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Everything posted by JohnK

  1. Sadly that seems to be the way of most (if not all) forums. I’m not saying it’s acceptable but you really have two choices in my opinion. Live with the criticism (maybe just ignore those posts rather than reacting to them) or move over to using a blog rather than anywhere where people can comment. I do think if you just ignored the posts you don’t like people would get the message and not post. Perhaps later in the evening you’d still get the odd one though [emoji57] Perhaps I’m guilty of the same thing, you’ve said what you’re going to do (post on a forum) and I’m taking apart your plan! Sorry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. You’re only responsible if you’re responsible for me not reading things properly and reacting to what I thought I’d read! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I have no idea why the BA closed the offices and I have far too little information to speculate. On the signage I would guess (but it’s only a guess) that the BA felt replacing the signs was justified to help promote the Broads. Were they right? I have no idea. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I thought you’d posted the relevant part of the legislation we were discussing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So you think they should have kept the offices open to better promote the broads? Of course you’re right about the tolls. Sorry. All the NP funding / Secretary of State grants or whatever they’re called have been cut haven’t they? Hence the need for cost cutting?
  6. I’m assuming these are the exact words. Am I correct? If so, how do you promote opportunities for the enjoyment of the broads without promoting the broads?
  7. All I’ve presented is what I believe it says. I get that you don’t agree. I believe I understand the words but I’m man enough to accept I may be wrong. I’m not playing devils advocate, I’m saying what I believe. Is that only allowed if I believe the same as you?
  8. I don’t think I have tried to justify the closing of information offices have I? If you’re asking me why the BA did that my guess would be that they’ve closed offices to reduce costs (perhaps because of people wanting lower tolls?) and that they’ve changed the signs because they believe their remit includes promotion and they believe rebranding as an NP helps with promotion. Whether that’s true I have no idea.
  9. It appears you can buy safer hoses for drinking water: https://eartheasy.com/premium-drinking-water-safe-garden-hose https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004RNR9QY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_YCDLAbN8SJ1V9 http://clearflowwaterhose.com/gardening-news/garden-hose-actually-drinking-water-safe/
  10. I understand you think they’ve misused those powers but you agree they should be promoting the broads? I ask because one argument I’ve seen is (if I understood it correctly) ... BA can only use the term National Park for marketing. BA’s remit is not promotion or marketing Therefore BA can never legitimately use the term National Park. But if we accept that BA’s remit includes promotion that argument doesn’t hold water (bad pun intended) does it?
  11. So you agree the BA is responsible for promotion of the broads?
  12. [emoji2] I’m not questioning him or commenting on what he said. I’m presenting my own understanding of the quote he posted. But it’s ok, I’m married so very used to being wrong [emoji6]
  13. Depends how you read it I guess. The thing Paladin shared a few days ago definitely read to me like the BA is responsible for promotion of the Broads. I realise not everybody read it that way but I did. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. It’s relevant to an authority whose remit includes promotion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I just reread what you first wrote and realise I misunderstood it the first time. Genuinely sorry.
  16. I know it wasn’t you that raised it. I’m definitely not asking for censorship. The point I’m trying to make is if those of us that see it differently posted how great it is the BA is calling the Broads a National Park on every single thread do you think it might get on your nerves after a while? One group of people could post how bad it is, another group could post how good it is. Might not be very interesting I would suggest.
  17. BUT THEY WEREN’T [emoji6] In this case they excluded themselves. I get that you want to raise it. But every thread?
  18. Well not really. They said the BA and the 14 NP authorities. I thought you might like that. But do we have to do this every single time? [emoji6]
  19. I think they were just trying to do the right thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I’ve got a positive too .... I paid my tolls on my three little boats early. I then realised my dinghy needs replacing as some of the cracks in the GRP are worse than I thought. Contacted the tolls office and thought the response would be “you’ll have to pay another toll” (because that’s the rules). But no, if I register another boat before 1/4 and let them know I’ve disposed of the old one they’ll transfer the toll. It’s only £50 (electric outboard) but I’m still very happy with that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. JohnK

    My Day

    4.5 hour drive to Dunbar in Scotland this morning. Back south tomorrow to Buxton then home Wednesday. Wednesday could be very interesting with the weather! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Maybe, my dad used to say he enjoyed his Norfolk holidays a lot [emoji57] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I’m with you completely and just as soon as I’m convinced it’s happening I’ll be right behind you marching on Yare House! You are absolutely right we should be watching just in case you’re not completely mad [emoji57] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Interesting analogy .... do you think if you did call your Skoda a Rolls Royce people would think you’re trying to turn it into a Rolls Royce? [emoji57] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Agree 100% Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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