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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. He also has recently purchased a Marina in Brundall, so has expanded his portfolio.
  2. Try to find a (reasonably straight) stick to dip into the tank to gauge the fuel level. The old fashioned way. We have a stick provided for that purpose on our syndicate boat. On the other hand, I think the boatyard’s advice is probably sound, especially if you fill up in Boulter’s, as BrundallNavy has suggested.
  3. Why guilty? I agree with Grendel. Personally, the Broads appeals far more than the Algarve. My 20’s self would have probably had a different opinion. That’s the problem with the younger generation. They think their opinions will be fixed for life!
  4. Don’t give them ideas Fred! I read somewhere that some people think it would be a good idea to reintroduce wolves to Scotland. Mad!
  5. The are obviously trying to charge the max that they think the clientele in each location will cough up. Sounds like they've got it wrong in The Commodore, as it seems people are voting with their feet!
  6. One of our syndicate member families went there a few months ago. They reported it was good and exceptionally friendly for families with young children. I hadn't realised that they had relocated to a spot closer to the Yacht Station though. I'm not sure why I've walked past Broadview so many times without noticing it.
  7. We highly recommend The White Horse Upton too. We had the best quality Sunday roast we’ve had anywhere on the Broads last year, and much cheaper than some other places too.
  8. I don’t think I’ve heard of The Broadview before. Is that new too?
  9. I would love to eat at the Ivy House. Unfortunately, I doubt that they allow dogs in. Not that kind of place. I don’t think The Copper Smokehouse do either, but I’m crossing my fingers that they still do takeaway.
  10. Coo, you can get a whole bottle cheaper than that in Roy’s. Explains why I’ve stopped drinking wine in pubs.
  11. I've got another gardening related one. I'll see if I can dig it out. (Pun intended.) Got to 'go' to a meeting now though. Work's always getting in the way isn't it!
  12. Moonlight Shadow opted to replace carpet with carpet too. My memory of the discussion is a bit hazy though I can remember being initially in favour of a hard flooring but being thoroughly converted otherwise. Maybe Malcolm or Warren can remind me why…it might have been something to do with it deadening the sound of the engine (the engine being below the saloon). Mind you, the new engine is a lot quieter!
  13. It also jumped around the Broads rather. No continuity. Fascinating though.
  14. I only watched the first minute or so (so far) and thought EEK! Fancy checking your fuel level with a (presumably lit) fag in one hand!
  15. I hope you reported the incident.
  16. I see you managed to bag your favourite Pye’s Mill mooring. Looks idyllic. I hadn’t realised there were strong winds today, so surprised at Breydon being closed to hirers. Is that a new, more cautious policy?
  17. I was under the impression that the ones bottom right were relatively recent, all ours have been bought in the last three years, unlike the ones bottom left which I don’t recognise. I’m crossing my fingers that you meant bottom left, as we have quite a stock of the digicard ones…bottom right. Gulp!
  18. We’ve got about three different types currently, no problem using any of them. I’ve not yet come across any with an expiry date. Except about 4-5 years back the BA changed the electric posts and different cards were required. Even then, if I recall correctly, they offered to swap cards.
  19. This thread drawn up a lot of memories for me When I was a teenager, my Mam and I used to spend most of our Sunday afternoons visiting a great-aunt who lived in a small cottage on the foothills of Snowdon. I wasn't keen on visiting her loo. It was a small shed overlooking the field next to the cottage and was the original privy (non-flush) with pieces of newspaper treaded on a string and hung behind the door. She didn't have any running water in the house either, just a tap in the farmyard. It's amazing how she managed. I think she relied on her sister in law and the postman for her food shop (postman had his own chickens, so eggs were plentiful), and she always gave us an afternoon tea with (tinned) salmon sandwiches, tinned fruit and a homemade cake. In the late '70s she was struggling to cope and moved into a home. She thought she was in heaven, with an en suite and all 'mod cons'. She also gave me a gold ring with small garnets embedded in it. I love it partly because it reminds me of Auntie Maggie, but also for the story behind it. Her father had found the ring whilst ploughing. I've often wondered how such a lovely ring ended up in a remote field in Snowdonia.
  20. At least the Staithe and Willow has recently improved under new ownership. We loved their breakfasts pre 2018/19. It was always our place to go for late breakfast after handing back our hire boat. We stopped that when it changed hands and wasn’t as good. We were impressed when we visited them in May this year.
  21. Yes, it seems so from the location. There's only one review on Google so far, but it's looking promising. I looked for a website but could only find their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Flavoursofhorning/?ref=page_internal
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