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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Well, whatever order the photos are in they are still brilliant. Thanks.
  2. Is this the start of a new series Ian, featuring various Broads hostelries?
  3. Today we are moored on the wild mooring on Womack Dyke, not far from the dyke entrance. Malcolm (Mouldy) and his wife Debbie are moored further down on the BA moorings and we've already had a chat and are planning to meet up later. We have also been into the village to the butcher's and the Womack bakery, so have lots of goodies on board.
  4. I think we can empathise with both landlords and their tenants during the current economic woes. I can quite see that landlords are being forced to put their prices up, but it's a shame that some of their tenants feel they can't afford the rent any longer. I'm afraid the harsh reality is that most tenants with cafe businesses are having to pass on those costs to the customer.
  5. Compared to this evening on our mooring on the river Ant, Polkey's Mill last night was much the better option. We had a very comfortable night, and I even slept under the duvet. I can already see that tonight is going to be a different matter!
  6. Whereas on the Broads, if you are lucky, you can moor up somewhere shady for the afternoon and evening. The sun has now moved across so we no longer have the shade, but it's done it's worst and it's pleasant to sit out.
  7. That us settled for the day. I was thinking we crossed Breydon a little too early, but the lower Bure was fairly slack. It was a warmer cruise up the Bure than yesterday's cruises as the breeze was mostly behind us, so not as cooling, but I'm glad I'm here not stuck in my home office. We have one of those perfect Ant wild moorings...perfect for a hot day anyway, with shade. We are on the first wild mooring downstream from Irstead. The only snag is...the signal here is rubbish and I can't upload photos.
  8. We passed Pipedreams near Yarmouth Yacht Station about half an hour ago. Nice to exchange waves, even if we couldn't meet you and are travelling in opposite directions.
  9. I would also have voted against self management 12 months ago, but completely changed my mind recently.
  10. I can't yet comment on the Northern rivers, but it does seem very quiet here down south. Beccles was less than half full Saturday, taking into consideration that the wherry Albion was also moored there. As we cruised from Norwich to Polkey's Mill yesterday evening we observed that only half of Norwich was taken, only one boat moored at Whitlingham, and one at the Commissioner's Cut (both sides now open). I missed Bramerton as I wasn't on the helm, but there weren't any boats on the 'wild' moorings in Short Dyke Rockland, nothing outside the Beauchamp Arms, one good space at Cantley, but Albion was also moored at the pub, only one boat at Hardley Mill and one at Hardley Cross. Reedham was full, and there was one space left at Polkey's Mill, but there is an early-ish tide at Yarmouth this morning.
  11. Arrived at Polkey's Mill about 20 minutes ago (20:40). We have done some travelling today!
  12. We've had a full on day today. From Geldeston to Norwich and now from Norwich to who knows where... somewhere nearer to the sea and cooler hopefully. Meanwhile, our syndicate Chair has been in touch with our management agency to let them know that the syndicate members have decided to move to self management and we've agreed a date when that will take effect. We had a very productive EGM last week and secured a unanimous vote for self management, so that was very positive. We've had a lot of help and advice from other syndicates, so we think we have a realistic view on what it will entail.
  13. My younger son got up this morning with a beard. Too hot! He now has stubble.
  14. I can confirm that it's hot here..even on the river.
  15. Thanks again Kate. I have very much enjoyed your account of your trip with your Mum and sister. Different to your usual walking blogs but none the worse for that. Now that we have a syndicate website and most of the members have been posting blogs I've been fascinated about how we all have different priorities for our weeks on board, including those with young children who, of course, make sure that they stop places with playgrounds or open space for the kids to run off energy. It just shows how flexible a Broads holiday is.
  16. Phew! How are other people coping? We have the canopy and rear screen up, front screen down and some USB fans going, the latter kindly left on board recently by another syndicate member.
  17. A very short cruise this morning from Beccles to Gelderston. Currently moored on 'the staithe in the dyke. Paddle boards booked for this afternoon for the boys.
  18. I have also done a cruise to Watford in a previous blog!
  19. Sorry, meant Geldeston. Predictive text strikes again!
  20. We made to to Beccles today. The original plan had been to try to get to Gelderston, I anticipated that the earlier than expected tide would put the kibosh on that, so we phoned Beccles to book a mooring instead. When we got there a large portion of the quay was marked as reserved. Stopped off at Burgh Castle on the way. Wherry Albion arrived a few minutes ago to take up that reserved space
  21. So you managed to moor up at Irstead?
  22. It wasn't Southern Comfort again, was it? That sounded like a rave when they toured around South Walsham yesterday evening.
  23. No sign of any mud flats. Meanwhile, Graham has started to clean the brass.
  24. I posted about the first day of this trip on my normal thread When I woke this morning (just before 5) I checked when the Aweigh App thought low water would be at Yarmouth this morning, and was a bit alarmed to see it was an hour and a quarter earlier than the tide table I had printed off. I woke Graham and we set off, trying not to disturb the peace and quiet. In fact it took us about half an hour to reach the Bure as we were trying to be mindful of the boats moored along Fleet Dyke. As soon as we spotted a suitable bank we stopped, with Alec holding the ropes whilst Graham looked after Seren. It was about 8.30 by the time we were approaching the Yacht Station and there was just under 8' showing on the first guage, 7'9" on the second and 7'6" on the final one. As we approached the yellow post we could see the tide flowing in at a great pace, so I suspect the Aweigh App was pretty accurate.
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