2. Is there more? You can’t drop a tantalising hint like that and not tell…
  3. YnysMon

    Thanks Tbmc

    We’ve stayed on the Potter H moorings opposite Herbert Woods several times. Not noisy and raucous from my experience. Maybe you were unlucky? We’ve always found it very peaceful, once the scrum of boats going in and out of the Herbert Woods yard has died down. We did have a lot of bow slap one windy night, but I’m sure it would have been as bad on any moorings directly on the river.
  4. Thanks Peter. I see you managed to capture a shot or two of Tabitha Rose with a a brolly sticking out above the sun roof. That was Graham's attempt to give me some shade. Bless him.
  5. How lovely to have your children with you for a few days. Congrats to your son on his GCSEs.
  6. Could that be classed as a projectile weapon in the circumstances?
  7. Thanks Kate, it’s been lovely reading about your adventures, even with fewer walks for the dog.
  8. Cologne-Koln? Just trying to think back to my time old working for International Rail ticket office in Victoria.
  9. What lovely kids. They look like they are having a great time with Grandad.
  10. Glad to hear that Nipper has found a new family to care for her.
  11. We’ll, I’m very glad that people have signed up and done so much to preserve the last few wherries, and that people continue to give up their time freely to ensure the heritage isn’t lost.
  12. I didn’t know you could book a mooring at Sutton Staithe. How does that work?
  13. Too addictive! I have a soft spot for jigsaws. I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of my childhood time with my grandparents, as Mam had to work. My paternal Nain (grandma) was brilliant at keeping a young child occupied. We did a lot of jigsaws, so my jigsaw skills have been honed. Lots of her jigsaws were from jumble sales though, so usually had at least one piece missing. As soon as you got bored of one thing she would have something else…card games, drawing and painting, helping her do her laundry, polishing her brass, exploring her attic (a treasure trove, of all sorts…jars containing ‘special shells’) etc. She had a streak of fun in her…which I think my cousins and my younger son have inherited. I’m just too serious for my own good.
  14. We don’t tend to watch TV on the boat much. The occasional DVD, but otherwise it’s books, card games, crosswords and the occasional jigsaw on my iPad.
  15. Harry was so impressed with the paddle board we hired at Geldeston that he’s bought one. He spent yesterday afternoon paddling around Willen Lake.
  16. Nice low airdraft…more sensible than some of the giant palaces that have been launched recently.
  17. We’ll that’s a lot cheaper, less than half, than we paid last month in Barnes Brinkcraft.
  18. I agree with that. After our first time handover at Ferry Marina I remembered some things we had been told and Graham remembered other things, so between us we were fine. This is bearing in mind that we got a very light touch handover compared to what the full instruction would be - given we'd told them we'd sailed on the Broads previously and that Graham was used to handling motor boats. I'd hate to have to feel it was down to me to remember every little thing and for it to be the first time I'd handled a boat.
  19. Ooo…which tree is that? I mean, what does it look like and where in the garden is it? (Just in case we stop off at How Hill in September.)
  20. I’m certainly not the best person to advise. The only time I’ve uploaded a video to the forum was by uploading it to YouTube first then linking it to the vlog. There must be easier ways though. I’m hoping someone else on the forum can enlighten me to the proper way!
  21. Gosh…first time I’ve heard of it being being closed mid season. Hope it’s a one-off.
  22. Thanks Pauline, I really enjoyed your tale. Sounds like you had a great week. I'm sure GS will eventually favour sailing - it's probably the novelty of the motors boats that's the attraction.
  23. I notice the three heads left in Alec's bed last night are now on his window sill. That should scare the neighbours!
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