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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Has anyone tried out the new bistro near Ferry Marina? I think it's called Favours Bar and Restaurant. Seems to be in the building that used to be the Clubhouse.
  2. Last week when I looked at the Wroxham webcam it looked like river levels were rather high. We've experienced high river levels twice when on Moonlight Shadow (with flood warnings) and both occasions were followed by a day of really low water levels. No idea why or whether that's a regular thing, it's just what we observed at the time. Nice to see you posting again.
  3. Interesting to read about the river taxi option.
  4. Hmm, on Google maps I can’t see a road leading to it. If that’s the case, how do they manage?
  5. Thanks for the link. I did try a search of the BA portal but failed!
  6. Our usual on the boat is to start off early and for Graham to make some tea and toast for me to eat whilst on the helm. Fry ups (second breakfast) are usually reserved for lunchtimes. Mind you, we sometimes vegetate on the mooring all morning and then make brunch.
  7. Hi Alan, I tried googling to find out what plans HPC have in store, but haven’t managed to find anything so far. Can you enlighten us?
  8. Love your explanation of being an only child. Some of were (sorry…are) though. Luckily I have lovely cousins to make up for it!
  9. The inventiveness of some of our posters never ceases to delight me.
  10. I haven’t been there, but from what I recall of Robin’s blog I think there is room to turn.
  11. And, it gets better…the OU closes for a week over Christmas, so I now have a three week Christmas/New Year holiday to look forward to. and no doubt
  12. I had said a few posts back that we had a big gap between our July 22 and Feb 23 allocations. That gap has now got narrower. Due to our change of boatyard our winter maintenance can’t be done at the beginning of the year as originally planned, so those members who had the first two weeks of February were asked if they minded changing their weeks. We were fine with that, but the other couple decided they didn’t want their week, so we now have a bonus. Potentially a fortnight on the boat from 30th December. Isn’t that good! I’m looking forward to being on the boat for the New Year.
  13. Lovely! Thanks for the encouragement about Catfield Dyke. If we can under Potter we’ll certainly try it. When are you on board in July? We are next on MS from the 15th July. Mind you, we have plans to disappear down south away from what I’m anticipating will be busy rivers up north.
  14. That’s a shame. We have been down Catfield Dyke in a day boat and I was thinking that maybe we could take Water Rail down there if we manage to get under ‘the bridge’. Maybe not though.
  15. I love Bridgestones too, though their cakes are rather too large for me! It's good that there are more dining options now in Potter. Apart from Bridgestones it seemed a bit dire for the first few years we came to the Broads, pre-Norada, and both the Falgate and chippy not as good as they seem to be now. I've also heard good things about the Indian takeaway in Repps. https://reppsindiankitchen.co.uk/indiankitchen
  16. I keep an eye on review sites and I haven't yet seen anything less than 5* reviews since it changed hands, so they must be doing something right.
  17. We’ll she was snapped up pretty quickly the first time, and ‘life events’ happen to us all unfortunately. Hope all goes well with your second sale.
  18. Ooo…is that the tiny Staithe that Robin (Captain’s Blogs) discovered in one of his later vlogs, off Barton Broad? How much room is there?
  19. Hmmm, young farmers’ events. I’ll say no more!
  20. Father’s Day is a wonderful invention. Okay, more recent than Mother’s Day, but a good call out and celebration for all those wonderful fathers out there. One of the things my Mam told me…you don’t realise what you missed. My Dad died when I was 8 months. So all of you celebrating your Dad’s today, just think what a blessing you have/had.
  21. Nope he didn’t pay. Actually, when I first read this I thought (only for a second) that you were thinking Harry was the absconder and thought… You think I’ve brought up a right hooligan, but you still trust me with Water Rail?
  22. Me too…especially as Graham is now vegetarian. Harry bought a couple of steaks from our local Sainsbury’s the other evening, so I’m planning to cook them on the BBQ this evening, with a ‘plant’ burger for Graham. Thinking about it, I’m surprised they had steaks still in stock in the evening. When I visited a few days earlier there was a kerfuffle in the store as a guy who had filled a basket with steaks ran out of the store. I wonder how often that happens?
  23. Yes, they do sound sensible newbies. I hope they enjoy the rest of the week.
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