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Everything posted by JohnK

  1. They’ve had a couple of private events already. A lot of work has been done on the inside. Everyone local who’s said anything to me says its opening. I was told there’s a dispute over material to be used on the outside hence the outside not being done yet but I don’t know if that’s true.
  2. My new flag has a line near a curve but couldn’t really be considered a tangent so hopefully we’ve avoided it. Although it will be flown near a bend on the river so perhaps it hasn’t been avoided. Could flag etiquette be considered political and hence discussion not allowed under the T.O.S.? Religious? Anything??!! [emoji6] How about if I self identify as a blue ensign?
  3. Haha, very true. The cheeky buggers want extra for metal eyelets and anti tear tape and then add VAT. It had bloody better be over ten times better than the original one [emoji57]
  4. Mine is going on a shed [emoji57]
  5. This implies it’s someone called Jamie Campbell. http://www.broadly-speaking.co.uk/forum/post12862 Wasn’t there talk of an old school Jamie on here a week or two ago who some people seemed to know? Same one by any chance?
  6. I like that. Worth having some made, badged with NBN and sold in the shop?
  7. I bought a tide clock recently. I love it. Just a glance and you know what the tide’s doing.
  8. Thanks everyone. Expensive it is! If I have a tattered faded flag doesn’t it just look like I bought a cheap flag? [emoji57]
  9. The tides have gone back an hour. How does the moon know?
  10. I know some of you here are big fans of flappy material so can you tell me if flags like this: https://www.hampshireflag.co.uk/flags.asp?search=Lincolnshire&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkd3VBRDzARIsAAdGzMBfgvVEOM_uuBM84lHnVOJkFzD3aKfdG5GpteYrxVxIPMikzRYG0twaAvDWEALw_wcB At nearly £100 for a 5x3 are value for money when compared to ones like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/LINCOLNSHIRE-COUNTY-FLAG-ENGLAND-quality/dp/B00X7U3U66/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1521972359&sr=8-2&keywords=lincolnshire+flag&dpID=41GIoz--o0L&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch At just over a tenner? I’ve got one of the cheaper ones and after a few weeks it’s a bit faded and tattered at the edges. I don’t mind paying for quality but I do mind being taken advantage of. All opinions welcome.
  11. Someone was looking for a mooring on FB so I shared this. Hope that’s ok.
  12. Even allowing for a bit of bias and exaggeration that’s a shocking story.
  13. I’m a big fan of oils rather than varnish. Mainly because I’m lazy and like the ease of application [emoji57]
  14. If this is the right manual it’s 12 and 240 volt. http://www.bauhn.co.uk/_literature_150994/AT215D-0216_-_Instruction_Manual
  15. In a way it could be seen as fair. The latest starters are probably the youngest, might have a young family but they can make the break first and have the first shot at jobs.
  16. Sadly people with significant service could lose their redundancy payment by doing that.
  17. Last boat I sold .... I put it first on a dedicated boat sale site. Expensive and zero response (to be fair one person phoned me and spent 30 mins explaining why it wasn’t the boat for him) I then put a classified ad on eBay. Cheap and loads of response.
  18. I think the Imperial War Museum did a similar thing for a WWI event they had.
  19. This is what Meteo (who now supply BBC weather) says They think no snow Easter weekend. Subject to change [emoji57]
  20. If you want it filming from another boat at high speed on Breydon for your blog give me a shout.
  21. I understand I have a right to express my opinion. It’s just starting to feel like people here don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to p**s everyone off so I think it’s probably better if I say nothing.
  22. I don’t disagree at all JM. I don’t want to go over it again ... but ... I’m very much playing devils advocate but it is your opinion and you know some other people have different opinions on what JP is trying to achieve. I’m not even saying you’re wrong, it just scares me when people present opinion as fact. You’re very much respected here and elsewhere as far as I can tell (including very much by me) but I do think you should make it clear when something is your opinion rather than a fact (in my opinion [emoji6]). I understand I’m in the minority but I’m not sure what to do. If I’m going to post here I am going to post that I disagree with something if I do. But if people would rather not have the accepted opinion challenged here that’s fair enough. Is that the case?
  23. Some people seem to be saying it just moves the problem downstream. Do you think that isn’t true because of the relatively high flow rates on the Broads will move the silt well? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. A stated, current goal or your opinion of what his goal is? [emoji6]
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