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Everything posted by JohnK

  1. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when the Broads Haven opens. My money is on boaters in the BH and locals in the Falgate. Not sure though.
  2. You only answered one of the two questions [emoji6]
  3. Aren’t we back to does that need to be done here and even if it’s not displayed anywhere does that mean it hasn’t been done? Wouldn’t we assume the BA (and others) would need to be confident it’s safe and if they are shouldn’t we be satisfied (ignoring the “I don’t trust the BA” part [emoji6])?
  4. If the Navigation committee or the NSBA haven’t been consulted and aren’t going to be consulted (there’s still a lot of time between now and July) then I’d agree there’s cause for concern. But there’s a fairly significant “IF” in there. If the intention is to consult one or both of those organisations is there still cause for concern?
  5. I think she said “and others” or similar too Ignoring opinions of the BA for a second (please try [emoji6]) consulting the BA could be considered to be consulting boaters couldn’t it?
  6. Erm through the BA or NSBA? If that wasn’t a serious question then my apologies.
  7. Isn’t that exactly what happened? Just not here. Perhaps Mel’s mistake is not knowing who we are (joke) [emoji6]
  8. You didn’t wave ☹️
  9. Damn right I laughed. I’m having a mare of a day with SQL, VBA and ADODB (be glad if you don’t know what these things are!!!) and needed a laugh, these posts cheered me up no end.
  10. We’ve got loads of spare generation capacity haven’t we? Loads of coal fired stationed are mothballed or hardly running at the moment. Whether you’d want to use coal powered stations is another question. There’s some irony if we need coal produced electricity to run electric cars!
  11. Absolutely ... but is it fair to expect the organisers to demonstrate it here? Or that because they haven’t demonstrated it here they haven’t demonstrated it?
  12. All fair. I think the problem here is you’re including yourself in criticism of the “anti’s” in the same way I’m including myself in criticism of the “other” side. I’m not sure I’ve explained that at all well. So I’ll try an example .... I think the points you make about safety are completely genuine (as are some other people’s). However, some people in my opinion are jumping on the safety bandwagon because they don’t think anyone else should be allowed to use “their” water. Some people have criticised the bandwagon on jumpers and you’ve taken that as criticism of you. I think I’ve done the same thing.
  13. That wasn’t my meaning.
  14. We’d all agree there’s an inherent risk in this swim wouldn’t we? But doesn’t almost everything have an inherent risk? It’s about reducing or managing that risk to acceptable levels isn’t it? Probably making sure participants and other stakeholders aware of the risks too? Following on from Bill’s post ... If you applied the same criteria to boating on the Broads that seem to be applied to the swim here .... would you allow novice skippers? Would you allow alcohol? Would you allow unqualified skippers? Would you allow limited companies to make a profit from hiring boats out? Would you allow boats on tidal waters (non tidal would be safer wouldn’t it?). Would you allow powered and non powered to share the same water? Would you insist on redundant engines in case one fails? How about people boating without road access in case of a medical emergency? Who has approved the boating? Someone on a swimming forum where it was proposed to introduce boats to “their” swimming area might say all of the above mightn’t they? Would they be right?
  15. What percentage do you get blocked? Are the blocked ones later in the evening? [emoji6]
  16. Hopefully there’s a “doesn’t” missing in that sentence [emoji6]
  17. It was a joke hence the winky face. That post took a long time to be approved by the mods.
  18. This thread is for discussing forum behaviour not the swimming event [emoji6]
  19. So if you connect the green / yellow wire to all the connectors in your plug you’ll be using the cleanest electricity with no coal or radioactivity in it? Those smart meters are amazing aren’t they? You wouldn’t think they’d be able to tell one type of electron from another. Is it their colour?
  20. I don’t think it’s about disagreeing or agreeing. I don’t think anyone is saying less people should agree are they? It’s about the manner of disagreeing and whether it becomes personal. Some people seem to struggle with the difference between disagreeing with a persons opinion on a subject and finding a person disagreeable. Others seem to turn to personal criticism when they run out of cogent reasons to disagree. As an example of my point there are very few people here I like more than JM. But I couldn’t agree with him less about what JP is trying to achieve. I will criticise his arguments and his conclusions until the cows come home but I’ll never criticise him personally. I know I’m rambling now so feel free to stop reading [emoji57] I used to have a boss years ago who used to criticise pretty much everything I said and did. Often in meetings. I thought initially he was a d**k head. After a while I realised that after every debate we had I either realised I was wrong or I had an extremely strong argument as to why I was right. We never fell out once.
  21. Couldn’t agree more. That was exactly my view on the swimming thread until I felt the minority were getting badly treated. Now I just feel I’m being told over and over I’m wrong with nobody giving the slightest consideration to the possibility I have a point. Hey ho, I can take it, I get far worse at work most days. The funniest part is I was thinking I was trying to help but I’m seen by most as trying to undermine the forum. So my options going forward are keep quiet or agree with the majority. Sad really in my opinion.
  22. JohnK

    My Day

    Today messing with electrics. (There was a big round thing there but I don’t think they’re used much on the Broads are they?) And watching the wildlife The black sheet is covering my dydling output [emoji57]
  23. Going back to the swimming .... I want to be 100% clear on my opinion. I do wonder about holding the event, I am concerned about the safety. However, I believe that the BA, RNLI and other consulted organisations that have or will sign off the event are much better placed and knowledgeable than me and MOST other people here to judge that.
  24. So to summarise ... Nobody has posted anything wrong. Those of us complaining are just doing it to undermine everyone else. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
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