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Everything posted by DaveB

  1. if you can get through the bridge, porter & haylet at wroxham have plenty of room, and very reasonable rates!
  2. Here goes - In no particular order, Black horse broad (mudweight) Commissioners cut Salhouse (mudweight at the base of the hill) Herringfleet Barton (mudweight)
  3. Hi MM, i always miss it if I'm heading towards Wroxham from Norwich, it's easier if you're going towards Norwich it's on the right past the speed camera! A fried breakfast to die for and all local ingredients
  4. hey guys, try the black pudding at the Hill Top Café on the road to Wroxham, gorgeous! and locally produced ( the chap who runs it reckoned you can see the piggies that it comes from out of the café window !)
  5. Condolences to you Robin :-( i know how it feels, I lost my dad not so long ago and it didn't hit me until quite a while later as there was so much to deal with at the time , it still hits me at unexpected moments. Thoughts and prayers are with you
  6. .....left over Yorkshire pudding!!!!!! there aint no such animal
  7. Oh I assure you, you can beat it with a crusty French stick.................crumbs tend to get everywhere though!!!! sorry....... having a moment
  8. blimey!! not quite sure how that happened ! condolences to you and your family Eric
  9. need a 'rolling on the floor laughing' smilie!
  10. thanks for the welcome Gracie and B2P! now why didn't I think of the wine bar angle?????
  11. don't get me started on that! lol couldn't agree more
  12. possibly me being a bit daft but I would have thought it might have been a better idea to explore the possibility of placing a small tea hut/room actually on the banks of the broad? subject to planning of course would make a fortune during the season from boat camper and walking traffic
  13. Hi ST, looks like you may have a couple of falcons around your area, if they've been using your garden as a lunch area it will keep most birds well away unfortunately. not much you can do about it im afraid :-(
  14. Well my bees are flying again, bringing in loads of bright yellow pollen in their saddle bags! Good to see them again after they shut the hive down in October. Spring is coming!!!
  15. DaveB

    Annual Moorings

    Try porter and haylet yard above Wroxham bridge, no hook-up unfortunately, but toilets and showers, stern on, loads of spaces and was under a grand for us with a 30 footer! So cheap, and if you've got around 6-7 ft airdraft no prob with the bridge
  16. Hi everyone, I'm back again! Good to see you're still around kfurbank ;-) just don't mention the BA! Lol Back on the broads with another boat called Rosalind, a lovely little DC 30 from 1965. At present in Boulter's having her engine fettled hope to see a few of you around , this year !
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