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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. Slightly out of sequence but Christmas dinner at the New Inn, Rockland St Mary was absolutely superb. We've always enjoyed the food there but this time they really pulled out all the stops. After dinner it was back to MS for forty-winks and then the pub in the evening for a couple. After an early night we set off for Brundall in the morning. Les was going by car (Debs had to work Christmas eve and had driven to Rockland) and Debs and I were on the boat. Debs was at the helm and tried to get me to take over as we approached the mooring but I wouldn't let her. It was perfect conditions, virtually slack water and no wind and she got us onto the mooring without any problems.Debs car was there but no sign of Les, a quick Whatsapp and problem solved, he was in the Yare having a 'coffee' (yeah right!) so we went to join him. Debs commented that the dogs seemed to know where we were going, well after 10 days up here with me they should have known lol. Then it was back to the boat for lunch (pic above) Today we off to see my Mum and Dad in Holt this afternoon, taking two cars so Debs will leave for home from there as she is working tomorrow, then Les and I are staying until Saturday which will give me a chance to fit the last three LED light fittings and fill up with diesel and pump out Saturday morning. We then have a month until we are up here again for a week on Thunder :)
  2. Boxing day lunch aboard and now it is beer o'clock back in Brundall Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  3. Haha. Managed to attach the pictures that should have been with my last post Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  4. All snug at Rockland St Mary ready for our Christmas dinner at the New Inn Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  5. Fray Bentos pies are the dogs doo-dahs. Another guilty-pleasure is instant mash. I love the stuff. Is this the place to admit liking Pot Noodles as well? Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  6. @LondonRascal That would be great. I can pop over to Stalham saturday morning unless you are going back to Indy next week then I could see you there. I am here until the 29th Steve
  7. He had four left. I'm getting them tomorrow :-) Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  8. Ill give Jason a ring ;) Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  9. The galley, heads and saloon are now done bar one of the saloon lights that I have taken the plinth off for Jeckells to use as a pattern to make me three more for the mid and aft cabin. The problem in the two cabins is that the old lights are just that, old and a different style so the hole on the headlining can't be covered by the new ones If these surrounds were still available I could probably get away with it But they are obsolete. In the main saloon they are on a plinth and have surrounds But fitting flush to the plinth will be ok. Now it's getting close to beer o'clock :)
  10. Our first allocation on Moonlight Shadow was scheduled for 22-29 December but the week before became available so the plan was for me to come up on Wednesday or Thursday with Debs and the BCE joining me Friday then Chris and his kids coming Saturday. The plan was for me to spend the time time on my own changing out the lights for LEDs so I'd ordered the main light fittings from Brian Wards, to be collected when I arrived. On Saturday evening Debs casually said "we could have gone to the boat this weekend, then you could have stayed there" We looked at each other and by 9.00am we were in Brundall wondering where all the water had gone! Monday morning, Debs had gone back to go to work and I picked up the main light fittings from BW. and it was back to the boat to make a start. The three in the main saloon and two in the galley were easy, a straight swap The first challenge were the bulkhead lights, two in the heads and one under the unit in the galley. This is the one from the aft head As you can see the lens was in very poor condition, the backing plate corroded and some of the wires burnt. The problem is I can't find a replacement for these locally, these are obsolete, so I had to have a rethink. In the end I have replaced the one in the galley with this This gave me three lights to cannibalise to make two. The bulbs in the ones in the heads have been changed for LEDs and now I can look further afield for replacements. More later
  11. Alan our thoughts are with you. Steve and Debs Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  12. Oops forgot the photo Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  13. Spent a windy night at Acle bridge and left there about 7.15. I would love to meet the person that designed the windscreen wiper on MS and shake him warmly by the ...... throat. Still, I suppose that if it's completely out of your line of sight it won't distract you. Other than that we are now we'll on time to transit GYYS at slack and looking forward to a snack at the Nelson. I think these visitors were looking for a snack as well but they were out of luck this time [emoji3] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  14. Well the fridge is fitted, Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  15. Breakfast time1543396532187 Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  16. And breakfasts is organised. I just randomly the Strachey Arms cafe and although they aren't really open today they will have couple of takeaway bacon sarnies ready for us when we get there [emoji3] Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  17. On our way again. Currently about halfway from Reedham to the Bernet Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  18. That was supposed to be Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  19. All safe at the Nelson With a nice warming Port and Brandy :)1543344094828 Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  20. You need to know the right pubs ;)
  21. This thread reminds me of going out for an Indian with people from work you don't usually socialise with. When it comes time to pay you hear: "But I didn't have a starter" "I didn't have Naan" "I only drank lemonade" All the time you are thinking "Just chuck £20 each in and let's get down the pub"
  22. Unless he reads the forum of course.
  23. She's got to go to Richo's for the gel coat repair anyway :)
  24. I must admit that since I wrote that I've been thinking "why are you thinking about the Berney Arms" :)
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