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Everything posted by JohnK

  1. If we all found the same things interesting or we all found the same things boring this would be a very boring (or interesting [emoji57]) forum wouldn’t it? I skip some very popular threads on here because I’m not interested. I wouldn’t like to flag up my disinterest though. Should my view matter to anyone else? Probably not I’d say. If everybody is interested that’s great. If some people are interested that’s fine. If no people are interested the thread dies.
  2. I’d guess changes in the legal system. Lawyers didn’t used to be allowed to advertise I think. No win no fee is a relatively new thing in the uk. In the dark and distant past people used to be responsible for their own actions. But not anymore. I’m an idiot and did a stupid thing used to be my fault but now I can sue Joe Bloggs because he didn’t check whether I was an idiot or whether I’d do a stupid thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. One tries [emoji57] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It probably wouldn’t be allowed in a National Park [emoji6]
  5. Haha, do you know, I never gave that a thought. Even thinking about it after I never considered it! I spend a significant amount of time trying to understand tides so I have no explanation for it at all [emoji5] Doh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I made the mistake of using a danforth anchor and chain on my ski boat. Just the once. The anchor and chain were caked in mud when they came up. It held ok but now I’d only use a mud weight on the Broads. I did find on Oulton once though that the mud weight seemed to have dropped off an edge. When I moored it seemed to be holding but half an hour later I was drifting with the mud weight hanging at the end of its rope. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Haha, it’s you who mentioned hire boats [emoji57] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. One could argue it’s only just over three days. 7.5 hours a day for ten days [emoji57] There are at least 16.5 hours every day they’re working that you can use it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I think it’s new but my memory is shocking so I probably wouldn’t remember if I’d seen it before. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I like that. You’re giving me ideas now, I have a workshop dust extractor and a few things with no fittings too. Is that ABS? Is it fairly tough? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Don’t worry, I appreciated your thoughts. You’re right about the software, I should do that. Most of my (limited) experience was 2D. My problem is attention span. Unless I’m trying to achieve a specific thing I lose interest. I have so much stuff in cupboards that I wanted to learn and never did I could create a modern museum! If I spend let’s say £1k and create a single rowlock bracket that won’t be as good as the one I can buy for £11 I’ll be overjoyed. Mad isn’t it?
  12. I wish I did that. I often post a reply to what I think I’ve read rather than what was actually written. When I realise I always apologise but I’m sure I miss some and cause offence.
  13. I’m not too worried about software. I seem to have a brain that starts by assuming all software can do all things then google and trial and error show me how or prove me wrong (about 50/50 [emoji6]) I’ve done a bit of CAD stuff, can do the basics. I also work with a few people who know CAD much better than me. Part of this is wanting to improve my CAD skills and I hate training for training’s sake. When Bailey & Stone measured my boat for a new cover they used a 3D digitiser. I was very impressed with that. Again, maybe it all fits with my business, maybe not.
  14. Thanks for that. I’m really looking to learn a bit about them and I learn best hands on through trial and error. I realise I’m going to making stuff for pounds I could buy for pennies. Maybe I use it twice and put it in a cupboard .... maybe it ties in with my business and opens up new opportunities. The only thing I know for sure is if I don’t try it will lead to nothing.
  15. Thanks again Grendel. I posted here rather than a dedicated 3D printing forum because I was hoping you’d respond. You seem a practical bloke more interested in using it for something useful rather than printing for the sake of printing if you see what I mean. Just need to identify some Mac software now. I see that printer says it works with OSX so I posted a question what Mac software they’d recommend for it.
  16. In my experience of many forums I think the problems often start with people presenting opinion as fact. If I say something that a lot of people consider nonsense (not that that would happen [emoji6]) if it’s started with “in my opinion” it tends to annoy people less. It seems to avoid the “yes it is”, “no it isn’t” nonsense. In my opinion it’s what forums do very well, allowing people to debate opinions. Even changing some sometimes.
  17. Thanks Grendel, Definitely don’t want to use a third party, want to watch the thing work. Is plastic extrusion or liquid resin stronger when finished? I like print and go “it just works” is my favourite tag line. I was thinking brackets for rowlocks rather than the rowlocks themselves. This one talks about ABS. What do you think? Creality CR-10S Aibecy 3D Printer DIY 300 * 300 * 400mm Print Size Supports PLA/ABS/TPU/Copper/Wood/Carbon Fiber Filament UK Plug https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0779DYFLC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_k7gNAb5P2EWHB
  18. I know at least one of you has a 3D printer so thought I’d ask here first. I’d like to try 3D printing but don’t know where to start regarding hardware and software. I’m reasonably tech savvy, I do a bit of simple programming and kind of make a living from computer based systems. I’d like to run the software on a Mac but could live with Windows. I’d like to make functional rather than decorative stuff (first attempt may be a rowlock bracket) With all that in mind what should I be looking for or avoiding in terms of brands, materials and software? Thanks in advance.
  19. Fair point. Sea Palling too.
  20. When you see the quality of the gear it makes you realise how much effort the fund raisers must put in too. I can’t think of another organisation that is so widely respected.
  21. Don’t know whether to be impressed, jealous or scared. Think I’ll go with all of the above. It’s excellent they train in those conditions isn’t it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. This was in Canada a few years ago. Not a great photo but a bottle of coke left in the car overnight and -18°c My ex boss had worked in northern Canada and claimed -30°c is manageable but you start getting serious issues at -40°c Coldest I saw was -26°c on a snow mobile! That was around Quebec and nobody seemed to think anything of it. Scary stuff. I guess it’s just what you get used to and what local services are geared up for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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